General Discussion

General DiscussionHow does Outworld stand in the current meta?

How does Outworld stand in the current meta? in General Discussion

    I'm curious cause PL kinda gets countered hard by AoE and Blood is boring as fuck.

    Is OD remotely viable in this meta or is he 'meta carry' food?


      he is like an outhouse decorator

      Riguma Borusu

        PL might get countered by AoE, but OD is way more reliably countered by mana burn. He's mostly food atm.

        Dire Wolf

          everything kills od right now, he's like sniper with less range and no shrapnel. Does that actually sound playable?


            wat do u mean by blood is boringh as fuck


              he is pretty weak, one of the list of 10 Best Heroes To Pick if You Want to Give Mmr Away

              KGBlue Lives Matter

                He is a shittier shadow fiend


                  he feeds if he gets picked

                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                    Outworld is decent actually, Mileena, Kitana, Reptile and all that shit come from there. Death of Shao Kahn was obviously a nerf, but Kotal Kahn is here to save the day.


                      incoming smaug essay on the State of the Outworld, followed by complaints about being targeted and legal threats.


                        So he's generally a poor pick even though his Q and R counter illusions?

                        You KNOW a meta is fucked up when a potential counter to a hero is irrelevant.

                        Riguma Borusu


                          0.02% advantage for PL. You could say they are on par as far as pub play goes. I still don't think OD is nearly as useful as phantom lancer is. PL will push better, will wreck the whole team easier, whether they band together or are spaced out, he'll build to be much tankier where OD stacks int, OD has no natural escape mechanism and is hard countered by magic immunity, etc. So even though the matchup might be kinda even, PL is just a better hero atm.


                            I was thinking about support OD, as a counter to Lesbian Commander, while providing free mana regen for allies. May work... probably...


                              where's smaug when you need him


                                OD need mid

                                OD is mid hero who cant flash farm

                                Lose your mid, lost your game


                                  He's one of the best mid heroes in the game. He can completely shut down any mid hero with imprisonment. He has a strong AoE ulti as well, not many other carries do.