General Discussion

General DiscussionHonest oponion: Earthshaker OP?

Honest oponion: Earthshaker OP? in General Discussion
Last picking is 4 pussies

    To me and dotabuff and dotamax back this up. This hero is pretty much fool proof as your position 4 hero. He is picked in most pro games.

    At this point I don't see him being banned heavy in it but I'll wager he is one of the top picks.

    Item wise mana boots and blink and you have enough to pretty much drop a team to half hp or lower.

    Am I crazy just feel like this hero is ridiculously strong right now and not discussed often.


      he is strong but nowhere close to being overpowered

      jus chillen

        people fuck up his fissures way too often, its one of those heroes who can make an amazing gank happen or fuck up any gank.

        besides there are these shakers who are afraid to drop echoes, trying to land a 5 man echo or some shit when they can secure a really important kill with that echo.

        he is strong but not really fool proof and not op imo


          Critshaker will always be the strongest shaker


            Mid Shaker Best Shaker.


              He is ridiculously strong & was even stronger in previous patch. You should go soul ring+tranquils instead arcanes in most cases imo.

              L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                Feels like enigma, people hold out on his ult hoping for MLG plays, like black hole. My tier Earhshakers aren't great tho, 30 minute no blink coz "i'm support" but no vision on map as well

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  He's one of the best roamers in the game since fissure is like the longest range stun in the game, so it's hard to see it coming. If you can cockblock the mid with it too it's such an easy kill.

                  The problem I find with him though is his farming ability. Getting that blink dagger on shaker compared to a sand king, enigma or even tide is much harder since fissure has too high manacost to use in farming camps, and a moderately high 15s cd too. This means he really needs successful ganks in order to buy his blinky. If he doesn't it takes too long to get it. I guess you could use totem for farming, but I don't see people maxing that first as a support. Especially now that level 1 totem costs 30 mana less.

                    이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                      Top pick =/= fool proof =/= OP

                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                        Top 5 played hero with 54% win rate.....and its a roamer how not normal is that?

                        lm ao

                          for an ultra mana starved hero who proceeds to farm blink dagger and ends up consuming 75% of his mana pool in the process. sure he's OP


                            He can be stronger than average, yes. And there's a hero like that for every patch. But to go ahead and call him OP...I don't think so.


                              Hot Sauce #solomid - soul ring solves his all mana problems. That's why u go soul ring + tranquils.