General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do you define your skill in DOTA? Beginner / Mediocre / Above Av...

How do you define your skill in DOTA? Beginner / Mediocre / Above Average / Pro / in General Discussion

    It just came to mind that Ive been playing dota2 for almost 4 years now, wherein i have 3 accounts all 4-4.3k MMR
    This is my main account my win ratio for MMR is only around 46% but still at 4k , but still i have a fairly good overall W/L ratio

    So personally believe that i'm above average,i noticed that with the use my alt account i had to climb my way up from 3.6k to 4k and from there thats wherein im stuck at already

    So how do you define your skill? Is it really based in MMR or casual gaming? What is the range coz for me..

    Beginner 1k - 3k
    Mediocre 3k+ - 4k
    Above average 4k - 4.9k
    Pro - anything above 5k is pro worthy already


    the realm's delight

      1k-7k - tards
      pro players - tards getting money


        above average, even tho i dont fall in suggested range
        being 5k+ =/= being pro (sadly), it requires a bit another set of skills which cannot be directlty measured by ranking system



          What about sub 1k?


            i dont know mine :( i'm just bouncing between high and very high skill games as of the moment. Winrate dropped from 70% to near 55% over the past few days for reasons including, rage quits mid game and just people not playing their role which demoralizes me and i find no reason to play my role.

              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                mine is below everything measurable

                the realm's delight

                  sub 1k are tards having fun. cause they are either really new at the game and thats usually when u're having the most fun playing the game, or tards that got there on purpose, also to have fun "pwNing scrubS haha 4Head so fun"


                    a lot of actual pros got mmr lower than that btw
                    i remember jotm is in high 4ks solo (well, jotm is not tier1 player but still), and hes not the only one

                    King of Low Prio

                      no most pros would be 6k+ if they took ranked seriously the thing is once they have name recognition they dont need to push their rating up and stop caring.


                        ^dont see any contradiction here, and its true


                          WOW I'm PRO! (̿▀̿ ̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ ̿)̄ any other PRO's here? (╭ರ_•́) Lets win TI! ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ I kinda need that money. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


                            or maybe becoz im in SEA region thats why i think MMR in SEA region is kinda pro-ish already >_<
                            anyways thanks for the insight guys.

                            the realm's delight

                              I TriHard sell TriHard cocaine TriHard to TriHard a TriHard pregnant TriHard girl TriHard i TriHard am TriHard not TriHard a TriHard drug TriHard dealer TriHard i TriHard am TriHard a TriHard life TriHard saver


                                I'm above average for sure.


                                  "anything above 5k is pro worthy already"

                                  LMFAO RIGHT


                                    @sano i said i was in SEA region ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )


                                      What about 0.5k??


                                        this is how I would seperate dota players
                                        1. 0-7k that are playing dota for fun
                                        2. 0-7k that are just trying to lvlup their rank even though it doesnt mean shit, playing shitton of this game, no fun only frustration,
                                        3. pro players - playing shitton of this game and getting money that can pay everything they need in their life.

                                        Livin' Real Good

                                          Probably average, cause I never took the time to actually study the game until a few days ago cause of my biggest tilt ever happening this week, went from 3.7 (which I got to very easily) to 3.2 o_o. (which I fell to very easily) So now that i'm actually attempting to go on sites, and watch youtube videos, I think I can get to 4K easily. Just working on my mindset, I tilt too easily, and care too much what my team mates are doing. (in other words how bad they're playing)

                                          But 5K is nowhere near pro worthy, honestly, if you're not even 6K, it shouldn't even be your mind, unless you made a name for yourself already offline somewhere with connections, at a popular cafe, or a team. Like Dendi, he's not even 6K I think.

                                          Livin' Real Good

                                            I'm sure Benao belongs at TI6. Kappa


                                              and no, being 6k or higher doesnt make u pro. You are pro ONLY if you have stable contract with gaming company that gives u money on monthly basis. You are amatuer if you are good at this game and winning money only based on tournament accomplishments.

                                              Its different being PRO WORTHY and actually being a PRO(fessional).

                                              If you are not niether, you are filthy casual. You can be fitlhy casual that cares about mmr or filthy casual that just play for personal enjoying.

                                              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                              Mad the Mike

                                                I'm supertrash and enjoying Doto. Most of the time anyway. Will eventuallly calibrate, reach 3k and become slightlytrash.


                                                  i am only 1.7k but that is only because my teammates are bad and i cant win with them. i should be at least 5k this stupid unbalanced ranked system is holding me back there is no way to get more then a 50% win rate. if you are in 1k you cant possibaly get out you only think that only 5k players can be good because you were lucky enough to calibrated at a high mmr. i know that i could play just as well as any pro player if i would just stop getting matched with retards. this games ranking is completely broken and doesn't mean anything. i have over 3000 games there is no way i am a beginner that is like the same number of games as pros have. i am just as good as a pro it is just ranking that is butt shit.


                                                    ^ is that 4real??


                                                      ^^ ya you are not beginner you just suck


                                                        people who don't have even 2000 games don't even know how to play yet. if you disagree with me you are just a fan boy who only likes this broken system cuz it doesn't say you are a scrub, even though tyou are. come back when you have 3000 more games and have played in 1k then you will understand. skill has nothing to do with rank it is just luck.

                                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                          whats that supposed to mean


                                                            the collage speaks for itself but if you didn't get it;

                                                            -One can spam same hero over and over again until he reaches 19k MMR

                                                            -If his hero is picked before he picks it, he lost the game cause he is a scrub that can play only one hero

                                                            -MMR alone doesn't mean shit, it only becomes meaningful combined with other parameters to measure one's skill level


                                                              you overate hero mechanics way too highly, the dota skills are mostly transferable
                                                              if he switches to playing other heroes he will at least maintain 6k+ for sure.

