He gifted me Invoker immortal couple weeks ago. Thanks, Havoc.
Just wanted to join the club! :)
We should collect some amount of items and buy him some nice item (single) in return.
I think he deserves it, since he already helped community and gave shitload of cosmetics to us.
Make sure you always return something. :)
yo anyone wants to trade pa arcana for lina pls i have the 3 levels shit unlocked on it
I FOKKEN WANT SF ARANA BUT I HEFF NO SANTA IN MUH LIST :steamsalty: (srsly mods, pls invent dat icon here)
How is Lina more expensive? I know it's about supply and demand, but didn't everyone complain about it being so trash compared to new ones just like a month ago?
hovoc gave me immortals and dotabuff+ for like 6 months or something.
i think you shouldn't make threads like this cuz a lot of ppl think havoc is millionaire and is gonna give them arcanas.
ps: Can someone gift me dotabuff+? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
can someone gift me combat rifle irl i wanna shoot people in the streets but i can't afford that :/
Has he been in a flame war with someone on this forum again ? He usually goes gift crazy when he needs backup and hires forum sellswords with hats
I have had past disagreements with Blunt but who hasn't....other than that not anything particularly significant. I also have a large quantity of items and sets so usually if people need something chances are I have it, or a dupe of it and I am not so protective over free sets I get from playing yearly game modes.
Also you're welcome Sam...hope you find use for it.
yo havoc, any chance u have juggernaut's immortal serrakura and the AM basher blades? I'd give u a lot of stuff in return for both of them....
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Just wanted to thank you for the "little" gift you sent my way man, you're the best!