General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen mmr system is broken.

When mmr system is broken. in General Discussion
Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

    o really you just noticed?


      No I've been saying it for a while now but people tell me I belong in that shitty disgusting retarded clown bracket.
      And that it's my own fault.

      Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

        10-0 mirana, arrows all day, they prob. warded engima's woods. I suppose u guys never got off your feet after the first few ganks. I won't call this a bad game. you guys got outdrafted and everything. 0-8 clock yea nothing he coulda done, maybe you guys shoulda swap him out after 2 deaths or send a support.

        Riguma Borusu

          Yeah, it is broken, I should be 6k too.


            Na, you should stay at 2k by the looks of ur games u can tell u are not even close to being a 3k player.

            Riguma Borusu

              Precisely, and you are not even close to being a 6k player you think you are :x This is what Blade Mail feels like.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                ? Are you retarded? I never said I'm anywhere close to 6k? I said I'm a 5k player please don't say random shit you dumb russian lmfao go back to ur 2k ranked mmr high quality trashmaking.

                Riguma Borusu

                  You have 2k attitude with your incessant whining, whatever :x


                    And you have 2k gameplay, begone russian scum.

                    meow maniac

                      idk dude i like russians & eastern europeans. they're p cool tbh

                      Riguma Borusu

                        "And you have 2k gameplay, begone russian scum."

                        Never argued with that :x That's why I am 2k. If I wanted to be higher I'd actually try to improve at the game and play more of the hero pool. Only I don't think there's a dark conspiracy to keep me here, you know. I am still climbing, anyhow, I have 54% wr, but that could be way faster if I paid attention to potential for improvement.

                        Also I am a Serb, not that it changes anything, everyone's scum anyway.

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                        inst:  MissMissclick

                          hanter. i have seen your games. ur 3.8 at best


                            are you gonna be on a pro team and make 6 figures a year by being 4.8k, are you gonna make a living playing the game. no, so what does being 4.8k matter. (I'm 4.4k but who cares). you're only playing the game like everyone else here.

                            just fuck off with your shitty humblebrag threads


                              I don't think it's possible for any matching system to fix the problems you are having, which is basically that people don't tryhard every game. So some games your team of randomly assigned people didn't really want to win as much as you did.

                              Unless you want to play in a league that penalizes sub-optimal play, or play with a 5 stack of tryhards this can't be fixed. I was in dotacash Tier 2 league in dota 1 and it was not as much fun. People would write you up for losing, low KDA, bad plays and moderators would judge your case and try to kick you from the league. It ended up being a tiny club of insiders who all maphacked to win and flamed like crazy. When I realized during TI 1 that dota 2 had enough heroes to be playable I was happy to switch.

                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                              Giff me Wingman

                                Just spam pudge and stop whining. Srsly you do poorly on every hero except for pudge.

                                Riguma Borusu

                                  Hanter only cares when he gets worse players in his team, NEVER, EVER, GIVES A FUCK when the enemy team is full of retards. He "dumpsters" them with score 21-1 and feels good about himself, even if they won the game for him by being retards. He completely ignores that there's a lower chance he'll get more of those not-a-tryhard guys in his team because he's always one, so I don't take this guy seriously at all.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    yeah, you don't belong in this mmr
                                    actually you belong at least 500 mmr lower :horse:

                                    Sexo Meister

                                      yeah the mmr system is broken

                                      ur 2k~3k at best from what i seen, and yet u claimed ur 5k kek fix yourself

                                      if u dont want to cry a river for your team just play normal AP or better stop playing


                                        AYE SIR


                                          ^ filthy casual spotted


                                            AYE SIR!