In "13 reasons why" the mother of hannah is doing a decent acting job but when hannah killed herself this acting was really bad, i was really disappointed
i mean it was a ruiner team against a ruiner team but i felt like it could work pretty decently, maybe even with other heroes
finally you'll be able to dodge the typical "4 man mid in minute 5" pub strats
nice looks like im gonna get lp my pc just crashed after i acceoted tgr game and my computer cant boot up becuae idk why it just sometines snaps and goes retarded and it takes 20 mins to get it back to normal
and i abandoned last week
god bless america im not in lp because apparently bad connection was detected or smth or mb i didnt get into the game and just got a queue ban tghat expired
that's him
sorry xD
man teen titans a dope show i gotta rewatch it sometime
meepo lastpicks in 4.2 average
how does wr have more hd than me
hey my name is clockwerkula nad i only listen to metal !! im so niche X D
i wish i was as famous as kodak black
In "13 reasons why" the mother of hannah is doing a decent acting job but when hannah killed herself this acting was really bad, i was really disappointed
You should watch it, it could give you ideas 😉
ye i watched the first 2 episdoes and it was soooo boring ResidentSleeper
what if i safelane common midlaners in 4k
you'd get reported back to lp
noone gets low prio these days with absurdly limited amount of reports (while they probably weigh less, too)
safelaning TA works fine
i havent been triggered by a voice that easily in a very logn time
i mean it was a ruiner team against a ruiner team but i felt like it could work pretty decently, maybe even with other heroes
finally you'll be able to dodge the typical "4 man mid in minute 5" pub strats
it's like easy mode midlane
man that show is acoustic i dont think i can keep watching, does it ever get a bit more interesting? or will this keep being romance related boredom
im not posting "x is trash" memes because im a musical elitist im posting them because i know some1 in here will get triggered 4 sure
The Simpsons Hit and Run OST
weren't u the one who was spamming metal shit with the furfab
why do i have depeche mode associated with my country somehow?
no it was meka
i was actually making fun of that by spamming \m|\m|\m|\m|\m|\m|\m|\m|\m|\m|\m|\m|
the simpsons hit and run ost is a masterpiece u moron
its alright tho i wouldnt expect a simpleton like u to understand
speak of the f-word
where is that list from even
is like a galss of cocke
u drink it
and thenu get fat
but its
then u realise
oh shit
this is cocke
i drink coke like it's water and look at me
your lips got fat instead of you
who is this
no idea
webms are often associated with individual general threads and i occassionally browse only dotas
i guess this is from shadowverse gen?
yeah it is
think shes a mainstream actress so thought u ppl would know
> implying we are normies
i mean if u dont watch anime u would watch tv shows right
i agree
i watch nether anime nor tv shows
hey my name is clockwerkula nad i dont watch tv shows or anything !! im so niche and RAnDoM X D
fuck off
nice looks like im gonna get lp my pc just crashed after i acceoted tgr game and my computer cant boot up becuae idk why it just sometines snaps and goes retarded and it takes 20 mins to get it back to normal
and i abandoned last week
hey my name is clockwerkula nad i'm in low priority !! im so niche and RAnDoM X D
god bless america im not in lp because apparently bad connection was detected or smth or mb i didnt get into the game and just got a queue ban tghat expired
Welcome to 4k or why public hangings should be reinstated
Is a title of the most controversial r/dota2 thread in the past 24 hours.
no thoughts