General Discussion

General DiscussionIs possible getting/making a team without high MMR?

Is possible getting/making a team without high MMR? in General Discussion

    Hi all guys.

    My problem is that, that i would like to have a serious team, i tried it a lot of times, but i couldnt do it, because a lot of things:
    My team had never time to play
    Players had problems with each other
    The team doesnt played together
    Or just skill problems

    I searched on forums, between my friends, but i feel its pretty impossible. My solo MMR is 3.3k, i dont want professional players, just some average peoples who are a bit creative, is that too much? Can you guys give me any suggestion how to find a team where i can do my best?

    P.S. Sorry for my bad English

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    the realm's delight

      ofc its possible. that doesnt mean its gonna have any success tho


        Have you tried FaceIt? Solo queue on there and you should find tryhards who feel similarly.


          Yes, i tried faceit, but most of the times my team doesnt even load to the games. And a team with 5 random guys dont have much chance against a TEAM.


            the point being that you can find other like-minded people on facet who you can befriend and form a team with. you've got more chacne there than in solo queue RMM!


              there is dota community forums like dotacinema joindota/reddit

              u can find people there and try to arrange teams

              ive had some succes finding decently skilled people there but problem is non of them are willing to commit practicing 10 hours a day 7 day a week so i gave up


                +^ like one is expecting too much


                  i dont think 70 hours a week is too much

                  thats pretty normal for anyone who is commited to achieve something

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    It means you don't have job/school though or you sleep for 4 hours or something.


                      i doubt many dota players who want to go pro works anyway not sure about the school

                      and probably saying 10 hours a day was abit of overexageration

                      european scrim hours mostly start 4/6 pm to like midnigh/2am so abit less i gues

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      saving private RTZ

                        Yea but whats the chance that any of these formed teams actually achieve something?

                        And probably some people realize that, even if its not true, they wont practice 10 hours when they have school/work and i doubt they will abandon work/school. yea maybe they would do it, but what would the family say?


                          ^you form a skilled team not to necessarily achieve something, but also for experience and exposure.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            i have collajeje from 8 to 2 pm, homework takes max 2 hours if you're not brain damaged and i still got 8-9 hours to play dota.
                            ofc not every day but 8-9 hours 4-5 days a week is enough.


                              but i know some people who literally live in dota, 300+ hours in 2 weeks.
                              if you want something u gotta commit man


                                people who say they don't have enough time to play & work have trouble organizing.
                                pretty sure havoc plays more than me + has a good full time job+ has a life keepo

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                                  u dont play 10 hours a day 7 days a week for eternity

                                  u just spam the games with a team to build up synergy/teamwork to get on to the same page and then play officials with only rare scrims if everyone up for that that

                                  but yeah again if u want to achieve something u have to commit alot of time for it

                                  u guys think professional basketball players wasn't throwing into basket many hours a day every single day and even after they become pros they still work hard to maintain good physical form and shit like that


                                    actually i meant it was reasonable!


                                      faceit is so shitty actually


                                        If you want to achieve something and you are ok to practice for 10 hours a day just play solo, get a good mmr and then find a team
                                        Else you are wasting time


                                          hi i would like to play a game or two with you if you would like so if you read this add me pls


                                            you should be fine. at your lvl picks win 100% of the games. trust me, im into some high skill team too, and as you can see on my profile we lose only when outpicked.

                                            my best tips would be to get 2 supports with stun (es, lion, cm etc) and roam their mid as much as you can(dont forget smoke). this is what wins high skill games. seriously, this is the most important. if their mid gets 0/3 game is 75% won. if you can gang their carry aswell its perfect.
                                            get detection if needed.
                                            dont pick a farm dependent carry that cant do anything until 4 slots (am alche pa).
                                            BAN BS. TRUST ME, THATS CANCER.

                                            if you want to go pro, get 5k+ mmr.

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다