General Discussion

General DiscussionThe spirits!

The spirits! in General Discussion

    Which spirirt(ember,storm,earth) is the most useful in games? Need help


      storm, currently
      in preivous patch i would have voted for earth

      casual gamer

        storm -> earth -> ember

        theyre all pretty good though

        lm ao

          ^^I lol'd


            Earth is op early, storm is great midgame and has the best snowball potential. Late i would say ember can rampage.

            Dire Wolf

              Storm is the best, one of the strongest mid laners, is good from level 6 on, doesn't really drop off end game either.

              Ember can be a beast but needs farm. Snowball potential. Can go safe or mid.

              Earth is tricky because people will claim he's awesome but no one ever plays him well plus he doesn't have a great lane spot, only offlane seems suitable. I prefer if people just don't pick earth in my games.


                Storm seems best.


                  earth counters storm and ember at early games

                  storm counters ember and earth mid game

                  ember ??????

                  < blank >

                    Earth > Storm > Ember

                    This is the order for early game, mid game Storm will be the best and late game Ember


                      I dunno I think late game storm still shits on embers squishy ass

                      Dire Wolf

                        yeah but late game ember just sits way back pressing his cleave shit then remnants out.