General Discussion

General DiscussionIf you could make a new item what would it be?

If you could make a new item what would it be? in General Discussion

    Curious, make a new item lol.

    Mine would be a 400 gold consumable that gave 1.5 secs of bkb, I think that would be neat for early game

    Bad Intentions

      That hon item that gives fast ms

      Livin' Real Good

        Ethereal Dagger that fuses with Ghost Scepter to become Ethereal Blade.
        Not sure what the dagger would do though, just hate building eagle song to get an EBlade :)

        Maybe make it fires the same projectile, but has shorter range than the ethereal blade's projectile, and does less base + attribute damage than a full Ethereal blade, and gives maybe 10 Agility. To build it, you need 1 blade of Alacrity (hence the 10 agility) and a recipe.

        Put the Ethereal dagger + Ghost Scepter together= Ethereal blade

        I dunno. XD

        I did draw a new hero though, i think he looks good, i can't think of a name, but he's definitely the " black king. "

        His rival is Wraith King.

        One of his abilities is called " Avatar. " Yep you guessed it, the black king bar was created using his power, black king aura.

        BKB is not needed on him cause it's already one of his abilities, not even his ultimate, similar to Life Stealer. But instead of just glowing yellow like normal BKB users, he glows yellow, with a red outlining over the yellow aura. :D

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        Livin' Real Good

          @fuzzy, that would make snipers ult useless, i'd buy one for a cheap 400 gold, and never have to worry about getting assassinated again by him, just saying.


            but that's the thing, at 400 gold it's a skill item kind of like mango, if you suck with it it's a waste. I don't know maybe make it 600 gold and last for 1.25 secs


              Some form of harkons blade in dota

              Welt aus Eis

                There are some interesting mechanics from LoL that could be used in Dota

                For example, spellblade - after casting a spell, your next attack has some bonus to it - useful for heros that spam stuff
                Also Zhonya's - turn your hero into an invulnerable stone form for a couple of seconds (unable to do anything but doesnt take any damage or debuff, cant be targeted)

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                  Miku Plays

                    Enders Pearl

                    500 Gold consumable blink with a maximum distance of 700m

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Just an easy to build, full on tankiness item. Probably something like Platemail + Vit Booster + Ogre Axe and a 700 gold recipe. Gives 350 HP, 15 armor and 15 STR.


                        my item would be just a 1000 gold recipe which when you buy it makes all the retarded names like eaglesong go away and puts old names back.


                          ^this item should be free #windranger,necrophos..


                            Reverse Staff
                            Ogre club+Sage mask+Recipe

                            Same as force staff but sends people backwards lmao

                            They try to run away -> BAM REVERSE STAFF


                              What if you wanna use REVERSE STAFF to run away?
                              You have to face your enemies to push yourself back, then turn and continue running

                              #Unexpected #DidNotSeeItComing #Efficiency

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                                REVERSE STAFF seems exactly the kind of item Icefrog would implement along with ARC WARDEN and PITLORD and a bunch of other broken shit like Glimmer Cape next patch

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                                puni puni butt UWU

                                  @sano Euls is pretty much zhonyas

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                                  Welt aus Eis

                                    Yeah you're right, much superior to zhonya's as you can use offensively but when selfcasting its basically the same thing

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I think we need more options for boosting non primary stats and armor. Your options if you are a strength hero and need a bigger mana pool are extremely limited, you can go aghs if it applies to your hero, or drums, or shivas/scythe/octarine, but those are crap for right clickers. Skadi is like the only decent option and it costs a ton. Ult orbs are too expensive to be efficient casual items and you'll run out of space. Same thing with armor options for agi heroes, if you don't want AC or medallion then wtf do you get for armor? Medallion is only really useful offensively too. And for hp? It's skadi or s&y/manta or bkb. Heart is crap on many heroes. Int heroes don't have quite as much of an issue since there are some nice hp/armor + int items like shivas, aghs works on almost all ints, scythe, bloodstone, octarine, rod of atos.

                                      So what I think would be sweet is let you combine bracer + plate mail = new item called Superior Orb. Gives 8 all stats + 10 armor for 1925. Then that can be combined with a 300g recipie and any boots to make superior X boots which would give those stats to your boots. It might be a tad op, armor's pretty valuable, you could maybe pare it down to bracer + chain mail + recipie to make it cost like 1750g and only give +5 or 6 armor.


                                        An Item that you toggle; when active you cant attack enemies but instead can attack allies which heals them for 75% of your attack damage.


                                          Some kind of heart of Tarrasque, but not useless.
                                          oh wait we alrdy have Eye of Skadi

                                          then it would be interesting to see some item that has active ability to decrease target enemy hero's vision area


                                            ^^ Sooo...turning yourself into TF2 Medic?

                                            I don't know which stats or what items to build it from, but I'd like an item that temporaly breaks other heroes items (a random one each time you use it and it cannot target the empty slot or any with consummable items).

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                                              Zhonya's - turn your hero into an invulnerable stone form for a couple of seconds (unable to do anything but doesnt take any damage or debuff, cant be targeted)
                                              This already exists as the Eul's Scepter of Divinity.


                                                ^this already exists in earth spirit aghanims kek

                                                the realm's delight

                                                  Ranked Tryhard Scepter - instantly gives cancer to leshrac/bloodseeker/barathrum/tusk pickers



                                                    Das Claw

                                                      Cheese + Unmuted Divine Rapier + 1500g recipe = Divine Cheese
                                                      Instantly restores 2500 health to any friendly building or unit (Including your ancient) and grants 25 armor for 30 seconds to both target and user.
                                                      The Divine Rapier is once again muted to the user of the Divine Cheese.

                                                      3 Iron Branches + 600g recipe = Torch of Steve
                                                      Each subsequent iron branch purchased adds 1 stack to the torch. Each stack adds 1 all stats. Max stacks 100.
                                                      Adds 100 night vision range.

                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        That means for 5000g you could have +100 to all stats (1900 hp total). Vs a skadi which is 25 all stats (725 hp total) for more money. That'd be ridiculous. Although I am for more cheap stat building items. Once you get past the bracer/wraith bands you're left with overspending cus of auras like drums or components like ult orb or finishing really expensive items like skadi. It would be pretty sick if you could simply combine bracers by buying a 200g recipie or something. What if you went boots, and then bought 6 bracers and 600g in recipies and still have 2 slots open? For 3750g you now have 36 str, 18 agi, 18 int, 18 dmg. That's pretty darn good for stat based heroes, sven anyone?

                                                        Das Claw

                                                          Fine then, make it a branch + 500g recipe to give it one more stat. I was just pulling numbers out of my ass anyhow, lol.

                                                          clinton bodycount

                                                            I was thinking about some sort of makeshift tower that can be placed where your original tower was. Say your tier 3 is destroyed, you could buy a temporary tower for 2000 gold that lasts until it is destroyed and deals roughly the same damage as the original tower. It could be made available once every 10 minutes. It's just a rough idea but I think it'd be a nice thing to implement

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                                                            Krazy Kat

                                                              Tango + Mango = Django

                                                              Consume to restore 200 health and 200 mana, and turn into a black cowboy with one headshot for 5 seconds.

                                                              We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!