General Discussion

General DiscussionDo I have to sell my kidney to get a lane as LC?

Do I have to sell my kidney to get a lane as LC? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    This shit is fucking retarded, I call solo offlane, a retard picks timber. Okay. I call mid, there's Invoker and TA in the fucking team. I call safelane, suddenly there are 4 fucking cores. Naturally, being able to jungle I go to jungle. But then I get blink later, get levels slower, and am able to participate later, at which point the fucking team mostly loses their lanes because they are fucking outnumbered due to their retard picks, and there's no lane participation with OO, so I boil down to being able to blink and disable people after 10 minutes, but it is not worth shit because my team is already losing, has less damage than the other team, and their team has fucking started grouping up already, BECAUSE THEY CAN.

    Just because a hero CAN fucking jungle does not mean it should. Fuck my life.


      Maybe you should just never leave jungle. PvE dota best dota

      Riguma Borusu

        Yeah, that's cool. I played lifestealer like that once, jungled straight for 30 minutes, ended up with a ton of items, and just won the game since my enemies did not farm for shit. That's because this is shit tier and hardly anyone fucks up farming cores. But there are so many fucking kills in the first 10 minutes of every fucking game that jungling for 10 minutes practically removes you from the game, you are underleveled, underfarmed, your team has already started losing because the lanes are weaker, etc. Just fuck those guys, the problem with legion is that if you don't leave the jungle and go gank as soon as you get your blink, you're not gonna snowball as easily, and if they have already started grouping up because why the fuck not, it's so much harder to get a sure duel to start off with.

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

          But did you expect something else from 2.5k or whatever?

          Riguma Borusu

            I did fucking not, but I don't feel confident picking safelane carries/mids because somebody is going to pick one as well, I can only reliably pick heroes that can also jungle, if I want to get some gold/exp at all, because people are fucking retarded, they don't reveal what they are going to pick and do not at any point say anything, because they are fucking autist braindead dogshit shitstain players.

            I announce my pick as soon as I get into the game, show the hero, and click where I am going, if they cannot fucking understand that they should just format their fucking HDs because they apparently cannot even use computers properly.

            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
            Miku Plays

              i think jungle lc is on par with lane lc atm, u should hit your 6 around 5 mins ( if u get bounty runes ) or usually around 6 - 7 mins. Then u can go in safelane to get ur first duel or get a smoke and go mid or offlane. When you jungle, finish the small first before the timer hits 1:00 so it will spawn another neut and it will give u lvl 2.

              Hide The Pain - Herald

                Timber picker here. Plzzz giff offlane


                  team had 4 cores and you went jungle LC anyway?


                  Miku Plays

                    ^ i think he already pick lc and called solo offlane


                      ahhh. my bad