General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

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    chicken spook,,,,

      Penis tastes good


        ywn insulting my invoker skills axax xa xaXAXXA

        doc joferlyn simp

          Team holding spunki down?



            [fuck 5ks]

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              dont u hate when lowest mmr ppl take mid though?


                those are just retards your playing with.



                  yeah i hate when low mmr peeps take my mid, i usually call mid, ask whether they can let me mid if they keep their icon on the lane, and if they insist on playing mid i play carry/roam/sup in that order

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    well dont u find hypocritical that u take mid when ure clearly below the avg here


                      i was forced to play a support and offlane in consecutive 4.2 avg games where i was 4.6 as top mmr
                      almost lost my clockwerk game despite enemy slark just abandoning the game since he left and thought that we can win from that point


                        ywn insulting my invoker skills axax xa xaXAXXA

                        you can always insult his mmr 7k  in  2k17  LUL

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          good think i dont get cucked from my lane because i instapick it


                            no i dont, because im a 3k mmr offlaner, a 4k mmr support player, a 5k mmr carry player, and a 6k mmr (hopefully) mid player PogChamp

                            basically highest chance to win with me in ur team = letting me mid, not because im a sicKK mid player but because im worse on other positions


                              that's not very comforting

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                If you had a team where all the players were you, what would your winrate be? :thinking:


                                  LUL same with me, this patch I think I have the highest chance to win with 1.mid lane then nothing really matters, I'm equally bad on the rest. Maybe with some specific heroes like mag offlane or something like bane I can do some shit.

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    well if some1 tries to lock mid chances are they are terrible at other roles as well

                                    say some1 is 4.5 and is tossed into a 5k avg game(i think that happened to me a few times), but they can play anything but mid/carry for shit
                                    do u end up with a 4.5 mid/carry or a 2k support/offlaner or mb u go 2x mid or babyrage and feed couriers?




                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          If you had a team where all the players were you, what would your winrate be? :thinking:

                                          thats actually a very good question to ask urself and was one of the main things that prompted me to learn support/offlane at least a bit

                                          i fell from 4.7 to 4.3 and cant get up after that but it was worth it... i guess? it kinda baffles me how in from my perspective im 10 times the player i used to be half a year ago but im lower now :thinking:


                                            no matter how bad other players might be in the game I'm in at other roles, we still have the highest chance to win if I play safe/mid, unless it's a really high mmr game, way above 6k, then I would let people play cores and pick my best support hero, even if it doesn't fit the lineup or something, but at least I'm playing my best hero on that role for the highest chance to win :cocky:

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                              lina and jakiro spammer can't climb from 4.3k mmr LUL

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                what a retarded fucking excuse

                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                  actually its not retarded if u percieve this game as a singleplayer game with 9 variables and urself as the protagonist which is a pretty sick perception i want to pick up

                                                  but u post idiotic complains about "muh team" in this thread almost every day so u clearly dont have that perception


                                                    id let anybody mid, as long as they insist on it (except someone whos ultra low below avg, say 5000 in 5500 avg for example)

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      yea ure a good boy spunki


                                                        they're good dogs brent


                                                          but u post idiotic complains about "muh team" in this thread almost every day so u clearly dont have that perception

                                                          hey retard, when I have 4.4k invoker thinking he's the best player in the world, while the rest of his 3 teammates are around 5.3 - 5.5k and he's still stealing mid no matter what while he can't even play that hero decently and then being useless whole fucking game with 25min aghs and absolutelly garbage spell usage that gives cancer or ta who gets fucking deso @ 20mins because he keeps on dying like a fucking retard early game when the game is a free win, I SURE AS FUCK gonna complain. I was literally 10-0 or soem shit @10 mins killed offlaner idk how many times, killed their support, killed their mid BUT THIS FUCKING IMBECILE can't just go woods and farm fucking jungle till he gets deso... Or everyone decides to pick most garbage heroes in the game and enemy gets the worst possible cancer and it feels like I'm the only 1 trying to win NICE FUCKING GAME. I have no clue how's that ta even 4.7k, he lanes and plays like 2k mmr player and pretty much everyone were the same.

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                            wow dude ure so unlucky volvo conspiracy keeping the playa down! 😤😤😤


                                                              I'm a 1k carry player and a 3k support player

                                                              Still better chance to win when I pick carry


                                                                talking with u feels the same as responding on reddit

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  responding on reddit

                                                                  chicken spook,,,,

                                                                    I'm a 1k full package
                                                                    But cookie guide made me a 5k carry now I have mastered the art of psychological warfare and the bliss of muting everyone else on the team, killing 30 creeps in 600 minutes straight and go hit the enemy ancient afterwards


                                                                      poor guy tried to dodge but it didnt work


                                                                        [Allies] Immersion-: привет мужичелы
                                                                        [Allies] Immersion-: сук
                                                                        [Allies] Immersion-: хотел вас задоджить (( (
                                                                        [Allies] Immersion-: дайте хард хотя бы
                                                                        [Allies] hasj og høykultur: ты хочешь мид
                                                                        [Allies] hasj og høykultur: ?
                                                                        [Allies] Immersion-: ну хотел бы
                                                                        [Allies] Immersion-: да
                                                                        [Allies] hasj og høykultur: ой
                                                                        [Allies] hasj og høykultur: го свап
                                                                        [Allies] Immersion-: дай пофармить
                                                                        [Allies] Immersion-: на урсе
                                                                        [Allies] Immersion-: give me farm
                                                                        [Allies] Immersion-: PLSS

                                                                        struggle is real


                                                                          @xf I'm sure that's what ppl do in 1k and 2k mmr anyway, they farm all game afk, altho their farm suck ass and they're useless, doing nothing on the map, so the games last for hours every time, even if it's supposed to end @ 20mins.


                                                                            okay i picked core spunki
                                                                            we won my lane and yet enemy ember is suddenly 18 1 because my team urged to feed



                                                                              OK, so I'm wondering now, how often do u people commend someone? I had like 40 commends something like that, but since I came back to this acc I have 131 now rofl, played a little bit less than a 100 games. I usually do it very rarely, only if I would like to play with someone again. Or when I ask "tip for tip" and then 2 people tip me at the same time, I can only tip one, so the other one gets a commend. I really wish you could see who commended you. I'm curious from which games I received them.

                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                спунки очень хороший игрок и совсем не педераст, так держать!


                                                                                  play with me for ez low avg games

                                                                                  I need int group calibration, willing to play support

                                                                                  *desperation intensifies*

                                                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                    i commend every1 who did good in my opinion and were pleasant to play with, usually 1-2 ppl every match

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      "SWAP COMMEND TY"

                                                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                                        В том же 1569 г. в результате Люблинской унии, объединившей Польшу и Великое княжество Литовское, было создано многонациональное государство - Речь Посполитая. Польских феодалов и феодалов Великого княжества Литовского объединяли не интересы обороны против угрозы иноземного завоевания, а стремление к совместной борьбе против Русского государства, интересы порабощения украинского и белорусского народов, тяготевших к братскому русскому народу. Объединение Литвы и Польши в одно государство произошло в ходе агрессивной Ливонской войны против Русского государства, добивавшегося абсолютно необходимого ему свободного и широкого выхода к Балтийскому морю.

                                                                                        lit KKomrade


                                                                                          ppl seem to be commending more

                                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                            I only commend people who are cooperative and did his job properly
                                                                                            Like the magnus and axe who just basically babysat me with their quick response TPs and on point initiations followed by synergized deathball on my last SF game

                                                                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                              I remember having 20 games and 36 commends on this acc
                                                                                              Now it's still 36


                                                                                                LUL I was like haven't I played with you before? and then checked ur profile, so ur a db poster, I didn't know.

                                                                                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                  Why the fuck am I not studying? Fuck me. At least I have memes FeelsGoodMan


                                                                                                    ur meteor suck