General Discussion

General DiscussionHows selling mayonnaise in the current meta?

Hows selling mayonnaise in the current meta? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    It's been a while ive seen Luna Moonfang get played in ranked games. So how is she in the current meta of things? any recent bouts with her? thoughts?


      there is better carry than luna. so won't viable.


        why would you pick the BadGyro

        Miku Plays

          myb team aura good for luna carry

          Miku Plays

            luna, drow, venge, beastmaster, wk

            team aura


              Good support.
              1) rush AgS;
              2) cast ult on your Clockwerk teammate;
              3) ...
              4) profit.

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              Welt aus Eis

                shes not top tier but still pretty decent, keep in mind she appeared at TI in some important games

                Riguma Borusu

                  She's actually pretty viable, she's a lot like gyro in some aspects, being a mid game carry that can put out tons of both physical and magical damage. It's just that most teams find gyro way more viable, stable and useful.

                  Also, you would not WANT to build aghanims on her as you probably need something more, but it's still pretty decent on her, she really benefits from not being squishy as fuck, from bonus agility as damage/attack speed and even int and mana are useful seeing how much she can spam spells.

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                    Imo shes very good right now. Shes probably mid tier carry right now, a bit like a weaker gyro except vs racks. Shes eats them. Gyro has alot more potential to snowball early due to immence burst. But Luna has alot of right click dmg early and can get a hod sny bkb butterfly around 30min if all goes well and you can triple racks in a single team wipe. Her ulti is so strong at 16 that you should rape most 5v5 encounter unless you get blown up first but you should get a bkb always.

                    The only reason gyro is better to me is that hes a better rapier carrier. This shit is as OP as medusa rapier.

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                    Riguma Borusu

                      ^well, gyro is a better rapier carrier, sure, flak cannon is much like split shot, only for a few shots, but the thing with Luna is that she really does not need one in a realistic scenario. Her ultimate is not irrelevant even lategame, it's really a huge amount of damage, especially if all beams land.

                      She's pretty fine with an MKB if she really needs to get a damage item, otherwise you can stack stats to make her tough to fight against, because although BKB protects you from most disables and magic nukes, if the other team has aghs Lina or aghs QoP, which are popular things to do, you are kinda screwed, you just won't survive that as you don't have HP, and the same thing applies to Gyro, really.

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