General Discussion

General DiscussionAyy lmao

Ayy lmao in General Discussion
one syllable anglo-saxon

    i think i might have cracked the case with the mysterious powerdowns of my pc
    the reason seems to be more prosaic than the faulty psu or shitty motherboard - its just my roommate who recently moved to a different bed keeps tripping the plug. it started around the time he switched beds and it always seems to power down when he gets in or out of the bed

    really hope this is actually the case and rearranging the plugs solves it because if it won't then things are looking pretty bad for the good old pc

    one syllable anglo-saxon

      ok im 99.9% positive this is the case now, i plugged our refrigerator into the outlet my pc was in and it turns on/off every few seconds


        u sleep in the same room as another guy? thats pretty gay my dude =)

        one syllable anglo-saxon

          not as gay as having alohadance as your steam pic though



              one syllable anglo-saxon

                wrong tweet


                  i didnt play any of those games so i hav eno idea What that means lOl )

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    i doubt he does either




                        Problem 1.3.1: Andrea says: “a game of billiards is deterministic: a player’s action is determined by
                        the state of the table and where the ball is.”

                        Bernhard says: “A game of billiards is stochastic, as one player doesn’t know what the other player will

                        Catherine says: “A game of billiards is stochastic because it is impossible to know exactly where the ball
                        is and what the shape of the ball and the table are. When the player hits the ball, it might go somewhere
                        else than intended.”

                        Who do you agree with?

                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                          rly makes u think


                            female IQ BrokeBack


                              Problem 1.1.1: Which actions does a rational agent select?


                                Consider the lowly dung beetle. After digging its nest and
                                laying its eggs, it fetches a ball of dung from a nearby heap to plug the entrance. If the ball of
                                dung is removed from its grasp en route, the beetle continues its task and pantomimes plugging
                                the nest with the nonexistent dung ball, never noticing that it is missing.

                                what a retard animal


                                  maybe it doesnt have any senses dont assume retardism man NOT COOL


                                    The female sphex will dig a burrow, go out and sting a caterpillar and drag it to the burrow, enter the burrow again to check all is well, drag the caterpillar inside, and lay its eggs. The caterpillar serves as a food source when the eggs hatch. So far so good, but if an entomologist moves the caterpillar a few inches away while the sphex is doing the check, it will revert to the “drag” step of its plan and will continue the plan without modification, even after dozens of caterpillar-moving interventions. The sphex is unable to learn that its innate plan is failing, and thus will not change it.





                                          u say beetles are retards but iirc they are pretty beneficial for humans


                                            thats just mean u know


                                              i think the retard is the guy surprised that bugs cant think

                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                i think the retard is the guy surprised that bugs cant think

                                                kinda, bugs can do something we could call "thinking" but it's very simplistic (on the level of a simple binary decision tree), the main issue is - they are incapable of LEARNING

                                                the only way bugs (as a particular species) can "learn" is if evolutionary bottleneck forces them to, otherwise they (as a species) just don't change their behaviors

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                  evolution programmed this idiot beetle to assume nobody can yoink his ball of dung thats where hes wrong

                                                  imagine being affected by evolution


                                                    imagine just knowing everything bet mayushii desu can imagine that

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      imagine not handling exceptions in ur beetle code haha god sure was a shitty programmer 😂😂😂😂😂😂 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓




                                                          61 y.o.


                                                              DUDE NOT AGAIN


                                                                fuck dibond

                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                  ScarJo is necessary so we can forget jordanpeterson


                                                                    FUCK him too

                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                      ehh don't he's gross


                                                                        I mean, "fuck off" him too, not smash him man the fuck

                                                                        he meant to say "pause" KEK.

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          pu5se and bobs


                                                                            i meant this piece of shit

                                                                            my sword handle made out of this broke 13 hours before leaving for the con and it took some hellish workaround to make a handle again


                                                                              arin do you work at cons or you just addicted fuck

                                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                                get a real sword you pleb

                                                                                I actually wanted to buy a real sword once, but ended up buying a new bass guitar, really wanted to try the 5 string


                                                                                  get a real sword you pleb

                                                                                  planning to do so, although not for cosplay but for historical fencing
                                                                                  pricing for the real thing starts around 100€, higher quality swords can cost even double of that amount


                                                                                    wat happened with china lmao


                                                                                      team aster is burning stack, isn't it?

                                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                        no, burning is their coach and i believe manager, he doesnt play though. sylar is their carry.

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          pricing for the real thing starts around 100€, higher quality swords can cost even double of that amount

                                                                                          The one I was planning to get was about 350e and was pretty nice. Shipping was hefty tho. In the end I decided to treat myself to a new ibanez bass tho.


                                                                                            just cosplay a blacksmith and make ur own sword


                                                                                              The one I was planning to get was about 350e and was pretty nice. Shipping was hefty tho. In the end I decided to treat myself to a new ibanez bass tho.

                                                                                              i imagine the prices in more developed countries can be inflated
                                                                                              but i recommend asking someone irl rather than ordering over the internet, there's decent amount of historical events across europe and most of them have marketplaces where may or may not be (more often there are) actual blacksmiths who sell stuff on spot or you can get contacts and order it directly
                                                                                              having a friend who does historical fencing is very helpful because they pretty much need to know someone like that (or know someone who knows)

                                                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다