General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is your life? how do you fit doto into all the stuff you do?

what is your life? how do you fit doto into all the stuff you do? in General Discussion

    we all talk dota all the time. would be good to hear what do you guys actually do outside dota

    when and how do you fit dota?

    what is your typical weekday? how about the typical weekend?


      I don't really do anything besides playing Dota. I'm not really good at socializing, nor have many friends to hang out with.
      So when I get home from school, I just play until bedtime (which is pretty soon for me sadly)


        Pff, the only thing I do about dota is talk about it. My pc burned down, my internet sucks, so its really the only option.


          I was music producer, was studiying math and sang and played in rock/metal bands. Last 3 years i'm a ruin, so kids stay away from this game if you're junky to the core like me, cause it will destroy you.


            School dropout. Play dota all day.

            I don't really mind tho, cause I'm aware I can achieve wahtever I want in life as long as I try.


              last year bachellor student (economics) working for one scientific institution over here (part-time).
              spending free time doing sports and chilling out with friends mostly

              King of Low Prio

                Y'all make me feel better about my useless sociology degree


                  Sampson with sociology degree IS THIS REAL LIFE LMAO


                    I work an 8-5 shift 5 days a week, I hike on weekends usually when I can. Other than that I play dota and watch anime. I use to be a salt water reefer and that took away a lot of my attention to gaming due to maintenance and upkeep that would be needed to keep it and I've recently quit to allow more time in my day for other activities.


                      i started 4th year of my university (business administration) and im playing dota in spare times lol

                      MR PRESIDENT

                        Go to school from 8-3:15, football practice from 3:30-7:30 pretty much. Get home and showered by 9. Maybe play 1 game if I don't have homework. Repeat for five days then try and play Saturday and Sunday if I'm not dragged out of the house by my gf. 3.6k mmr, straight A student. Never wanted to kill myself more in my lief

                        saving private RTZ

                          Played much this summer, but now, i start college in October, and ill pretty much only play in weekends

                          Yea dota is a nice game, but remember guys, pusi and beer are a lot better. Trust me

                          Quick maffs

                            So triple you did a economics degree ? Do you like it ? Its boring ? i am thinking about swicthing to economics but i am still not sure.


                              Economics is boring as fuck, my sister studied it. Counting money is not tho =)


                                Yeah, I'm an A-B student as well. It's just that school seems too easy and I'm too lazy, so I get worse grades sometimes.


                                  It doesn't really mean anything though. I just don't have to spend much time studying so I have a ton of free time.


                                    I used to be an A-grade student, but my grades have dropped a lot since I skipped revision and homework to play computer games. I have no social life to speak of, I get along with certain people in my school but none I'd really call friends. I currently go to college (age 16) and I hate it. I'm going to leave college when I'm 18 and play DOTA until my mum kicks me out the house, at which point I'll get a minimum wage job and die at the age of 50.



                                      saving private RTZ

                                        hang out
                                        more sex

                                        rinse and repeat.

                                        u nerds


                                          @Hanter What is your total hours played and when did u start playing?

                                          saving private RTZ

                                            He has 3521 hours apparently

                                            thats ~ 147 days of doto

                                              이 댓글은 삭제되었습니다.

                                                I am a chartered accountant that specializes in large corporate tax planning and I work at a tech company, I am married and have a 14-month old at home! I am super-busy in life, but I have always been a gamer and love playing vids. I especially love playing Dota so I usually make time for a few games after 10:00pm once my other responsibilities have been met. On the weekends I am always up to something during the days, so again that post-10:00pm is usually my time to play. It is a good balance, because a guy needs to do something for himself everyday... I think anyways. Especially when most of his time is spent devoted to others. I could likely say that were I single, I would be playing exponentially more Dota, and loving it.

                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  I'm failing uni to be terrible at DotA, fml right.

                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                    Sup guys :D

                                                    yeaa hr guy during d day and doto guy during d night :]

                                                    Livin' Real Good

                                                      I just spend my days at home in a nice fancy home and get everything given to me, even though i'm at the age where I should be working or finishing college. Currently a college drop out, did one year then stopped, also quit my job due to social anxiety/depression reasons. But i'm definitely not some loser awkward weeb, I have a sexy girlfriend, and spend my days playing guitar, drawing, studying for fun, watching anime working out, and chatting with my friends online when not playing video games.

                                                      But I guess i've fallen off, in high school I was voted most likely to become famous, so much for that right? I dunno... Maybe I can still do something, I have lots of talent, but not in Dota, I just gotta find motivation again...

                                                      Bruce Almighty (smurf)

                                                        I'm a technician in a local computer cafe/repair shop/computer merchandise shop. I'm a licensed technician here in the Philippines. I only play Dota 2 on my rest day. I played Dota 2 since beta days. This is my smurf account.

                                                        <i>Felis catus</i>

                                                          I am currently a 1st yr medical student here in the Philippines. I'm doing good in my med school and I don't think I would be failing any of my subjects anyway. I just love playing Dota 2 as it is my stress reliever and it is my only break from studying. I don't have any social life though! I prefer going home right away after class to study or play Dota 2 :D

                                                          Quick maffs

                                                            Yorkey are u a real life anime or what

                                                            Quick maffs

                                                              Anyway i am an engineering dropout, i am not going to stop studying though.

                                                              Fuck engineering, that shit almost gave me depression, one of the most boring things i have studied in my life.


                                                                Get up
                                                                Study International Business
                                                                Do random shit to entertain myself which may or may not include dota playing.
                                                                Study the subjects for next day/procrastinate.
                                                                Socialize if possible/bitches are aound.
                                                                Study German on tuesdays and thursdays.

                                                                Rinse and repeat


                                                                  I'm a jk, I'm just a pleb studying engineering but still playing doto 4-5 games a day. fml


                                                                    I am a 4th year PhD candidate in Electrical Engineering by day, and hardcore dotto pleb by night. I am almost 25 years old, and yet I love this game.

                                                                    Miku Plays

                                                                      I don't really do anything besides playing Dota. I'm not really good at socializing, nor have many friends to hang out with.
                                                                      So when I get home from school, I just play until bedtime. Im a top tier student back in highschool but slowly found studying a nuisance, I decided its not worth if i can pass by not doing anything. I study IT in university, when i dont go to uni i work 7am-4pm for some allowance other than that its either dotka, anime or away with family


                                                                        ^ Don't you include avoiding painfully poisonous animals in your everyday schedule?

                                                                        Miku Plays

                                                                          ^ bees have been coming to our backyard lately, theyre painfully annoying too

                                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                                            Hatsune Miku ! Love you! 10/10 story, would read it again. Q.Q


                                                                              I'm an American living in China. I teach A-levels economics and business at a private boarding school. I teach about ~18 hours a week, prep maybe 10, and grade another 2-5. I go to a local internet cafe populated by kids aged 12-18 where I am the oldest person and the only non-Chinese person in the room and I play dota. It's a pretty rad life.

                                                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                                                ^ That's so cool.

                                                                                I learned a bit of Chinese in high school cause it was mandatory to have two years of foreign language. I already speak English and Spanish, I really should of took advantage of learning Chinese those years (i forgot a lot of it) cause I could of been trilingual, and i'd have an advantage over most humans. Sigh* It's not too late though. My sister is actually in China, she went there for school, she graduated from University Santa Barbara 2 years ago, and I guess she was bored of the average life, and pretty much loves school, she can't grow out of it, maybe it's the college parties, I dunno. XD

                                                                                I had a huge run on sentence just now. ^

                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                Bad Intentions

                                                                                  ^pics of sis or werk :]

                                                                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                    15 so I'm a sophomore in highscool and it's honestly the easiest shit ever. I spend about 10 mins on homework every day and the rest is either sports (hockey, track, or skating) or gaming


                                                                                      ^ USA?

                                                                                      Change 2 anime grl dp ski...

                                                                                        Economics final semester student.
                                                                                        Honestly considered dropping out for dota when I thought I was good then I played people in the 5k bracket+ and realized I'm fucking terrible this was about 2 years ago. To the guy that asked for me economics opened up interests in many other fields and it's probably one of the more viable things I could be doing right now although i'm a little insecure about job prospects which I do finance for.
                                                                                        Anyways when im playing dota i polay dota intensely and pretty much put that top of the list then i study , when i stop playing dota i'm usually just learning a whole lot of everything.

                                                                                        Livin' Real Good

                                                                                          @bad intentions

                                                                                          Nice try you dirty dog, I don't so. Kappa

                                                                                          and I saw your comment on Tohsaka Rin's Dota 2 4K dream status, get outta here you corny bastard. :P


                                                                                            Dota is my life. I play dota 8 hours a day. every day. For 2 years now. What else is there? Nothing.

                                                                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                              I went back to russia after doing a bachelors in UK. I am now doing a distance learning (online, UK based) masters in accounting and helping parents with some work.

                                                                                              Hopefully I can play some doto in the near future 😨


                                                                                                Orang Tang, did you do a CIMA / ACCA / CFA / CPA etc. type of thing?

                                                                                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                                                                Miku Plays


                                                                                                  I just copied Arins story since im on the same state anyway cant be bothered making my own lel

                                                                                                  Bad Intentions

                                                                                                    @ you are amazing

                                                                                                    lmao cmon mann :D nyway, yea gotta stay positive man, everyone can reach 4k!