General Discussion

General DiscussionHow much mmr have you gained (or lost) since you calibrated?

How much mmr have you gained (or lost) since you calibrated? in General Discussion
Men with Ven

    I was just wondering out of interest how much mmr people have gained or lost since they got their mmr whenever that may have been. Personally I have gained 1300 mmr since I calibrated about a year ago.


      Calibrated 2000 solo 2100 party now 4725 solo 4996 party (was 4.8k solo and 5.220 party)


        400 on this acc
        since the first time I calibrated, around 900

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            1200 or so. 1700 between high and low points.


              calibrated at 2300 and 4191 right now

              game is bad

                Calibrated at 4400. Now at 5400 and stuck there.


                  calibrated at 2200, got shitty retarded teammates now im 1650


                    About ~1000 mmr


                      calibrated at 3100 i think, now 4000

                      King of Low Prio

                        I'm about 2k now so I rose about 900

                        A waifu a day keeps socie...

                          2000 from 2k to 5k


                            3,7 > 3.470 atm

                            Highest I got was like 4199, lowest I was is like 3.150


                              calibrated at 2.7k, now 3.7k, peaked at near 4k


                                But they are all the same shit no matter how high you go. It's just the mechanical skills that differ people among brackets. Assholes are pretty much everywhere.


                                  calibrated 2.3k now 3.8k

                                  haru yo koi

                                    Calibrated 3.4k now 3.6k. It's been over 2 years now.


                                      1.3 or so


                                        calibrated @ 3.9k, around 4.3k now, lel

                                        < blank >

                                          I gayned 3400 mmr

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                                          the realm's delight

                                            calibrated 2900 (or a bit higher idk, i calibrated when ranked came out), now 5800, u do the math

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                                              Around 1.2k gain

                                              But my normal mmr I think the gain is like 2.5k

                                              Player 124137522

                                                Started Dota 2 (Used to play Dota 1 back in the day 7-8 years ago) , 8 months ago

                                                Gained 1.5k


                                                  From 1.6k to 3k so gained 1.4k


                                                    Calibrated 2 years ago 1.6k now 4.5k. So 2900 mmr gainz.

                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                                    lm ao

                                                      calibrated 1.3K now im 420

                                                      BLAZE IT FGT


                                                        +900 solo/ +1500 party


                                                          around 900 solo, about 1.2 party I think

                                                          Sexo Meister

                                                            Calibrated last year .
                                                            2221, now im 3960 tryin to get to 4k

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                                                              i gained around 3k solo, but i have lost some of it and i ain't playing that much nowadays


                                                                I still dont know why I decided to start ranked as soon as I got to lvl 13 (about 1 year ago), anyways I got calibrated at 1.3 or 1.4 I cant remember exactly and now Im 3.9, and been stuck here for about 2 months. I'm not sure if I can really keep going up but I guess as long as my winrate in ranked stays at 60% I should keep climbing.. However it's becoming really difficult to reach those 4k, I got there once but then I dropped to 3.8 again and here I am between 3.8-4k for 2 months.

                                                                Giff me Wingman


                                                                  Mad the Mike

                                                                    257 games, 55.25% winrate which would amount to about 725 mmr gained if those were ranked. But I'm not touching rmm until I get about 1000 games in and/or learn the game properly and/or get consistently placed in high skill. Atm I'm complete trash and don't feel like calibrating in 1k. Games like the last one serve well to prove it.

                                                                    < blank >

                                                                      Hahaha this 4k, it's a nightmare.Nightmare? Bane!


                                                                        I have gained 2,000 (net) MMR since I calibrated orginally at Normal skill several years ago. But I'm also down about 2k MMR from peak MMRs where I was a year ago in Very High.

                                                                        On ranked solo, where I can see exactly what it did I've been as low as 2.3k and as high as 3.7k. Party ranked varied from 3.2k to 4.1k. Unranked party and solo have been in Normal, High, and Very High at various times.

                                                                        I find it makes a big differnce which heroes I play, how often, how much practice, and how much tryhard is applied. My worst heroes consistently played will lose games down into the mid 2ks before leveling off. My best will rise to close to 4k before maxing out.

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                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                          From 5500 to 6300 solo and 5900 or something can't remember to 6100 party.

                                                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                            Calibrated around 2k4 last year. Now 400. But learn a lot of russian words.

                                                                            Men with Ven
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                                                                              Pierre Dole

                                                                                From 2.4 to 3.2 k.
                                                                                2k is like a swamp or quicksand that sucks u in and doesn't let u go...

                                                                                Gaming is Dead

                                                                                  calibrated at 1k a year ago now im 3.6 k


                                                                                    1600 more


                                                                                      calibrated at 1.4k year ago, now 3.3k


                                                                                        calibrated 1.3k solo and party now both 4k


                                                                                          calibrated at just above 4k, now at 5.4k


                                                                                            After ti4 2.6k after ti5 4k after ti6 5.4k Kappa

                                                                                            Bad Intentions

                                                                                              Solo Ranked

                                                                                              Calib: 3.8k
                                                                                              Lowest: 3k
                                                                                              Highest: 4.2k
                                                                                              Current: 4.1k


                                                                                                calibrated 3,8k and now 5k after a long road of total 1k games i think


                                                                                                  calibrated at 3,7k solo and party.

                                                                                                  Now I'm 5k1 solo and 4k6 party ( my party could be 5k too, but who gives a fuck about party mmr?).

                                                                                                  Plus I've been playing in S.E.A only so if I move to US or EU my mmr could skyrocket to 6k.


                                                                                                    i dont know my calibration T.T

                                                                                                    Tony Stronk

                                                                                                      Calibrated shortly after mmr was released, Solo + 200, party -200. Dont play ranked anymore, would go down so much since I've been losing 3/4 of my matches for the last couple of months