General Discussion

General DiscussionGuys,chill the F**k out

Guys,chill the F**k out in General Discussion

    Valve need to know all the available bugs in reborn so they can fix it,it will take sometime,get use to it.

    The old dota is gone,this is the new dota,be a good human and report any bug you see so you can have a better experience playing dota 2!

    Bitching will not help,reporting will!


      Okii repoted u

      Riguma Borusu

        I'm kinda pissy about the bugs they've introduced, but I'm happy that fixing them is now worth it. Fixing bugs on s1 was beating a dead horse.

        For modern standards, s1 has kinda become a garbage tier engine, naturally s2 is way superior, so fixing bugs is also much easier as they do indeed have more control over the code.

        I do get people are sentimental and do not understand anything about the issue, but I'm also fed up with people bullshitting all the time about things they don't know.

        "It worked fine for me" is not a reason for a company to keep a dying engine going when they've already put thousands of hours into a new, improved and smoother running engine.

        If anything, wc3 still "works fine", it's just terribly dated.

        waku waku

          that's why they removed the "report bug" button when they moved source 2 out of beta right?

          King of Low Prio

            I now get 15 fps all the time regardless of my settings.

            King of Low Prio

              Reborn is shit

              waku waku

                try lowering graphic quality as low as you can it worked for me

                King of Low Prio

                  It's literally 0 change from fps going from graphic quality at 0 to 100 Reborn is fucked for me


                    I play graphics on high and recieved a FPS boost I usually run 200 fps and ping drop so it's all good in the hood for me.


                      And Dota 2 when it first game out of beta was still a bit shit, it took years of tweaking to get it near perfect and even then there were still problems, for such a vast game with a huge amount of hero variety it does pretty well. Give reborn some space and time, it will come right.

                        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                        Riguma Borusu

                          For every person that bitches s2 is really slow and chunky, there's another person for whom s2 works much better. I got double the FPS, and that's at max settings instead of mid settings as I used to play DotA on. The game's never run smoother and looked better for me.


                            i hate reborn.

                            i want my old armory back.


                              next step is to upgrade my f*king pc :'( bye bye $


                                .30$/game of dota 2 Byr bye $$$

                                K a i -

                                  reborn sucks
                                  too much lag
                                  although i have got a good pc