General Discussion

General DiscussionDeadweight's FREE MMR stack

Deadweight's FREE MMR stack in General Discussion

    4/4, high 3k party games too ez. I've NEVER had lanes that nice, pretty much all games freefarm (i'm loving my supports so far <3) so naturally what happens is i go bananas and rape whole map. And IT'S SO MUCH FUCKEN FUN!

    I need new mid player tho, since our danish guy isnt performing well (he just spams Meepo and feeds KAPPA), so if you want me to carry you, we can play sometimes xD



      isnt ragezeus mid player btw? (i see him in ur recent party mates tab in ur profile)


        Ya, but my boy is sleeping during the day and wakes up at 0:00+ :D So far Blunt's have to do...

        Giff me Wingman

          dis is wat i get for carrying his sorry ass. :rage:


            true dat, i forgot. im also rarely catching him.
            hes the actual free party mmr giver with his 3.8k and 5k solo btw, although i think i was an anchor in most of the games played with him :D

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
            saving private RTZ

              Idk these noobs here thinking they do shit but I have to wipe their asses everytime.

              I want 500 party mmr bois by end of this week btw


                Ok boys, i admit with a lot of salt. I got carried :((

                Still love you all and we'll win some more when we get 5 pidors together <3

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  I bought wards.

                  Thats pretty much it lol


                    yeah i thought that ragezeus is on similar level like me but i got like 100% wr with him since he always went TA mid and crushed everyone heh


                      Yesterday I've learned something that I somehow already knew.
                      Blunt is even more annoying in game than on the forum. Let's thank the dota gods that they didn't forget to add voice chat to the mute function in Reborn.

                      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      Giff me Wingman

                        Yesterday I've learned something that I somehow already knew.
                        Socram is 4k trash that plays DS worse than Yoshi plays rubick.



                          Nobody gives a flying fuck how good or bad I play. Doesn't change the fact that you have a shitty personality. Grow up dude.

                          Giff me Wingman

                            cries on forum about another player, plays like shit, doesn't even talk, tells said other player to grow up.


                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              I didn't cry, I just told the DB guys that you're muted now, implying that whoever still wants to stack with you for some obscure reason doesn't need to invite me.

                              Oh, and I did talk. You just didn't hear it over your constant shittalking which mainly serves to glorify yourself.

                              Giff me Wingman


                                bitching 4k trash is bitching.


                                  i think i never got annoyed by blunt when playing with him, hes braindead (so am I) and trashtalks a lot, but doesnt actually flame anyone.


                                    That's because you are a better player than him. Yoshi, Aimstrong and I are not, though, which immediately triggers the flame instinct of people like Blunt who define the value of a person solely by their MMR.

                                    Maybe I'm too thin-skinned, but I value my time too much to play more than once with people that are getting on my nerves.
                                    The "4k trash" and meme answers of the only one who is bitching and butthurt pretty much confirm that decision ;-)

                                    OMG (el pantera)

                                      @socram, ur trash dont talk on this forum


                                        Oh shit, I've been warned by a smurf who hates DotA. I better stop posting on a DotA forum now.


                                          i always considered it to be sarcasm tbh (i mean blunt calling someone Nk trash), neither I noticed him flaming my other teammates which were lower in mmr than me
                                          also, judging by our recent games, im a way, way worse player. not even 4k trash.


                                            i'm 4k trash and you're better than me

                                            so you're gucci


                                              It might be perceived as sarcasm, but I'm pretty sure he defines himself by being a superior player.
                                              And even if I'm mistaken, it doesn't change the fact that it's fucking annoying if someone constantly (meaning no 5 seconds of silence) talks during a match, with half of it being flames because someone missed a spell, dies or whatever (while making some questionable moves himself ofc). The other half is something like "Oooooh look at me, I'm going to destroy a courier. Look at me!". See a pattern there? ;-)
                                              Noone else in the team was actually able to or didn't want to say much during that match, while there was a relaxed and fun atmosphere in the previous match without him.

                                              saving private RTZ

                                                Eh idk, he never really flames anyone, at least he doesnt flame me. For example i missed a mana void on a storm so we lost the game ( well not only that, i went for blinking and slamming AM build then sold blink lol) and he said smth like: "dude that costed us the game" . Yea he occasionally calls me 3k trash( but lol its true) but if u really get pissed about that u have some insecurity problems. Just call him a danish fggt as i do.

                                                and yea he trashtalks alot, but he isnt mean honestly

                                                saving private RTZ

                                                  And idk about u, i have some fun stacking with him, he always manages to piss of some kids probably like u, for example when he pissed the shit out of a gypsy sand king

                                                  lm ao

                                                    Nc euroshits talking la ahehehehe <3


                                                      dont mind me, just carrying some shits
                                                      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                      Giff me Wingman

                                                        I'm having fun and so do most people i play with, but then we have this 4k trash named socram who went full:
                                                        Games tend to become more fun for me than him.

                                                        also, triple better than me?

                                                        To sum up:
                                                        60% trashtalk blunt, 35% trashtalk 1234, 5% talk from others.

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          i talk all the time in party


                                                            with afriken aksent


                                                              u r so low on one hears you so lmao who cares

                                                              Quick maffs

                                                                Dongolino is chill i can confirm

                                                                Actually most people i have played in this forum are pretty chill, some get a bit salty in hard games but thats it.

                                                                Anyway thx god that most people i have played with doesnt spam the mic, cause i cant stand an annoying voice.


                                                                  i get salty when i pour salt all over my naked body


                                                                    "u r so low on one hears you so lmao who cares"

                                                                    LMAO :DDDDDDDDDDD

                                                                    As for Blunt - he's a Danish teddybear and you should take him as that. He's just fuckin around 99%, he calls me 4k trash, i call him Danish trash or autist or whatever, but neither of us mean anything bad. And ya, in this party we talk a lot usually since no one can keep his mouth shut, but it's usually a lot of fun compared to some stacks where people dont say shit over whole game.

                                                                    I felt all of us had a lot of fun yesterday and i hope i'm not wrong, so we have to play more boiiz :)


                                                                      my voice is low cuz im a manly beast, and i would play some more doters but this game sucks dick honestly now.
                                                                      im probably gonna be professional hots player in a month or 2 i guess...


                                                                        I'm all about that bass too boy. Dota 2 experience depends now of which side you're on xD


                                                                          Games are getting a bit heavier, but we still managed to win all of them.

                                                                          7/7, winstreak continues :D

                                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!