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General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion

    r/dota2 or r/TrUeDoTa2?

    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
    I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

      you are the fucking shit dude, like I can't even explain, I would just like to fucking... idk... like one of those times you know, when you see ur shit and ur like oh my fucking god. I mean I can't even fucking explain how I feel about this. Ok so, the thing is, alright, the thing is that I wrote a lot of shit in the past ok? I wrote a lot of fucking shit ok? but this time, it's no fucking different ok? and it's not like I am fucking crazy ok? I'm not. But the fucking thing is. If you read all that fucking shit I just wrote, you would already fucking know that I wrote nothing and I will never write here anything. Because you know why? you know why I keep doing that? because you're a fucking moron ok? if you're still reading this shit you are a fucking moron ok? what a fucking joke man, like really, what the fuck is wrong with you. I'm fucking done, I go masturbate or some shit, man just fuck you, you're fucking joke man, fuck off.


        Snapchat and whatsapp taking away the will to check dbuff + like every topic has become a stereotype. Even ur ayy lmao comments are streotypical ...

        Alenari haHAA memes
        Florian political haHAA memes
        Gayestrong k00l utube vids
        Ywn "haha gotem" comments + copy pastas
        Etc etc


        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

            and what's worse is u spam arc trashcan dogshit warden and you have a 27% win rate with invoker in 33 games. Instead of learning a fun and a hard hero, you spam some op easy to climb mmr haHAA wee wee I pee pee shit fucking dumb ass hero.

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              hes alive PogChamp

              meteor hammer

                i have 10% higher pa winrate than arc winrate, i guess pa is the real cancer :thinking:

                I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                  lets say that you're super terrible @ arc and very good on pa

                  Jay the Bird

                    uhh im sorry man but who are you again? because it seems to me you're just a random asshole outta nowhere shooting out random insults and bUuurnXD attempts and fucking failing


                      flame me 4 wat sia?

                      I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd


                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                          I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd



                              skim sama?


                                whats the mid hunter list?

                                < blank >

                                  mid hanter list?


                                  chicken spook,,,,



                                      is it gay to take the same food as your friend but he takes extra spicy then you accidentally eat the spicy food while he complains about how his food isn't spicy at all.

                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                        Living is gay because other guys live too.


                                          when i thought people couldnt get any dumber

                                          Haven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but postingHaven't read it but posting


                                            IT’S OVER 9000!

                                            A carry guide by Free Cookies

                                            Art found somewhere on google images
                                            Welcome to part 1 of my carry guide, in this part we’ll be looking over farming patterns and lane control. Part 2 will be about picking your skills and items. Part 3 will work on decisionmaking and planning your game. If you feel like this guide has helped you then you could return the favor by liking my facebook page:
                                            or subscribing to my youtube:

                                            Edit: video’s up:

                                            Just do it :3

                                            Lets start!
                                            Lane control:
                                            Ok so what is lane control/ creep equilibrium? It means exactly what you’d expect; lane control is your ability to keep the lane at a static position that gives your lane the advantage over the enemies. Ok so first how do we control the lane? There’s 2 ways creeps can be controlled in a lane; pulling a camp or killing/aggroing creeps. I’ve talked about pulling in my previous guide about supporting so i’ll let you read that, knowing how to support will improve your carrying ability by a lot because you’ll know what your lane partner is doing. Read it here:
                                            The other method is killing creeps, enemy creeps can be hit whenever you want, meanwhile you can only hit friendly creeps when they’re below 50% HP (very important).
                                            Before we start going into how to control the equilibrium using these 2 methods, we first need to understand when to actually control the creep equilibrium?
                                            Check page 10-12 of the support guide for a better explanation

                                            tldr; There’s something called perfect creep positioning. In this positioning the creepwave is close to the tower but not inside of the tower (this applies for every lane, examples used are from radiant bottom lane). the reason that we want our creeps to be here is following:
                                            The support(s) has a lot of space to punish the offlaner because of the distance between them and the tower

                                            As you can see from this picture the skywraith gets to harass the tidehunter for free without aggroing creeps. Now the tidehunter can’t get lasthits or exp without getting killed.

                                            Safety of farm against harassers

                                            In this picture enemy has a dual offlane, very dangerous against an antimage trying to farm, but if the creeps are here in perfect positioning, now the pugna doesn’t have any direction he could rightclick/harass you from without taking damage from the creeps, you get free lasthits there in a lane that looks unfarmable!

                                            Safety from ganks
                                            Scenario 1:
                                            The creepwave is at the red dot, the yellow arrows show the possible entrances for someone trying to gank your lane, as you can see he can only come from 2 sides and only the left side being a surprise if you don’t have a ward, but still giving you plenty of time to walk back into tower and survive!

                                            Scenario 2:
                                            In this scenario you’re farming close to the enemy tower, as you can see there’s lots of directions someone who wants to kill you can come from and each having lots of hidden pathing so they can catch you by surprise, and in this positioning your creepwave is far away from your tower, so there’s lots of space to kill you before you reach your tower.

                                            Ok this all sounds wonderful, and i can’t wait to get my hands on freefarm every game. So how do i accomplish these things?
                                            The wave that has more creeps and/or more health on creeps will push towards the enemy side.
                                            First method is controlling the creep equilibrium by keeping it in a static position (the perfect position). Now if you look at creepwaves, almost every creepwave during the laning phase will have the same amount of creeps- 3 melee and 1 range creep (exception to waves with catapults/siege ). You can check that out here:
                                            The siege creep will come at 3:00, 6:30 and 10:00. With a total of 63 melee, 21 ranged and 3 catapults equaling a sum total of 87 creeps spawned in the first 10 minutes.
                                            Now back to the creeps, there’s 4 creeps every wave, the 3 melee creeps will be hitting each other and the range creeps will be in the back. If no one were hitting the creeps then the waves will be at almost the same time and the wave won’t push much. the reason i say almost is because attack damage is random even if the number is example 20 damage, if hovered over it’s actually something like 18-22 and every time an unit attacks it picks a random number in between those, so the average will be 20 but the real values are in between 18-22. Same works for any units base damage, hover over a hero’s attack damage and it’ll show the attack damage range.
                                            Ok back back to the creeps, the waves by themselves won’t push much, but if we influence that by something like taking lasthits onto the enemy creeps that means going back to the rule of ‘’the wave that has more creeps and/or more health on creeps will push towards the enemy side’’ meaning for every lasthit that we do, the wave will push towards the enemy side just a little bit. If we take all 3 melee creep lasthits we’ll be ending up with more creeps than the enemy. And this is where the dilemma starts. Their range creep will die first, and since we can’t hit our range creep before it’s less than 50% health that means we’ll be stuck with additional creeps for the next wave and then going back to that rule; we’ll have one extra range creep meaning we have more creeps and it’ll result in pushing towards the enemy side.
                                            So, how do we fix this? Well there’s 2 ways, going back to the statement of friendly creeps can be hit when they’re below 50% hp. Meaning we can actually prevent the push by attacking friendly creeps as soon as they hit less than half hp. Meaning that we’ll have less creeps with less hp and in the end our range creep dies first letting the enemy range creep survive which we can hold there till the next wave, meaning the next wave will join at the same spot as the previous. Now all we have to do is kill the enemy range creep that survived and we can just rinse and repeat- and our lane will never push!
                                            Now this is excluding the existence of enemies who can disrupt your lane. For that we have to be more aware of how their actions affect the wave positioning.
                                            this is a skill that EVERY carry player needs to have MASTERED! I recommend practicing an empty lobby 1V0, with the idea of not missing any lasthits and making sure that the wave doesn’t leave the perfect position for at least 5-6 minutes. And i emphasise that you CAN’T miss a lasthit, you should never ever go for a deny over a lashit. Have fun :3
                                            You can use this spreadsheet to check if you have the right amount of lasthits:
                                            Be aware that a wave spawns every 30 seconds, and it takes it 20-30 secs to get to lane. So if a wave spawns at 4:00, and you have only 33 lasthits by 4:30 that means you missed 4 creeps.
                                            OK so what if i fail controlling the wave? And now the wave will push (example your range creep survived). In this scenario you have 2 possibilities, if possible try to manage to kill your range creep and re-establish your lane control. If it isn’t possible to get the range creep killed by the next wave then start pushing that wave aggressively into the enemy side.WAIT WHY?! Isn't the purpose to have the creeps in your side? Well the thing is: you already fucked up your lane equilibrium, now what you have to do is reestablish it. We do this by killing enemy creeps as fast as possible so that we can force our whole current wave into the enemy’s next wave. Then ask our support to pull, or do it ourselves by pulling the hard camp into our upcoming wave. The previous wave with extra creeps will go under the enemy tower where enemy offlaner has to kill/tank it and our wave is being killed by the neutrals. Meaning the next upcoming wave can be fixed back into the perfect positioning. Be aware, if the upcoming enemy wave is about to go into your tower then we have to tank/juggle it around the perfect positioning so it doesn’t go under tower, if it goes under tower then the wave will push again into the enemy side.
                                            I’ll make a video review of my own games displaying lane control for this.
                                            Ok now that we know how to perfectly control the wave and if fucked up how to fix it.
                                            Now let's look at farming patterns.
                                            First of all, lasthitting! EVERY PLAYER, not just carry players NEED TO HAVE THIS SKILL MASTERED! And should never miss an uncontested lasthit. If you miss free lasthits, go over lasthitting practice!
                                            That spreadsheet will help, go to a lobby 1v0, and set your goal.the challenge should be done for the first 10 minutes, first wave spawns at 00:00 and the last(20th wave) will spawn at 09:30 with a sum total of 82 lasthits by 10th minute. You get to miss 2… have fun!
                                            If you want to spice this up, then add the previous challenge of controlling the wave. This one is a combination of both. 10 minutes 80 lasthits, and if the creepwave goes into either team’s tower then it’s lost.
                                            And there’s a third challenge, lasthitting under tower. This one you’d set up with something killing your creeps behind your tower and you’d be lasthitting creeps under tower. For this one you don’t have to get all the lasthits because it’s not completely possible to get ALL the lasthits. Here’s the lasthitting under tower rules:
                                            Ok back to farming patterns, what are they? What’s their importance? The thing that separates a low mmr carry and a high mmr carry is the high mmr carries ability to have a shit ton of farm on a completely shitty start (example enemy is ganking you non-stop). This is done by 2 things, proper decisionmaking and great farming patterns.
                                            So how do you farm to the max possible?
                                            Well first we have to understand the creep gold bounties, to save you all the calculations i’ve made averages:
                                            Easy camp- 75g
                                            Medium camp- 100g
                                            Hard camp- 125g
                                            Lane creepwave-175g (250 with catapult)
                                            Ancient camp- 225g
                                            T1-T2-T3-T4 towers- 160-200-240-280 to each player (and from 150 to 250g to the player who lasthits)
                                            When denied a tower T1-T2-T3-T4 will give 80-100-120-140 to each player.
                                            And you get 100 passive gold every minute.

                                            So why do we need to understand this? Well to farm at the highest efficiency we need to know 2 things: how fast can we kill the creeps and how much can we farm in a minute

                                            Now since i don’t know a way to reliably calculate on how fast a specific hero with some specific items can kill a camp, i just leave this to the subjective feel of the player, or you could do it like me and just pick your fav hero and test in a lobby on how fast you can clear a creepwave or some camp with some specific items/level.
                                            I did this for a couple of heroes, but in these examples i’ll use antimage.
                                            Another thing is we have to understand what a pattern is and why is it important. A pattern is a repeatable farming path that a player can take. Any player who ever played dota will have some sort of a pattern, example you walk into a lane, clear a wave and then the next one. This is a pattern. Your patter is being in a lane and consistently getting a new wave every 30 seconds. This is the most standard pattern.
                                            Now if we were to calculate it- you’d be getting 2 waves every minute for 175 gold each making it 350 gpm. And an additional 100 from the passive gold. So if you don't ,miss any lasthits you’d be getting 450 gpm. This is what you standardly should have in the laning phase.
                                            Ok this is fine, but i’m already getting this farm, so what’s the point of me knowing it?
                                            Well now that you know how it works, let's try to accelerate it. First of all we create a plan on when our hero can start farming additional stuff not just the creepwave (like i said test this out in a lobby).
                                            So lets go back to my antimage, so how can i get the highest farm speed possible? Let's start with the laning phase, when/how can an antimage start clearing extra not just his lane? Ok so after a couple of minutes, when i get treads, poor man’s shield, quelling blade and a ring of health an antimage can start taking the side camp. So how does this work?
                                            Now that i'm clearing 2 waves 175g each, now i can start clearing an hard camp and an medium camp every minute in addition to those waves. With an hard camp giving 125 and medium 75, i’ll be having an extra 200g to that 450 i was getting before. Giving me now 650 gpm(not in total, but for that farming pattern).
                                            So how does this pattern look like?

                                            As you can see from my poor drawing skills i’d start in the wave(No.1), clear a creepwave as fast as i can(this will result in a push, but i already have enough farm to not care about it) then i’d rush into the side hard camp(No.1) by the time i’d finish the side hard camp, the next wave will come(No.3) i’d clear that and then go to the easy camp(No.4). And go back to lane, by that point i’ll finish the sidecamps and the next wave comes by so the farming pattern will reset and i can do it over again for the next minute.
                                            Ok so this is the fastest farming pattern for having only treads, pms, qb and a ring of health. So what do you do when you get a battlefury? How can we even further increase our farming speed? This is where i teach you how to make your own patterns.
                                            First we have to have a starting point, So lets see all our options:
                                            Red- you
                                            Yellow- hard camp
                                            White dots- creepwaves
                                            Brown- medium
                                            Purple- ancient
                                            Blue- easy

                                            Now we lets see what you could be getting, so lets make a random farming pattern:

                                            Ok so in this farming pattern we’re gonna get 2 creepwaves, a hard camp and a medium camp. Ok so if we do the maths that’s 650gpm, if you notice it’s the same as our standard farming pattern but only longer, an battlefury and his blink ability(maxed) with all its extra farming speed will allow an antimage to take all of this by 1 minute.
                                            This is a very bad farming pattern, why so? Well as you can see those lines are VERY long. And you’ll be spending more time walking rather than hitting creeps. So from here comes the rule: MAKE SURE TO SPEND YOUR TIME HITTING CREEPS MORE THAN WALKING. If you’re walking more than hitting creeps, that means your farming pattern is bad and you’re breaking a basic dota rule: always be active, always be doing SOMETHING.
                                            So lets create a better one:

                                            Ahh this seems way better, in a total of 1 minute you’ll be getting: 2 creepwaves, 1 hard camp, 1 easy camp, 2 medium camps. Totalling 850 gpm. This seems like a very good farming pattern. And since it’s a pattern, we can keep repeating it back and forth getting 850 gpm for that era.
                                            So what if we get more items, well then let’s just upgrade our current farming patterns:

                                            Now this is just an image of a possible farming pattern, now there’s no hero who can clear all of this in one minute, but this takes me to subjective farming patterns. Sometimes your enemies will be somewhere on the map blocking you from farming another part. This is where subjective farming patterns start, aka where you start making your own patterns. We have to make sure we follow the rules:
                                            1. always be doing something- always be moving/hitting creeps
                                            2. Make sure that the farming patterns give as much gold as possible for the time spent,
                                            3. Make sure it’s a continuing line, dont stop. Plan your next 2 destinations before you finish your current one.
                                            4. Keep track of the map
                                            4.5 don’t get killed, know where your enemy is.
                                            5. don’t steal a teammate’s farm (don’t be a duche, sacrifice some of your gpm to skip a camp they’re currently farming) if they’re not farming it currently or walking towards it to farm it, then you’re free to steal it from them (you’re pos 1, you have the highest right to get that camp)
                                            6. Steal enemy’s farm. (by this you’re helping your team by keeping your enemies underfarmed)
                                            7. Push, don’t just statically farm the jungle. Make sure you create space for your team even if you don’t fight with them. Force enemy to teleport and defend a tower then maybe take the side camps so that they can’t get anything more out of that rotation.
                                            8. Keep track of the time
                                            jungle respawns every 1 minute at xx:00 and there’s a wave spawning every 30 seconds at xx:30 and xx:00. Also keep track where the creepwave could be so you could jump into it even before it shows itself(example you’re farming enemy jungle, you could jump in between their t1-t2 and take that creepwave quickly and disappear again)
                                            9. If possible ALWAYS prioritise towers, if you can get a free push without dying for it.
                                            Check my facebook/youtube for a replay analysis of my own farming patterns soon and some other things if i missed them.
                                            My record:
                                            1.2k~ lasthits and 1.3k~ gpm in 51 minutes as antimage. Farmed over 60k+ gold in that match.
                                            *this was a game where i just tested how fast i can farm, don’t take it as a serious game- the build was made for max farming efficiency. I know i could’ve finished waaay sooner with all that farm but i just wanted to know how much i could farm up in 50 minutes*

                                            If you liked this guide or if you have any questions, feel free to hit me up on facebook or youtube.
                                            Edit: i’ll add this here, i forgot about aggro tricks for lane control. I’ll put in here dota d.bowie’s video.
                                            This is the last resort and a carry should restrain himself from fucking over the creep positioning by pulling aggro tricks, because this can result in a push.
                                            This is used in very bad lanes. There’s 2 tricks. First trick is pulling aggro back onto your range creep, second is separating creeps from the creepwave (this is the last last last resort because this WILL push).
                                            First trick is simple, right click enemy hero and walk back to pull aggro back onto your range creep and then you can walk in for lasthits more safely, if he goes in for a harass then your creeps will walk to his range creep and he can’t harass you without taking damage from the creeps.
                                            The other trick is separating creeps from the creepwave, this happens when you pull creep aggro back onto your range creep and then pull them back further pulling the wave aggro more and more towards your side and if timed properly the creeps will separate from the creepwave.
                                            Since there’s no way for me to reliably explain this in text i’ll just add this to the video i’m gonna have about this.
                                            And for last, if you can’t pull creep aggro nor pull neutrals to fix your wave and get some farm- just leave that lane. Either go jungle or go to another lane. Standing in a lane waiting for some creeps to potentially come will never work out for a pos 1 carry. Sure an offlaner can just take exp, but a carry NEEDS farm. So either go jungle or go to another lane depending on what’s available.

                                            Edit: Also another mistake that i found in low mmr carries is that they’d sit in front of the creep in a bad lane and get harassed, don’t do this. Watch the creep’s hp ex you need the creep to be 15% hp to lasthit it. Instead of standing in front of it and waiting, go back where it’s safer and walk in only for the last hit. Example creep is currently at 30% and you’re somewhere back in the safety, you start walking so that when you reach the creep it’s 15% and you can lasthit it and back off safely. If done correctly enemy harassers will only get max 1-2 hits onto you.
                                            All add this in here too; challenge, test your farming pattern abilities:
                                            Challenge 1: Get more than 500 lasthits in the first 35 minutes. Feel free to use any hero.
                                            Challenge 2: Get more than a thousand gpm on any hero (1.2k+ if alchemist)
                                            Challenge 3: Hit 100 lasthits by 12 minutes

                                            Send me the results if you manage to do it, would love to see if you guys could achieve this!


                                              What a great guide! Simple, and extremely informative! Just by doing half of what the guide tells me to do, I already increased from 3750 to 3800! Amazing! Would recommend


                                                LMAO he actually made the challenges easier


                                                  lul why the challenge is more easier ?
                                                  also where morphling challenge
                                                  and why putting dbowie video ? i though cookie says dbowie is retard :thinking:


                                                    wasn't it 100lh by 10 minutes before?



                                                        [Allies] Dzikus(ragequit king): how to be 7k and lose in 4k: 2nd pick ta wp
                                                        [Allies] Marshall Mathers: he goes to the center
                                                        [Allies] Dzikus(ragequit king): i guess this gonna be a funny game guys

                                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                          haha little do they know theyre playing with a 6k player!! xD :bc_fire:
                                                          10 best pranks of 2017 :bc_ok:


                                                            yes see u on utube


                                                              btw u wanna snipe each other?

                                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                i barely play dota right now

                                                                  이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.


                                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                                      we ez game boost ez gg


                                                                        shoudl i make a boobies guide now?? ?

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                        me, government hooker

                                                                          please i said cookie free thread

                                                                          I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                                            you lost 1 game so no


                                                                              not my fault tho


                                                                                Omega more like OMEGALUL


                                                                                  well since youre 5.5k+ you are qualified to make a cookie guide yes


                                                                                    nice progress raiding (trash tier)

                                                                                    me, government hooker


                                                                                      I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd

                                                                                        what game is that?


                                                                                          why dont u server transfer and join a proper guild ol

                                                                                          me, government hooker

                                                                                            we've cleared 6/9 with 50 days left until the release of the next raid tier with only 2 nights/week, we will most definitely clear 8/9, maybe cutting edge too

                                                                                            the 'proper' guilds raid 3-4 times a week i dont think i can do that


                                                                                              I'm sO fUcKInG BaAd
