If you can get 5 players I will get 5 players and show you why this is a waste of your time.
Have realistic expectations, no one will take you seriously unless you're a player who's able to take a pro team. The most you can hope for is for some low tier tournaments and even then chances of you winning are slim to none.
I had to tell the to another friend who wanted to make a team and go pro but was only about 3.5K, you won't get anywhere and you will do nothing but lose....unless by playing you mean playing cm as a 2-3k 5 man stack.
Just trying to help you manage your own expectations as you seem to have visions of grandeur and don't really want you to be disappointed.
I wouldn't consider making a team unless i was 5/6K MMR, but that's just me. (so fuck off)
But you're not even 3K man, not trying to be mean, but you're barely in normal skill... I know it's your second account probably... but still... a team?
good luck in life, and Dota 2 then...
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Currently looking for an interested managar and handler for our team in melbourne Australia.
Currently we are 3 players still looking for 2 to join in mini tourneys for starters and make a name and represent Australia.
Please do help us thank you