General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat could have i done differently in my last games?

What could have i done differently in my last games? in General Discussion

    Ignore the venge game, there was a ancient afk necro, and i was solo safelane

    But the other ones that i lost any tips to improve or do things differently?

    I am going down in mmr fast from 3.7 to 3.4

    I know i am a 3k trash


      325 cs in 60 minutes on void
      That's ur answer


        yes, in a 2 kill / minute game , and still was the highest
        i got rekt by SS and BS on safelane with kotl support that was my bad
        tried to get back in the game and failed ofc

        I should have got Bkb earlier maybe?


          > Void
          thats ur answer

          No giggities?

            14k hero damage on a 60 minutes game with Void. lel