General Discussion

General Discussionstorm spirit discussion

storm spirit discussion in General Discussion

    i guess im what you people call a dirty storm picker
    ive been playing the hero for the last 1-2 year and i felt he was always strong
    but recently due to the insurgence of sumail winning ti and dac with the hero, alot of people have been complaining hes op as fuck
    is this a valid complaint or are people just whining as usual
    id really like to know some thoughts


      op as fuck

      never played storm spammed him for abit and now went 6 wins in a row

      no matter how bad earlygame goes i always get farmed up and then fuck shit up for enemy team

      i don't even know how it could get nerfed not to become ultra shit tbh


        No matter how strong, how buffed, how OP Storm Spirit is....

        I'll always suck at him

        Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

          Storm was nerf in movement speed. People need to punish him before he gets to level 6. When he's missing most of the time he will be farming in forest, so why don't go kill him? (that's also a reason why we have a roaming BH now to punish mid and every jungle)

          < blank >

            No, I am what you guys call a dirty Storm picker


              he already has weak laning maybe armor nerf could do then he can't tank jungle stacks as easy


                yaaa and i was hearing someone say next patch will have him remove the e proc?
                like you have to have the buff before you launch the projectile instead of being able to proc it anytime


                  lmao @mvp why r all ur kdas so damn high dude

                  Pol Pot of Greed

                    garbage hero honestly they need to buff his base movespeed to 320 otherwise he can't lane against leshrac


                      Probably removing vision while he's using his ult and -1 armor.

                      < blank >

                        Because I am snowballing in almost every game when I go mid with Storm, know how to recover and have a high-aggressive playstyle


                          this hero is good. very good. but you need a little practice first .


                            Storm is OP from concept to execution

                            Livin' Real Good

                              Salza and Tohsaka, helloooooooooooooooooooooo!

                              I used to be horribleeeeeeeeeeeee with storm, my win rate was total shit (still is LOL, but its gonna take healing) and my KD was like 2.12, i'v'e improved alot ever since i got the storm immortal, it gave me more confidence, now I can't wait to try him more in ranked, just playing pubs until September.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                              Livin' Real Good

                                I feel like the earlier i get orchid, the easier it is to just take over a game with him, if you get orchid before 20 mins, it's an easy stomp, i just suck at last hitting and forget to stack camps while at mid >.> errr, i really need to start doing that if i ever hope to level my game up. As far as other skills go, I got it in the bag, it's just my farming skills................... soo bad, my KD's would probably wayyy higher if i could farm as well as someone of the people on dota buff.


                                  i prefer get orchid first than bloodstone more kill potential than bloodstone.

                                    이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                      storm is picked on 90% on my game.


                                        I think it's his mechanics... how he can dodge everything and anything with a quick ball lightning.

                                        I'd like to see ball lightning reworked into earth spirits boulder roll for mechanics. So you can AoE stun him or interrupt his ball lightning unless he has bkb, I think that would fix a lot of his OP broke BS.

                                        casual gamer

                                          ^^ u might as well say you wish his base damage reworked to 30, that is the level of nerf ur talking


                                            @yorkey: normal orchid timing is 13 min xd
                                            might aswell give him -armor to start if u suggest vulnerability during ult lol

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                            Livin' Real Good

                                              Yeah he only needs slight nerfs.

                                              Like not being able to orchid someone while in ball lightning for starters, and maybe like two more small nerfs like what I just said, nothing drastic, we want people to still play the character, not leave him for dead like Terrorblade, at least people still play Troll, jugg, and Sniper.


                                                he is invurnerable while on ball lightning and can't attack or using any items.

                                                i think this is a perfect nerf for him

                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                  @ beld, WTF O_O
                                                  I'm suppose to be 3.6 K >.> Ahhhhh' I'm so bad at farming, and the reason i say 20 mins is cause just in case i die, you're not always gonna have a perfect mid, you might die, i factor that in. That's probably why i don't stomp with him so fast, hmm, if i get orchid at least by 15 mins, i can blow up 3K with him.... I'll work on jungle camps with him..

                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                    i am diamon 5 with him. i dont know what it means but fun hero.


                                                      how is he suddenly so good?
                                                      as far as i know, he didn't receive any stupid buffs, if i remember right there was a nerf to vision in ball lightning


                                                        heroes like bloodcyka became popular

                                                        rupture doesnt do shit vs storm


                                                        saving private RTZ

                                                          imo not using items in snowball is big nerf, no TP, no hex, no shiva. Too much.

                                                          maybe that thing with overload, its so ez to launch the attack and put down a remnant while projectile is mid air.

                                                          and nerf remnant flying vision a bit\

                                                          and maybe his armor by 1-2

                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                            @arin, he also got a slight move speed nerf too. o_O I dunno, Storm to me has ALWAYS been good, people just haven't noticed until now, I understand it has to do with the meta like this guy above said ^ but still think there's more to it than that, most people just didn't notice how crazy good he was until now. EVEN Ember Spirit after TI is getting picked a WHOLE lot more now.

                                                            lm ao

                                                              You are just plain shitty dirty. Deal with it.

                                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                              lm ao

                                                                Fucking Storm Spirit spammers I want to play Ember Spirit back you shitstains pls stahp for the love of Jeezus