General Discussion

General Discussionthe fucking "prevent matchmaking for X minutes" feature

the fucking "prevent matchmaking for X minutes" feature in General Discussion

    The cumulative stacking of time for people who consecutively decline is well deserved. The 30 mins one if you fail to ready up twice in a row.

    What I don't like is the increase of the base waiting time. I know I know there are gonna be some smartasses saying something like "then you should always be ready" No.

    I don't know how they decided it would be a good idea but over the course of hundreds of games there are bound to be times where you didn't get to ready in time by pure bad luck. And the stacks don't seem to decrease overtime because I've been getting 10 mins since forever even after countless games of readying up on time.

    just a rant over a dumb inefficient feature of dota

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      Doesn't it ever reset though?


        i think 10 is the lowest now, i always get 10 when i don't accept, my friends too


          If it resets, it's probably based off some insane requirement.

          Because, I've never experienced back the base 2 min ban for years already.

          @sunrise, I have a casual friend who has <300 games, I saw a 2 min timer for her before in the past month.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
          Totentanz to The King: M ...

            I had a day ban though, and it has already reset now. I think you just have to play a good amount of games.


              I got 8min ban, then 30. Day after I got 8min ban again.

              Let's be real here, this is a problem caused by yourself. If you can't fuckin accept then don't queue.


                That's why I just said it's a rant you fcking mongol0id.

                And I already said I didn't have a problem with the double decline into 30min delay. Or can you not read? My post was about the base time increasing and never decreasing is according to the terms of logic not very logical because probability over a long sample would mean most people eventually will miss a ready queue every now and then due to whatever reasons.

                Like the net blowing up or need to shit urgently.

                The required amount of abandons > lpq gets reset so all I'm wondering is why not this.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  i only get 30 seconds or 3 minutes and i feel like dying every time...
                  i dont like it though, i search because im ready, rather get an abandon if im not moving after 5 min. Losing mmr is enough punishment if you come back at min 4 of the game and lose the game because of that but volvo too retarded, same reason they keep this LP shit up

                  lm ao

                    I pay for the hours I play DoTA (stupid PC is broken kappa shit Intel stuff). So having 30 minutes queue penalty time really hurts. I used to enjoy 30 minutes browsing dank memes in 9Gag. Now I don't. I dont know how cynic I will get for playing this stupid game over and over again.

                    L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                      I get 4-5 minutes generally