General Discussion

General Discussionmedusaaaa

medusaaaa in General Discussion
casual gamer

    I have had really poor success with this hero despite playing her a ton, and want to know what item builds u guys go because there doesn't seem to be any real consensus

    I have been going phase-aquila-wand-yasha-(drums)-bfly/skadi into dps items or manta

    I have also experimented with weird shit (blink, mael/mj, diffusal blade) but none of it seems too good besides maelstrom and maybe blink


      i do slahsers way and rush rapier after a few early game items and had great success since i have been doing it that way (no Kappa)


        aquila phase yasha skadi

        skadi's way too good on this hero and i wouldn't go bfly as a first expensive item over skadi - not just on dusa, any agi carry that could go either tbh, since skadi gives you way more room for error, and the dps loss really isn't that significant, definitely not worth trading thousands of EHP for, even if you're really far ahead.

        bflys good when you already have high stats, as evasion's a huge ehp multiplier, but if you don't have any ehp to begin with because you only have aquila + drum for survivability, then you'd be better off getting stats from skadi.

        also I don't agree with your choice to get stats over stone gaze in the late game. the second point in stone gaze isn't worth getting at 11 over another point into q or e but by the time you're level 16 you (or at least your team) should have enough dps where 2 extra points is a difference maker.

        Dire Wolf

          There is no consensus cus many items are good on medusa. I think the only core that everyone agrees on is skadi and aquila early.

          I've had games where I went phase, aquila, mask of madness right into skadi. Mask is a great farming item. I've also gone for maelstrom or yasha or even both.

          Late just get what you need, if your team has a shitload of damage and you just need to survive get tanky items, maybe scythe for utility. If you are all the dmg then stack an mkb and daedulus or get a butterfly. Don't be afraid to go bkb either, especially vs AM counter picks.

          And for skills that depends too. I like to max snake early for farming and max split shot second but sometimes you need stats or more than 1 point in mana shield.


            Dusa is my most played hero and i do weird shitty builds when i play her.
            I can say from my experience... isnt about the builds, there are tons of builds you can go in items and skills.
            The most important is knowing when attack and when retreat. Also you have to be efficient in your farm and mana management
            Check out, i went for the most bizarre builds the secret is understand your immense power and your many weaknesses

            Riguma Borusu

              What do you guys think about midas on medusa? If you've picked medusa you're rooting for the late game anyway, and she can put +30 AS to use, so if she's having a really good lane, should she get it?


                Why get midas when you can get maelstrom or drums or madness?
                Medusa farms so fast that +190 gold and bonux xp every 100 sec or more are nothing, you farm faster with madness and on top you have fighting potential.
                i prefer to buy drums cause if the enemy team decide to push you dont do jack shit with a midas, but if you have drums your TF power is great, play for the lategame isnt build greedy items.