yeah we started boolean algebra in 9th grade too (very basic tho) and basic linear algebra in 11th grade (but the echelon form and stuff i learned in uni)
i hate analysis because sometimes to solve some problems (convergence of a sequence f.e.) you need to visualise a similar sequence to compare the initial one with and if u havent solved something like that previously u can look at that shit for 3 hours and still not know what to do. usually thats when u have to use comparison, and can be applied to any other shit like limits and integrals
i hate analysis because sometimes to solve some problems (convergence of a sequence f.e.) you need to visualise a similar sequence to compare the initial one with and if u havent solved something like that previously u can look at that shit for 3 hours and still not know what to do. usually thats when u have to use comparison, and can be applied to any other shit like limits and integrals
dont know about ur books but usually the sequences to compare to and the main technques are noted down right in the topic in books i read, with examples too. the tasks themselves are usually pretty technical and straightforward once uve done a couple of similar roblems, the problem i personally have with analysis is that it is vital to have a strong grip on some pretty abstract things to understand most of the theory and its not very easy especially given u dont rly use that stuff when solving problems
e.g. if u dont have a sound understanding of what a limit/integral/dericative is(as-in not just the formula or definition, but like understand it intuitively, just like u understand addition/multiplication/exponentiation/etc without having to remember what it means) its getting pretty tedious to advance further
the fact that to get into the basics of analysis u need to have a similarly strong grasp of basic math doesnt make it easier seeing as most school grads have terrible knowledge of school course(my roommate cant even determine the allowable argument range of a function for example)
ye u are right, personally i have this issue because in highschool (im pretty sure 90% of ppl can relate) i never cared to understand the concepts behind theory and all i did was blindly solve exercises after given examples, take a few months without solving tasks and then i dont even know the theory anymore
as a result, coming into uni, on first lecture we did a little revise of what we did in hs, and the teacher asked what a function was nobody was able to explain it and she said herself that this is happening because students dont really understand what they're doing when they're solving exercises
i absolutely loved analysis (probably a lot of because of our lecturer which was super smart and awesome guy) but unfortunately i was doing other subjects in my desperate attempts in passing and didnt even get to take the spoken exam, was two points away from passing written one
also medieval math wasnt primitive at all and actually had a lot of really interesting ways how to calculate things and im hoping to get on some seminar covering that to get more into it
i still consider triplesteal like the best person on math here or at least whenever i was struggling with something ive never seen like the awful proofs in linear algebra and he just came and said that it's relatively easy
i dont remember how to solve at least a half of the things i remember to be easy.
even tho my job is quite close to maths, its still barely ever useful (i think i applied normal distribution several times, and thats pretty much everything i used on top of basic algebra); and its been 4-5 years since my last course in algebra/analysis.
yeah we started boolean algebra in 9th grade too (very basic tho) and basic linear algebra in 11th grade (but the echelon form and stuff i learned in uni)
@alison it is german and one of them is saying "austria" in the beginning
1528 pages of shitpost later, its still alive. Well done triplesteal
gonna have a math analysis exam this semester and i dont kbow SHIT monkaS
math in 1017 SoBayed
math in 1017 was indeed SoBayed it wasnt that bad though
this new sf set just looks like they put him in a lifevest
some ugly bitch streaming my godlike dps
no but i should hit up a psychologist
just unmute ur mic :PPPPPPP
analysis seems hard tbh but dunno. It seems doable at the same time
analysis 1 got 60+% fail rates at german unis, at my uni its sth around 80% from what ive heard ))))))
i hate analysis because sometimes to solve some problems (convergence of a sequence f.e.) you need to visualise a similar sequence to compare the initial one with and if u havent solved something like that previously u can look at that shit for 3 hours and still not know what to do. usually thats when u have to use comparison, and can be applied to any other shit like limits and integrals
it's weird for sure, but I think it klicked with me
am i the only one doign this?
lmao my german friend of african decent (ironicall, it's okay because I'm black) I write with my self
that's not even a random text I wrote, it's just a dialog between me and myself
dont know about ur books but usually the sequences to compare to and the main technques are noted down right in the topic in books i read, with examples too. the tasks themselves are usually pretty technical and straightforward once uve done a couple of similar roblems, the problem i personally have with analysis is that it is vital to have a strong grip on some pretty abstract things to understand most of the theory and its not very easy especially given u dont rly use that stuff when solving problems
e.g. if u dont have a sound understanding of what a limit/integral/dericative is(as-in not just the formula or definition, but like understand it intuitively, just like u understand addition/multiplication/exponentiation/etc without having to remember what it means) its getting pretty tedious to advance further
the fact that to get into the basics of analysis u need to have a similarly strong grasp of basic math doesnt make it easier seeing as most school grads have terrible knowledge of school course(my roommate cant even determine the allowable argument range of a function for example)
ye u are right, personally i have this issue because in highschool (im pretty sure 90% of ppl can relate) i never cared to understand the concepts behind theory and all i did was blindly solve exercises after given examples, take a few months without solving tasks and then i dont even know the theory anymore
as a result, coming into uni, on first lecture we did a little revise of what we did in hs, and the teacher asked what a function was nobody was able to explain it and she said herself that this is happening because students dont really understand what they're doing when they're solving exercises
i absolutely loved analysis (probably a lot of because of our lecturer which was super smart and awesome guy) but unfortunately i was doing other subjects in my desperate attempts in passing and didnt even get to take the spoken exam, was two points away from passing written one
also medieval math wasnt primitive at all and actually had a lot of really interesting ways how to calculate things and im hoping to get on some seminar covering that to get more into it
from now on this math master race thread. only people with A in math can say anything
yea remember when i was helping you with basic derivations?
i still consider triplesteal like the best person on math here or at least whenever i was struggling with something ive never seen like the awful proofs in linear algebra and he just came and said that it's relatively easy
i considered writing a 'diss' for cooki e should i do it
hmm theres loud music and girls screaming outside should i go or not
yeah do it
did you find some friends on uni?
cringefest alert
i dont remember how to solve at least a half of the things i remember to be easy.
even tho my job is quite close to maths, its still barely ever useful (i think i applied normal distribution several times, and thats pretty much everything i used on top of basic algebra); and its been 4-5 years since my last course in algebra/analysis.
i was 1 day at uni so far, and there were literally 5 autists in my math group
one of them solved like 10 exercises in 20 minutes, the other one got some english philosophy blog and is vegan, another ones very cringe
no i didnt and if it keeps going like this i wont find friends)
do u have some sort of an inside welcome party?
who needs friends anyway. just find girls if you want company.
with lots of weird games similar to teambuilding ones in most cases, tons of alcohol, etc.
im studying computer science
people go to pubs and analyze the excellent taste of german beer, they dont get drunk
from what ive read some ppl went to pubs yesterday, drank 2 beers and left xddadsjkbjkdkjbsadjkb
on this years welcome party 2 guys got so smashed they went into a coma and got hospitalised, and one girl got fucked by 8 guys
were you one of the eight guys though
nah, in talking about a welcomig event for all the ppl on ur department, taking a whole day or two
what nerds lmao
i wasnt at the party and im not deranged enoight to do this even if i was
lul alenari where do u study
the only notorius event on our welcome party was when a drunk guy walked into a transparent glass door, it was quite bloody.
sounds like a normal day in my friends' life