General Discussion

General DiscussionSkill discrepancy between regions?

Skill discrepancy between regions? in General Discussion

    I just moved to the U.S. from China and wow, I've been on a huge winstreak. I should even be at a disadvantage cause I don't have a mic anymore but Idk. Am I just lucky or is China just a harder region than USE? Has anyone else experienced a similar thing in regions like EU and Russia?


      US 3k = China 2k


        from my experience stacking us pubs always was much easier than europe

        russians are the most tryhard ive ever encountered altho mostly low individual skill (easiest wins)

        never tryed asian servers


          some ppl say China is a bit harder than the rest of the regions, and they might be true

          the realm's delight

            it is normal, every region is better than use.

            the east wind

              eu west 5k = eu east 6k :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


                with tiny eyes they can't see the minimap very well

                King of Low Prio

                  we get this same thread once every couple of days. blah blah I won a few games in a row server is Ezzzzzzzzzz, then u lose a couple in a row and its because ur teammates suck repeat the cycle over and over and you end up in the same spot.


                    I'm pretty sure 20 games is not a few, but whatever makes you feel better I guess.

                    the realm's delight

                      its ok dw hes a big troll xd trying to make ppl believe na dota is actually good

                      meanwhile na pros playing on eu servers

                      King of Low Prio

                        tryhard stacking with low MMR friends is a easy way to get streaks up ok......

                        King of Low Prio

                          The only US player who plays in EU are EE and RTZ when they go on their emo mode for a day or two then eventually come back


                            merlini plays lots of eu.west and he is from us.

                            King of Low Prio

                              less than 20% of merlini's games are on EU and he travels outside of the US alot too.