General Discussion

General DiscussionSilverEdge vs PA

SilverEdge vs PA in General Discussion

    Silver Edge can be used to disable passive abilities if used to attack. So does it means that I can use it to remove the miss ability of PA and all of my hits will actually hit her?

    I tried same but kind of didn't work as I expected.



      Miku Plays

        The break debuff only lasts for 4 seconds, so kill her while the debuff is present. This also applies to abbadons passive ultimate(abaddon can manually activate it though)


          Oh never realized this will work with abba also ... thanks!
          Will try making silver edge more XD

          Pom Pom 🍕

            The reason it didnt work was probably because she used bkb. BKB both blocks break and removes it (damage still applied on magic immune though).


              ^ Exactly . She was using bkb and my team was dying. I thought to use silver edge and kill her and that didn't work. Will try the same now when she is not in bkb


                may I ask how the fuck come u play on all servers?


                  I like all server, you get to meet all kind of players.


                    u have gr8 internet or wat


                      lol I had very bad internet , You can see that with my 300 abandons :D I have a better net now.
                      Its just that i like to play on all regions. Lately I had to play in party generally so couldnt really play on the region of my choice.


                        slark + Silver edge = scary.