General Discussion

General DiscussionHas anyone else noticed

Has anyone else noticed in General Discussion
5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

    some ppl seem to get better teammates than others


      in almost 4000 games, no, I didn't


        some people perceive same situation in another way than most others do.
        some people focus on positive moments, others pay more attention to negative points.
        on average, everyone is having equal teammates (for similar skill level), but attitude may vary.

        5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

          I'm not even trying to make a conspiracy post about valve, it's just the error/variance that's inherent in the matchmaking is too high

          Like for instance right now my friend climbed 300 mmr over something like 20-25 games even though he hasn't touched dota in a few months. I'm 99% sure if I don't touch dota in 6 months I'll lose like 800 rating immediately.

          On top of that I've had countless games of having to face "dual offlanes" while I play a solo carry because nobody wants to support, and then they still lose all their lanes somehow because they are trash. If you're going to pick something like jungle enigma at least farm a fucking 8 minute mek instead of going midas and then complaining about your teammates.

          I talked about this to my friend and he said "there's this very bad female player on EU who maintains 5.7k by picking crystal maiden every game." LMAO. I'd bet $1000+ if I did that my rating would tank due to retards every game. So how does someone who's terrible manage to stay that high by picking CM?

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

            No triplesteal, if you didn't buy into the stupid meme about how the matchmaking is great and everyone gets what they deserve, you'd see some discrepancies in skill amongst people at the same MMR

            I remember watching one of my friends play and he ended up facing a 6.3k Juggernaut, who went phase/battlefury/maelstrom. How does someone get to 6.3k not even knowing basic item builds for carries?

            I have LOTS more examples of bad players at high MMR who are complete trash, it's not an isolated phenomenon. I have a feeling some people get carried way more often than others. Explanation? Error/variance due to the randomness of the system

            Look at me, Hector.

              hidden mmr bracket

              dont play dota, its cancer lol


                bf/mael is a very old build for jugg, and it is legit, although rarely seen

                people with same skill can have good or bad games, be ill, be drunk, give their account to someone else for couple of games, etc. etc.

                "on average MM puts u with 9 people with skill equal to yours" - it's not a meme, it's a mathematically obvious fact. you don't even need an intro to probability and statistics course to understand that.

                My mmr is usually shaking in between 5 and 5.5k, currently 5.4. Couple of months ago I played on my friend's 3k account, and I fucked up this game worse than a real 3k player would have done. The deviation of skill is pretty high for most players on any level.

                If you see someone with higher mmr playing worse than you think you would do, it doesn't necesarilly mean that this person is weaker than you are on average. Mmr represents AVERAGE skill level pretty accurate.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  it is because valve hates you


                    seriously though - it is just your attitude. when communication is in written form the way you interpret it is just a reflection on your own personality.

                    if after you die someone says please don't feed, you can either respond "Sorry, and tryhard" or you can go "fuck you"
                    which one do you think would be more conducive to good team mates?

                    i love u butt

                      dude i had teammates that literally throw games, saying stuff like i don't want to win, too bad.
                      And it is those games i remember and tell you.
                      We still won.

                      You can't control others, or fault them for lack of skill.
                      You can however control how you play.

                      Play heroes that can challenge 1v2 situations, you gotta learn it eventually.
                      Magnus, qop, lesh pick your poison

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                              5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                ok 2 things

                                yea i agree with your sentiment, lots of bad players have high mmr (ofc almost everyone with low mmr is a complete shitter)

                                and here's my explanation: us east/west is horribly low skill compared to eu + china. aside from the infamous 5 stacks (like the aui_2k/patsoul stacks) you're pretty much never going to get a high skill game where players on both teams are competent.

                                want to get good? play on eu west or china

                                the way na pubs works is this: the more resources you can garner/hoard for yourself, the easier it is to win. that's why arteezy gets away with naga siren every game while you rarely see that shit work on eu or china. in almost every

                                now onto the main subject point: i just played a bunch of games earlier and in every single one there was 1-2 autistic people who didn't click spells or do anything useful. meanwhile my lane was contested by a very strong dual lane in almost every single instance and nobody on my team did anything to alleviate that (while they still lost their lanes)

                                i don't know if something is up with valve's algorithm but it's pretty fucking absurd and if ur not planning on going pro, wave's advice is best: just don't play.

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                Das Claw

                                  I think this problem stems from another problem with the MMR system...

                                  People artificially boosting their MMR into a higher skill range, by playing over-performing heroes.


                                    Yes, those who play 5 stack usually get better teammates.

                                    Space creator

                                      You are right. It's because of star-rating. Get good rating and you get better teams.

                                      Dr. Martin van Nostrand

                                        I've never reported anyone in this game (ever). I want to believe that's the reason why i am matched with nice people all the time.
                                        I also use the star rating as intended. Don't know why people just skip it or pick the random choice, it's literally 5 seconds of your time.


                                          i have always wondered if commends/star rating/never getting reported actually hurts you. Like does the game look at that, then judge the most "toxic" players 1-10 1 being the worst to 10 being the nicest, then sort like this:

                                          team 1
                                          10(guy with lots of commends, never abandons, high star ratings, never reported)
                                          1 (worst guy out of the 10, constantly muted, low prio etc.)

                                          team 2

                                          What this would me is if you are someone who gets a lot of commends etc., you will always get stuck with the worst player. And a lot of times, if there is someone exceptionally toxic, like a guy who constantly flames, abandons after first blood regularly, is constantly in low priority, he will always get the best player attitude-wise on his team. I wish it sorted like this:



                                          I think doing that would get rid of a lot of the MMR anomalies, as toxic players would gradually lower in MMR without being carried.


                                            "So how does someone who's terrible manage to stay that high by picking CM?"
                                            I'm total trash, but I have 4.5k solo MMR because I only play support role.

                                            "...nobody wants to support..."
                                            Truth is that nobody wants to carry.

                                            plz do

                                              Ur post makes sense! pls valve take that into account. That explains why I have to tilt and flame hard, before i can get any good teammates again xD

                                              5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                in the last 10 games i went mid, the enemy team sent at least 2 people to gank my lane in the first 8 min (approx lane phase duration) in almost every game, while i didn't get a single gank from my team in except 1 of those matches, and that was after i flamed the shit out of them before they came to their senses and clicked their hero mid

                                                not to mention even if i'm playing from behind i still get solo kills on them, without any help

                                                cuz u know, buying a smoke, moving ur hero mid, clicking a stun, and shit is so hard

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                  i'm just going to make a list of acceptable people i want to stack with from now on so having fewer retards makes my day happier/life easier

                                                  Livin' Real Good

                                                    Dota 2, the game where everyone but you is bad. I literally go into every game going " WTF, why am i laning against this try hard Wind ranger/Omni Knight combo, while this dumb fat Ogre Magi is just sitting in my lane soaking up EXP, not harassing, not stacking or pulling, not buying wards, NOT DOING ANYTHING. Then when i tell him, dude just leave the lane, top needs help, let me solo i'm almost 6, he goes " STFU, i know how to play Dota." Little does he know, he couldn't be more wrong.

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                      ^What makes you think that you have any kind of priority to get XP over Ogre Mage? Actually, Ogre Mage needs to get lvl 6 ASAP. Maybe you are the one who must leave the lane to do some jungling and let Ogre take that lvl 6?

                                                      5k, 6k are SUBHUMAN

                                                        just 3 or 5 stack in ranked with good people, if u have to include sub 5k's tell them what to do cuz most of them are braindead and have 0 idea how to play dota

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          lol you need play 1v9
                                                          pick techies and let all 9 suffer :D :D :D