i always look in a mirror and im "damn i dont look that bad actually" and then i see myself on a photo or just look at myself from side and i want to kill myself
Is TB good though? I feel like he is being overvalued because people don't know how to counter him, not because he is actually good. Like, VP picked LC and they banned TB anyway? Dafuq?
i think i found a better way of executing cockroaches
instead of throwing them in a jar and starving them to death i put them on a piece of paper, burn their antennae and limbs off, then burn their lower body while they're wriggling what is left from their limbs in agony and then throw them in the jar where they die a painful death!
its quicker, more fun and the smell if way less intense because they die b4 they shit(im not een sure hey can shit with their ass cooked) and they dont rot as much because a part of their body is burnt off
here am i
im accepting bets on "how many days will it take before i get banned again"
pls don't ban me
please do ban me im fucking sick of this forum anyway
haha nice photoshop u got bamboozled thats a pic from 2007~ XDDD hahah!!! nice try liar
it was obv a lie
i mean we all know you would never go outside of your appartment
nvm make it double
let's play a game
make a starter pack about yourself
i failed
haircut contest?
u stole my hair
idk about that sir
it's the almighty xxxVapeGodxxx
ure pretty hot
how to take a pic of myself in case i have an iphone 4s? just hypothetically
you too
i always look in a mirror and im "damn i dont look that bad actually" and then i see myself on a photo or just look at myself from side and i want to kill myself
girls only want me for my mmr FeelsBadMan
game 5 queue the popcorn mom
send more starter packs
ill make a second version of mine after we finish this faceshit since here im not covered by anonymity as i am on 4chan
Lmao wtf is that weak ass cheek beard Allison
like id ever make one xD
how can i make a starterpack? im not rly good at paint or anything
game 5 PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp PogChamp
i just opened mspaint and copypasted images
Ban TB beat OG
cmon bruh dont give me shit it doesnt grow there![](https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/566c9fc265dbbdab32ec053b/1x)
maybe in a few years i can complete the ragnar dream
whys tb suddenly good i dont get it
tbs been good for a long time
It's ok I can't grow under my chin either so no anele beard for me![](https://cdn.betterttv.net/emote/566c9fc265dbbdab32ec053b/1x)
Is TB good though? I feel like he is being overvalued because people don't know how to counter him, not because he is actually good. Like, VP picked LC and they banned TB anyway? Dafuq?
i think i found a better way of executing cockroaches
instead of throwing them in a jar and starving them to death i put them on a piece of paper, burn their antennae and limbs off, then burn their lower body while they're wriggling what is left from their limbs in agony and then throw them in the jar where they die a painful death!
its quicker, more fun and the smell if way less intense because they die b4 they shit(im not een sure hey can shit with their ass cooked) and they dont rot as much because a part of their body is burnt off
mega WutFace
Cockroaches don't starve anyway.
That's actually a very nice idea. Do that and then eat as it will get roasted and very crispy in the process
mega pogchamp u wanted to say?
i swear if you don't record this and if you don't send me the video i'll be fucking pissed!
also in addition to that while it's lit you have to catch him in a glass/jar so he will burn and won't get any air
my starter pack
OG's draft is utter dogshit and even if they had a early game lead, they would lose anyway