General Discussion

General DiscussionDo you ever get those days

Do you ever get those days in General Discussion

    Where you just feel like Dota isn't worth it and you'd rather do anything else but play Dota? If not, why do you not feel this way?

    It might impact how you play if you take too much time off, but it's always healthy to take a step back and take some time off IMO.


      yeah i'm getting that feel
      mostly because i suck, and it's pretty possible that dota will die sooner than i'll improve enough (which is the goal i've set up for myself when i started playing)

      but in the end of the day, i don't have anything better to do in my life so i'm still here

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        happens on random days, then suddenly the next game I almsot HAVE to play a match first thing in the morning for my day to start, dunno its weird shit