General Discussion

General DiscussionElder titan, what a dope hero

Elder titan, what a dope hero in General Discussion

    So this mofkr, is pretty weak during laning. but man o man midgame/ lategame hes a monster.
    Pair him with any physical damage carry and you'll absolutly stomp.

    I've been playing around with builds, SnY is actually really good on him as the faster you go, the faster your spirit is. which allows for easy stomps. Plus the fact that you'll be running near hasted and punching for over 300. the slow comes in handy too.

    Refresher, Shivas lategame your combo is just unreal. spirit > stomp > ulti > refresh > ulti > stomp > spirit. run and shivas and bash thier 100hp faces if they arent dead already.

    Mortimer Smith

      no, he is shit


        hes so shit, he only sets up kills, minus armour and does decent damage.

        Mortimer Smith

          He gives vision (thats so good)

          The stomp, hard to hit + u cant cancell animation.

          Ulti, hard to hit if u didnt hit the stomp.

          Reduce armor + reduce magc resistance (i never understood how that works on that hero) cuz say reduce x% BASE armor.

          So if you are so good doing the stomps+ultis, hero can be gut, but if u dont (most probably cuz the cast animations are long af) hero is a shit.


            he just needs set up, hes better when void, puck, tree and the like are prominent in the meta because its free set ups for his spells.

            Dire Wolf

              He's only really great with agi heroes on your team vs agi heroes and they aren't in favor this meta.