General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    I've noticed that I hadn't been suicidal for over 8 months. up until last page

    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
    Yowai Mo

      So fucking unfunny smh
      Worse than reddit humour

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        worry not, friends, i have more!




            Dear Students,

            we're sorry to tell you, that you didn't win in our raffle for the winter term 2017/2018.

            You'll still stay on our waiting list with the date of your application.

            The waiting times for our dormitories are written on our homepage. (

            Best regards,

            Studentenwerk München
            Studentisches Wohnen


              alright now we got an issue gentlemen

              me, government hooker

                is that for dorm?



                    yes its for dorm, cant study in munich otherwise

                    me, government hooker

                      yikes dorms


                        hows that yikes, i heard some lit shit going on in german dorms (all doors opened, drinking games at ngiht etc)

                        just gotta get lucky that u either get an apartment or ur roommate is not a moron


                          "ur roomate is not a moron"

                          50/50 chance at best

                          me, government hooker

                            yea i heard the same shit here and im pretty sure id contract at least 5 different diseases in the first week there
                            luckily for me the unis a 10 min drive from my home


                              revised version of my email 4Head

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                i spent almost a full year there and havent contracted anything, didnt even bring roaches here
                                and my dorm is way worse than anything u'd get


                                  hows that yikes, i heard some lit shit going on in german dorms (all doors opened, drinking games at ngiht etc)

                                  not rly something u want


                                    thats what u say

                                    i pm'd some ppl that do private dorms and one responded, apparenlty they are some catholic cult or sth IDK what im doing ehre


                                      u cant beat me in beer pong


                                        it's all fun until you want to go and sleep and you cant because some retard group is being heard across 3 floors at 3 am


                                          i lsiten to music while sleepign anyway, it just sounds like a lot of fun tbh


                                            how do you fall asleep to music

                                            Jay the Bird

                                              Are you seriously applying for uni just to party up every night and get drunk
                                              You really on some S H I T


                                                yea you need to change your attitude
                                                actually you'll be looked at as a moron if you come to uni with this and tell it to people

                                                dont be a retard like me who played dota instead f studying


                                                  use wireless in ear headphones + listen to whatever music calms u down

                                                  u can listen to classic music/some film score, if ure hardcore like me u can listen to hiphop on low volume

                                                  actually its quite amazing, i listen to music about 20 of 24h a day


                                                    i can only speak for germany, but we consider university life ez with lots of free time and partying

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      it depends on ur course not the country

                                                      Yowai Mo

                                                        Our german boy can't even write proper german holy moly

                                                        Höflichkeitsform: Sie und Ihnen wird gross geschrieben du "gymnasiast". Das deutsche Gymnasium muss ja kinderleicht sein smh

                                                        Yowai Mo

                                                          Speech lvl 1


                                                            dunno i really cant estimate how much time university takes, since i never had to study for school


                                                              ye thats what happens when u dont write anythign in proper german for a year


                                                                i highly recommend not underestimating it

                                                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                  if ure gonna go cs ull probably not be having a lot of free time afaik its one of the hardest specialities in any uni


                                                                    but what does "not a lot of time" mean? i heard from a friend that hes stuck in uni from 9 to 6, which is ok, because after that he is done for the day

                                                                    idc if i spend 9h a day on uni stuff as long as i have free afterwards, esp in the evenings and/or weekends


                                                                      i dind't mean it please don't ban me

                                                                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                      Yowai Mo

                                                                        I think kitty will pass cs and you will drop out

                                                                        Anyone wanna bet?


                                                                          i will drop out?


                                                                            before i drop olut ill kill myself, and trust me, i value my life

                                                                            getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                                              Any chance this dogshit pinoy can score a scholarship abroad? I'm done with living in this shithole


                                                                                just suck dick


                                                                                  btw kitty studierst du an der ETH?


                                                                                    eth ist eine uni, ich bin in einer fachhochschule

                                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                    getting bj'ed and distracted

                                                                                      Whos dick



                                                                                        fh mit uni vergleichen :facepalm:


                                                                                          how about u just take a loan and move?


                                                                                            deutsche und schweizer hochschulen sind trotzdem auf einem anderen level. so ist das gymnasium


                                                                                              ne, ich denke es gibt überall trash unis und gute/schwere unis

                                                                                              in DE selber sogar ist das gymnasium an einer ecke super ez, und in bayern z.b. extrem schwer, die uni an die ich gehen will ist ca auf einem niveau mit der ETH


                                                                                                so welche leute machen abitur ohne probleme, und gehen dann studieren

                                                                                                Yowai Mo

                                                                                                  In Zürich sind die schwierigsten Schulen du Taugenichts


                                                                                                    for what??