General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do u get better at dota

How do u get better at dota in General Discussion
Gaming is Dead

    i don't know how, but these past 3 weeks i think i actually got worse. At one point i was 3.8k on a giant ass win streak and then i just started losing games out of no where. some times ill take a break for one or two days and try to calm down, then when i play again i just go back to losing and getting pissed off. Every game where im not playing a hc and i dont have a teammate with 600+gpm and 10 kda = instaloss and every game i am the hc, if i dont get 100 percent freefarm i will go 0/10 and just rage then afk in base.
    then anygame where i do get freefarm, i magically find a way to throw. is there a way to actually get better at dota 2 that doesent invole practicing cs? bc some games i will get stomped so hard in lane that my enemies are 3 lvls above me and im at one death a min. There has to be some magical tip im missing if some people are 4k mmr with half of my games and im 3k with 2k games

    Bad Intentions

      Yo OP winning in doto is not all about cs! Its about consistency. U need to play heroes that u will have a consistent high impact with. Thats all man :D


        How deep are you now below 3k? Just curious.

        Gaming is Dead

          ^ im 3.2k now

          Bad Intentions

            ^holy cow man thats a huge drop. You need to re check some things and start playing your high KDA heroes, dont fool around any more man :D


              git gud

              Gaming is Dead

                ^nice jokes mate real funny see you at FUCK YOUJ

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                King of Low Prio

                  u cry too much


                    when farming better can't carry you anymore. you need to play more effective, efficient, and smart

                    like know when to push, def, split push, split def, roshan and etc.

                    my biggest bet is when he is farmed he never thought of smoke ganking him and he have no buyback. :3