General Discussion

General Discussionhelp me

help me in General Discussion
playinginursockdrawer mm soc

    I just recently downloaded Windows 10, when I realized that it didn't install Settings (and all related programs), which is required to personalize everything. So I tried to uninstall Windows 10 but the only way to fucking uninstall is through Settings....

    Look at me, Hector.

      why the fuck would anyone install windows 10


        should be able to do it still

        Bad Intentions

          Nice, how does win 10 looks like?

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              Staying with windows 7 feels so much better now kap pa


                i have windows 8, looks like my phone


                  I have windows 8 on my laptop, too much for my brain :/

                  Would say 7>8 10/10

                  saving private RTZ

                    I had windows 8.1, but my hard broked so i had to change it. The guy installed win 7 on it, and i already installed all my app and shit, too lazy to get 8.1 down again.

                    Also, Win 8>7 every time


                      I got windows 10 (from windows 7) and I am really enjoying it and have had no probs..

                      Dire Wolf

                        It's free for a whole year, wait at least 3 months til they push some patches.

                        We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!