General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do u get 200 cs by 20 mins as Antimage

How do u get 200 cs by 20 mins as Antimage in General Discussion

    Tips pls,

    I really like playing antimage but i am never able to get 200 cs by 20 mins. I remember the highest I got by 20 mins was prolly aroun 140 cs. I have only played four games and i think three of them I had no support so I had to resort to rush vlads-threads then fight then finish off my BF by 22 mins by that time i prolly have like around 110-130 cs. Can you give me tips. I really want to improve my ability to cs in general.


      often if you have treads+ring of health you can push out the wave and farm a jungle camp meanwhile your wave gets slaughtered under their offlaner's tower


        farm the lane and the entire jungle every minute


          By 10 minutes if you can't even complete a preservance you can kiss BF goodbye.

          Unless your enemies are so shit that they can't push high ground and the game has the potential to be delayed.


            ^ I think you need to go BF even if you are behind, otherwise you are just going to be useless forever instead of just useless for longer.

            @OP, if you are getting harassed go for poor man's shield + ring of health, vlad's gives you less regain in lane, costs more, slows down your BF and pushes the wave. Get your battle fury as fast as you can, once you have it you can farm the jungle with out missing any lane creeps. Also don't die in lane, during laning hold blink until you need to run, the only way you die is if you put it on cooldown when you shouldn't.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

              Most of my games i start with 8 tangos and a stout then i go quelling-brown boots-ring of regen then i finish bf. I dont see the point to delay bf to get treads unless you really wanna fight early which i think is a mistake. I also skip vlads alot and go straight into manta after bf and treads.


                By farming lanes and woods, being efficient on the map, for example stacking camps @,53 every time you think you can't kill it in time before other creeps spawn and other things like your movement. Try to go into lobby alone without bots and farm as fast as you can, see what you can do. It's possible to get ~110cs @10mins on radiant and even more on dire.


                  You need team for doing this. They need to let u farm jungle/lanes. If you watch people who got 200lh in 20min, they usually farm whole map, coz their team let them do this. I don't think that's a proper way of playing the game tbh. In most pubs u can't get 200 not because you're not skilled enough, but it's impossible.

                  Tips for maximizing farm :

                  - stack camps
                  - buy boots of travel
                  - cut trees with QB
                  - when u jungle without lifesteal, use chokepoints
                  - As Ember drop remnant in one lane, tp to other & remnant back to farm the next wave
                  - Cut creep waves
                  - Learn exact creeps locations at time (if u farm with Naga, Tinker, Terrorblade)
                  - Buy HoD & either farm lane with creep or stack ancients
                  - Treads switch for saving mana
                  - Get a proper farming build (for example on Slark u should max dark pact before pounce) & spam abilities to farm faster
                  - Bottle crow
                  - Get small-medium stats items like yasha, aquilla, drums etc. They not only let u teamfight better, but also farm faster.

                  & the 2nd most important tip :

                  Don't die.

                  & most important one :

                  Kills are worth much more now, so sometimes is just better to gank, teamfight than afk farm.


                    ^ No, you don't need your team for that at all. Every good AM player can get 200cs+ @20mins easy. If you can't, then you're probably not good enough at it and your whole movement on the map sucks. In every normal game it's always doable, if you're not playing against some retarded dual or tri lane. Sometimes it can be hard to get that if enemy has sb, bloodcyka and other retarded heroes.

                    Lester, Moe

                      Step 1. Don't pick anti-mage.



                        This is a game i just played. I managed to get close to a hundred cs every 10 min by the end of the game. Is this an ok performance?


                          ^ Can I ask you what is that build? ur 6/5/3, u've been in 9 kills out of 40, so I don't think you were fighting so why are you maxing mana burn and spell shield instead of going for stats??? And I guess you're too much "afk" farming. If you're doing that at least be useful.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            i had to split push cuz the two teamfights that i participated in, the two shadowblades on the radiant side fucked us up both times with legion and shadowfiend instantly locking down either me or the supports. I needed linkens for lion's hex, legion's duel, and shadowfiend's euls. I had to rat the crap out of the radiant side and took a risk and bought a gem which helped me secure the bottom lane. I was split pushing, barely in our jungle. I was more in their jungle and their bottom lane while the rest of my team tried to put pressure mid. Don't be hatin i'm still new to dota overall.

                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                do u ever think it's worth giving xp to the offlane in order to get a bf sooner? or should you only push wave to tower and farm neutrals when the offlaner leaves