General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get out of 1k mmr?

How to get out of 1k mmr? in General Discussion
meet yo maker

    I've been losing a lot because of my teammates and I'm having hard time communicating with them even if I speak nicely. I mainly play carry, mid and sometimes I pick support and based on my experience, being support is tough and being carry is a lot harder because you're trying to out farm the other carry and avoid getting killed. You already know when you're going to lose on your team's pick and communication if they are rude and always saying "noob, you noob, putangina mo, bobo, gago, tanga, tangina" (some of them are swear words of peenoise).
    I'm currently on 1.7k mmr and I can't get out because of my team (mostly) and I wanna get out of 1k and what should I do? I'm trying my best not to feed and I'm trying my best to support and last hit. Can someone give me a tips on how to get out, maybe I should pick support? just stay here 'cause I suck? practice to be better? Thanks! (CHECK MY PROFILE IF YOU WANNA SEE MY STATS)

    Blunts Low Prio Bot [Beta]

      Sure bro.... U are shit and ur brain is shit too, stop playing that game and u will get out of 1k

      Giff me Wingman

        no, if he would stop he would sit in 1k forever. Much like you and 2k.

        @ inferno:
        I could rek everyone in ur bracket without any problems. 95% of dotabuff could do the same. You can't blame anyone but yourself for being stuck there. Stop crying about bad teammates and git gud.


          I've been losing a lot because of my teammates

          here lies your problem. stop blaming them and focus on yourself, dont get mad at random people you get matches with. you can win games by playing better yourself, but can't win anything by insulting others.

          Miku Plays

            learn how to outfarm/outlvl enemy team, make sure ur lasthitting creeps wherever u are and whatever is happening. Participate in teamfights u know will be good for u/or your team

            meet yo maker

              I'm stuck with "peenoise" and first of all please study and research pinoy dota. Almost all of the SEA Server is full of them and I'm blaming them because of their attitude because when you say push they are just not listening and sometimes "you're not the boss of me!" "you noob i'm farming" something like that. I'm trying to be kind to them and they are just too asdfghjklxzvxcbk,

              meet yo maker

                @blunt same account, heh :3

                Miku Plays

                  u either go with their flow or play your own game like them


                    "I'm stuck with "peenoise" and first of all please study and research pinoy dota."

                    Why does Sea server have 6k MMR? Shouldn't they be brought down to 2k as well because of those noobs?

                    lm ao

                      I'm pinoy, fuck off loser


                        its not them its you.


                          Well, the lowest game I've ever played was 2.4k MMR so I can't say I know from experience what a 1k game is like. But this is bottom 5% to 10% of players so there will be a lot of new players, casual players, and slow players.

                          If you were a much more skilled player you would win games almost without trying and quickly rise in MMR. But since you are struggling you probably can't do it by out playing opponents consistently. So the easiest thing for you to do will be to win by split pushing.

                          Focus on your farm. You are probably very bad at lasthitting so play a jungle hero since you will miss tons of lasthits in the lane anyway. Watch a skilled player who wins a lot play the jungle hero starting to jungle from level 1 and copy how they do it. Practice in bot games until you are confident you can get a quick Hand of Midas. Then continue farming until you have shadowblade.

                          Doing this will sometimes lose because your team will feed like crazy in the lanes. If you were good you could come out of the jungle and turn those fights, but you are not so just keep farming. Don't worry about the team feeding and crying, just use certain losses as practice. Try to get as many enemy towers down without dieing as you can.

                          Once you have Hand of Midas and Shadow blade begin split pushing. Pick a lane that is close to your tower and push it all the way up until someone comes to stop you. The instant you see an enemy hero shadow blade away into the nearby trees, and USE A TP SCROLL to go to the opposite side of the map. Carry multiple tps and get more every time you can.

                          Get items that take down towers and push the lane quickly. This means Mjollnir, Battle Fury, Manta Style, Desolator, Necronomicon, and Deadalus. Later on if the team is defending the base, just send your manta style illusions and necro units up to hit the tower and you go away safely. Eventually the towers will die, then the rax will die, then you gain MMR.

                          Learn this split pushing style of dota, it is very easy to do - much easier than any method that involves directly confronting enemy heroes. As you go up in MMR attempts to stop you will get more competant and simply shadow blading away to TP in fog will not be good enough. When that happens there are more advanced split pushing techniques you can learn.

                          If you can do this I'm sure you will get out of 1k MMR range, maybe up to 2k MMR.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            git gud????!!1


                              Your piss poor attitude is what stops you from improving. 1K is like that everywhere and not just in SEA. Btw, you've played support twice in the last 3 months, that's barely playing it moron.


                                you are so good at DOTA! IDK how you are 1k, Look at these games !

                                This guy could be in TI 6, if he could just get away from Pee-Noise for long enough to get 7k, and be noticed by a team.
                                Don't let these guys fool you, you really are a beautiful and unique snow flake. You should start a twitch stream at first people will be turned off by your 1k, but once they see how well you play they all want lessons from you.


                                  do I need to say kappa after a post like that?

                                  Bad Intentions

                                    yo op, havent u heard? there is a saying in sea that goes like this:

                                    Pinoy Doto, Best Doto.

                                    Gotta learn to adapt my man.

                                    Remember, if the game goes full retard, u gotta go full retard as well :D

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      even 1k players can play blink hex meepo?

                                      Pandamonium(You Died)

                                        Buy wards. Thats easy +250 mmr.
                                        Also, ping your teammates when danger is coming, don't assume they are using your wards.
                                        Even if you are carry.

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          Stop playing ranked til you have around 600 total games on unranked. Then once your unranked games are in the very high skill or high skill bracket go stomp 1k. Also stop using AM and learn how to support for once


                                            Stop playing ranked til you have around 600 total games on unranked. Then once your unranked games are in the very high skill or high skill bracket go stomp 1k. Also stop using AM and learn how to support for once


                                              just go pudge mid if ur 1k no one can do anything if ur fed and they are retarded and stand still and u hook ez kill


                                                pudge pickers are actually retarded


                                                  when i played in 2k mmr im pretty sure pudge was op there


                                                    Well when i played with a 2.8k friend's account i never lost a game with one of my main heroes. So... you have to improve man, you can carry the shit out of 1.7k mmr ALONE, you dont need your teammates at that skill level.
                                                    I swear you, pick a HC, farm properly => WIN THE GAME!
                                                    Recently i played with a 2.1k mmr acount cause my friend who owns the account told me "You can win easily at your mmr (4k) cause you have supports who protects you and make space for you when you pick a HC"
                                                    Then i took his account, i picked Medusa JUNGLE 3 games in a row and i stomp the shit out of all three games with fucking dual divines and shit like that full gear at 35 min mark.
                                                    You have to play more games too, look at your profile 50 never played heroes... cant aim to gain more mmr if you dont know the basic mechanichs


                                                      Op, I used to have your attitude. About a month ago I stopped thinking like a complete retard and instead of blaming teammates I was more critical of myself. Just that change in mindset got me up from 1.3k to 2.3k in a short period of time. So, yeah. You're shit. As soon as you begin acknowledge that you'll improve and win games.


                                                        The thing that's helped me start to climb out of the pits of mmr hell is I gave up on blaming my teammates

                                                        Sure if they had listened to me and 5 manned around me when I could win the game instead of giving that legion 200+ duel damage by farming alone under their towers like idiots we would have won

                                                        But there's plenty of inefficiencies in my play that if I cleared up I'm sure I could have won the game *shrug* my teammates are bad but in MOST games my opponents are just as bad