General Discussion

General DiscussionGlobal avg mmr is still 2250 and hardly moved in years?

Global avg mmr is still 2250 and hardly moved in years? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    So Ive stumbled upon this thread,

    And its quite interesting that the distribution of matches looks like this:

    72.5% Normal
    15.5% High
    11.9% Very High

    Thoughts? you think the mmr avg still has not moved?


      Of course the average hasn't moved. MMR is a zero sum system you putz.

      meow maniac

        do to the growth of the player base the actual skill level of the people in these brackets is likely different than it once was. i figure the average 3k player may be on par with the 2k players of the past simply because the skilled are constantly on the up while the overall player base is also increasing in size

        so while the averages may be the same, the people playing at those averages are likely either more/or less skilled

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          When a team of five wins, they move forward by ~25 points. Five their opponents go down by ~25 points. After average game, average mmr doesn't change because of that balance.
          Dota also got a lot of new players - 1k-3k mmr each, and also consider multiple smurfs... Yeah, I think, average mmr hardly changed.

            이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
            King of Low Prio

              ^why do people have to say such dumb shit that I have to agree with kitrak


                15.5% in high skill when it is only like a 500 mmr window seems to mean that that 500 mmr is statistically a hard gap to pass to me .

                Bad Intentions

                  High skill area is like them purgatory in doto man, i still remember my days there :D its quite a tough environment to pass by

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                  King of Low Prio

                    people in that MMR range are beyond retarded. Id rather have a 2k player on my team than a 3.5k


                      Guess we won't team up any time soon :( .


                        i am on 3.5k pls help me get out this fucking hell. :v

                        Bad Intentions

                          ^yo filthy, naw man, ur fine :D sampson referring to other playas :D


                            global MMR won't do shit to you when player around you are higher than you.

                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.



                                  1. Someone with an MMR of 1 loses = Global MMR goes up by 25
                                  2. Someone abandons before the team wins = Global MMR goes down by 50

                                  And that isn't including the bias that accounts with a positive win rate are more likely to not be abandoned than those of people who lose.

                                  I would actually be surprised if the average MMR isn't slowly increasing.

                                  saving private RTZ

                                    Idk, considering that players join every day, I think the avg mmr went down. You'll be surprised how much players are in 1-2k brackets. Actually the most players are in 1-2k bracket.

                                    there was a thing a year ago, idk if still viable, but as new players calibrate very early without having any idea how to play, 4k + players are basically 1% of the community


                                      wow i'm so good :horse:


                                        Is that median MMR or mean MMR?

                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                          The average MMR will only decrease with time mostly. Because when a game is over, unless it's an unbalanced game, the MMR lost and gained is the game. This means only new accounts change the average and most of the new accounts are new players.


                                            that isn't the whole story sam p. unless you are talking about all accounts but i think you should exclude people who have given up on the game - i.e. the average mmr of games today is more interesting i think. abandoned accounts are more likely to have people who fed mmr than active accounts so there really could be MMR inflation.


                                              ofc it havent moved lol

                                              its 5v5

                                              5 people wins
                                              5 people lose

                                              theres mmr decline with leavers which is even more "losing" so more mmr disapears than it enters


                                                well you have to consider that most accounts that are calibrated nowadays calibrate higher than 2250 and once sold/played on will give out more mmr to the public


                                                  prettysure more people come in than new accounts (Smurfs) are being generated

                                                  after past intenational i think unique users increased by over a million


                                                    well your point is certainly valid, but how do you explain most of the people who calibrated at 5k are 6k now?

                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                      That's only one side of the coin, there is also a lot of people who fell down to 4k after being calibrated 5k+.


                                                        idk about which most ur talking about but i know alot of good players who dropped alot lately

                                                        and even those who increased most likely just spamming meta heroes and playing properly aka tryharding while majority of people just play for fun

                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                          Well mmr will never change drastically because you can only go -/+ 25 mmr, but is the skill level the same as in 2013 or when the fuck ranked got introduced? I mean, a 4k now is the same skill level as a 4k right after ranked got introduced? Cuz if you think about it, I know the calibration was broken as spamming zeus ulti everytime is off CD will calibrate you at 5k even tho you are 3k. So guys like that prob never touched ranked again so mmr is inflated. So you can say that it takes more skill to be 4/5k then it took 2 yrs ago?


                                                            definetly not now its faceroll meta

                                                            u stomp earlygame u do 1 missplay and entire enemy team gets 10k gold each from 1 kill


                                                              Hard to say if avg mmr is lower or higher seems to be more factors lowering it tho .

                                                              she's so lucky she's a star

                                                                Why would we have to "consider that most accounts calibrate above 2250" these days? What makes you say that?


                                                                  i would say half or more than half of the "new" accounts get calibrated at 4k+ cuz of selling and shit


                                                                    The mass of the MMR system is huge. It's very hard to move it. I predicted at least 4 or 5 times on this forum going back over a year that it would not move because of how it is constructed.

                                                                    The only way it's going to move is something drastic like if Valve re-values new accounts to come in at 3k MMR instead of 2250.

                                                                    Almost no one calibrates at super high MMR, and like Sam says whereever they do calibrate they are just as likely to lose MMR as to gain it. These things all cancel out on the macro-scale. Don't forget that only about 1 % of players can make a 4k MMR smurf anyway. What really happens is every day a thousand more people with 2.5k MMR accounts make a smurf that ends up again at about 2.5k MMR.

                                                                    The average really is what it means "average". The tiny motions of a handful of people at high MMR's smurfing or failing or whatever are insignificant just like the fact that there are more and more professional basketball players has no impact at all on the average gobal height.

                                                                    Now the value of a certain MMR can change. As the community matures the play at XXXX MMR level will increase, and as more nubs join the value of that same MMR will go back down again... only to increase again when they get better at the game. But none of that changes what the average or quartile MMR scores are numericaly. And these kinds of changes are too small for anyone to really notice them anyway.

                                                                    What you notice will be things like this: Wow my last 4 teams were all morons! or Wow they picked bloodseeker every game the last 5 games!... but that annedotal. You can't rationally draw broad conclusions based on it. People like to extrapolate a handful of their personal experiences and pretend they automatically represent the world. And sometimes they do, by coincidence. And sometimes they do, for another casual reason. But it is never gerenally reasonable to think that just because something happened a few times to you it will happen everywhere to everyone.

                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                      how can it be a "72.5% Normal, 15.5% High, 11.9% Very High" distribution; when the definition of the brackets is, the bottom 75% of matches are normal, the top 10% of matches are very high, and the remaining 15% of matches are high? Someone on reddit must have done a survey or looked through matches on dotabuff or something to try to find these numbers, with out actually realizing that valve has already explained what they are.


                                                                        It is ...

                                                                        bottom 75% = Normal
                                                                        Middle 15% = High
                                                                        Top 10% = Very High

                                                                        (the person who posted the data on reddit didn't include enough context)

                                                                        It's difficult to estimate where the "line" is between normal, high, or very high since MM varies quite a bit based on the server and time you're playing at. When we have considered posting ranked MMR data it's hard for us to use those who use rating buddy, while we have a decent sample size it tends very much to screw towards higher MMRs.

                                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                          There's alot of people in high/very high skill bracket that belong in normal.


                                                                            Love when I play unranked with people who feed all game and then claim they are 4k plus. I especially love it when they add me and it turns out to be true.... MMR is just a number folks everyone is trash


                                                                              ^it is just a number which perfectly reflects your skill in winning games if you have played enough


                                                                                I assume the majority of players aren't even calibrated so I'm not surprised the average is 2.2k.

                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                Miku Plays

                                                                                  Nice im gonna be part of that 15% soon

                                                                                  Mental illinois

                                                                                    As a player with a 2k mmr, majority of the players often pick heroes cuz they want to use it and its unusual in the 2k region to have a team that listens to the strategy and has a teamwork. BTW i gave up climbing the 2k hell and started LoL instead.
                                                                                    look at this match im the timber, and my team picked 4 carries. the ember doesn't even care to gank the lane cuz he dont know how.

                                                                                    Miku Plays

                                                                                      Lmao 2kmmr is heaven

                                                                                      Miku Plays

                                                                                        If your all carry just drag the game till they cant do shit ez game

                                                                                        Miku Plays

                                                                                          If your all carry just drag the game till they cant do shit ez game

                                                                                          she's so lucky she's a star

                                                                                            Relentless is spot on

                                                                                            lm ao

                                                                                              Who the fuck bumped this

                                                                                              lm ao

                                                                                                I'm gonna find you and tear your ass


                                                                                                  Usually people in high/very high brackets play more games per week then the rest.

                                                                                                  10% of the games != 10% of the dota population


                                                                                                    Just checking if people got any better. I guess they didn't xD