oh wow this guy is in a mood to play some gay pos5 permashield abaddon which happens like once a year let's give him retard cores who trhow a won game and lose 5v4 and feed under shields and coils
I wanted to do LASIK, I just never found the time to speak to an eye-specialist about it. I think your eyes should have stopped with development before you can do LASIK
how old are you then? im 24 so i think its ok already, i tried wearing contacts sporadically during secondary sch/university, my eyes get so fucking dry its insane
Feelsbadman downside of wearing contacts but u can always wear specs or do the LASIK shit. Thank God I don't have any complication with my eyesight YET.
So und etz fick ich dich richtig!!! Ich hab niemandem was getan und du beleidigst mich!!! HAS T HALT LEIDER SELBST NICHTS VORTUWEIßEN AUSSER NE FETTE WAMPE!!! HAB DICH IMMER REPEKTIERT OHNE KOMPROMISSE ODER!!! GIB MIR NUR EINEN GRUND!!! ABER DU PISST MIR OHNE GRUND ANS BEIN. Wie der kleine Bademeister mit gerade mal 2 kilo muskeln aber immer hulk spielen, war doch klar das es klattscht nur ne frage der Zeit. SELBER SCHULD!!! IHR WOLLT SHACKE HANDS DOCH JETZT MÜSST IHR MIT DEN KONSEQUUENZEN LEBEN. FICKT EUCH JETZT HABT IHR DAS TIER IN MIR ENTFACHT UND ICH BIN NICHT ALLEINE. SCHON MAL BULLRIDING GEMACHT? ICH HAB STIEREIER!!! Und etz pass mal uff 70kilo Rasendes Tesrosteron eiergesteuertes, 10% Korperfett und ein einziger muskel der sich nicht mehr von euch PRIVOZIERENDES PAKT STRESSEN LÄSST. FICK EUCH KOMMT DOCH ICH HAB SCHICHT VON 10 SO LANG WIE ICH WILL ALSO 21UHR KOMMT DOCH!!!!!
oh wow this guy is in a mood to play some gay pos5 permashield abaddon which happens like once a year let's give him retard cores who trhow a won game and lose 5v4 and feed under shields and coils
Anyone done lasik /planning to do?
Isn't LASIK some eye surgery shit. To treat short of long sighted eye problems? I remember hearing it once during my bio class
Edit: if so then no , i don't even wear specs or contacts
i cant see shit beyond 6-7 meters still not going to get my eyes checked
thgu life
another blessing received https://www.twitch.tv/arteezy
im thinking of laser surgery but it's too expensive for me atm and i didn't look for any information about it
Oh yes my boi artour is back at it again with the best playlist in the whole world.
I wanted to do LASIK, I just never found the time to speak to an eye-specialist about it. I think your eyes should have stopped with development before you can do LASIK
A friend of mine did it and he said it's the investment he ever did.
gonna insert a "best" around there somewhere?
no it's the only investment he ever did. no comments about the quality
how old are you then? im 24 so i think its ok already, i tried wearing contacts sporadically during secondary sch/university, my eyes get so fucking dry its insane
well thanks for clearing that up i was about to get triggered
Don't you guys apply some kind of eye drop to keep your eye moist when wearing contacts? My friend does it like every few hours.
i did when it got really irritating/dry, but still felt super uncomfortable for me
Feelsbadman downside of wearing contacts but u can always wear specs or do the LASIK shit. Thank God I don't have any complication with my eyesight YET.
im wearing specs, but i really dont like it. like, i remembered when i started wearing contacts no one recognised me lol.
here come dat boi oh shit waddup
I've been wearing contacts for a few years now, no complications yet. Friend just turned 18 when he did it last year
aFeect playing lethal league POGCHAMP
> Guten Tag!
So und etz fick ich dich richtig!!! Ich hab niemandem was getan und du beleidigst mich!!! HAS T HALT LEIDER SELBST NICHTS VORTUWEIßEN AUSSER NE FETTE WAMPE!!! HAB DICH IMMER REPEKTIERT OHNE KOMPROMISSE ODER!!! GIB MIR NUR EINEN GRUND!!! ABER DU PISST MIR OHNE GRUND ANS BEIN. Wie der kleine Bademeister mit gerade mal 2 kilo muskeln aber immer hulk spielen, war doch klar das es klattscht nur ne frage der Zeit. SELBER SCHULD!!! IHR WOLLT SHACKE HANDS DOCH JETZT MÜSST IHR MIT DEN KONSEQUUENZEN LEBEN. FICKT EUCH JETZT HABT IHR DAS TIER IN MIR ENTFACHT UND ICH BIN NICHT ALLEINE. SCHON MAL BULLRIDING GEMACHT? ICH HAB STIEREIER!!! Und etz pass mal uff 70kilo Rasendes Tesrosteron eiergesteuertes, 10% Korperfett und ein einziger muskel der sich nicht mehr von euch PRIVOZIERENDES PAKT STRESSEN LÄSST. FICK EUCH KOMMT DOCH ICH HAB SCHICHT VON 10 SO LANG WIE ICH WILL ALSO 21UHR KOMMT DOCH!!!!!
Shit dos catos made me laugh so fucking hard with his Investment stuff. Holy crap.
babaev stacking with a female
this is the first step of becoming an irrelevant washed up has been like singsing
^ u play with Tripple steal i always thought shes a sexy russian grill? Why else would someone play with russian?
i like being surrounded by other monkeys when playing dota that way i feel like im not a monkey myself
i tuned in and hes just playing pl in solo q where is grill?!
its party queue
4,8k avg cm is the girl obviously, shes a mod in his chat
This Katana made me horny af
Aimstrong ich habe mir eine Jogginghose gekauft
Kontrolle über leben = verloren
Gut oder asi?
Kann ich nicht sagen, eure Bilder vom Produkt ist einfach schlecht
Guck wenn ich was suche siehts so aus
do i max q or w on support abaddon
k nvm i figured it out
Jo normalerweise kaufe ich auch bei zalando, aber meine Mutter hat so ne komische Shopping Karte für 30% Rabatt auf alles, Hose war quasi geschenkt
New page for dank video
I hope u aw players get caner irl and suffer slowly and very painfully till u die. thanks.
So aimstonk gets turn on by long things. Seemsgood
Ye, that's why I'll never be turned on by you
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