General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat are your thoughts on Slardar right now?

What are your thoughts on Slardar right now? in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    According to this:

    His pickrate and winrate are pretty good right now, he seems to be picked more, and with medallion/crest and general vision nerf, he seems to have a more useful kit, a bit harder to attain by others, right now. He's also pretty decent against spectre and antimage.

    So it's obvious he can stomp pubs if he snowballs, but how do you play him? I am not sure he really makes the best safelane at this point, and with windrape and doom being so popular at the moment I doubt he'll really be picked much as an offlaner. But I didn't realize he has such a high pub winrate, so I am wondering why. Let's also not forget that moon shard was a direct buff to this fucker.

    이 주제는 수정되었습니다
    Mind Games

      I'm actually happy he is finally getting a share of the spotlight.

      Top pick against those annoying Int carries 3h3h3


        It's fine just keep spamming your trash commander to get that 2.5k.

        Riguma Borusu

          ^pudge picker troll

          But I don't even play ranked you shitstain.


            still a bad heroes




              Sexo Meister

                Man hanter still has a grudge on you dude, maybe you should actually 1v1 him kek

                Why join, if abandon?

                  @rolovo sam dvajes I think slardar is unnecesssary, but if he is used, it's for the amplify damage. Also helps that he can sprint, and has a stun, and has basher. But mainly amplify.


                    Bruh, Slardar strong AF in the right hands.

                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                        As a Slardar player who has been using him as a favorite hero, with the right hands even without crest or medallion he can be extremely decent early-late game. I've played him always as a hard carry and trust me he can defeat hard carries and supports as well as become a tank. Slardar is basically my best hero that can comeback even from a fat spectre with radiance and heart as long as I have the right items and farm for him.


                          If you're picking Slardar carry, safelane or offlane is already good spot to just get farm and get treads, magic wand and stout shield. Once you have those, rush blink dagger and continue your farm based on what's happening in the game.

                          Is the enemy very strong or aggressive with magical damage? Get bkb and and be carry.

                          Very strong physical carries? Get armlet and a lifesteal item(dominator is the best item) as well as cuirass, heart and other items that are useful for you and your team.

                          Ez game? Get daedalus and MKB, watch as you combine it with amplify damage and critical hit, you can 1 HIT kill a soft hero even with 800 health

                          Even without that much items, Slardar is built for taking down soft heroes/disrupt enemy supports with his stun and chasing low health heroes with sprint and blink. If he gets farmed really fast and achieves damage + attack speed items, it's alot more difficult to take him down than Spectre or Void provided the one using him is also a careful player. Carelessly initiating enemy heroes with blink stun on dark areas or when your teammates are far can cost you the match if you get killed. Personally, Slardar is the best carry for early game to bring down Huskar should he become too aggressive at that stage.

                          P.S: I've played Slardar in both ranked and pubs and he's also my best hero to win both matches.

                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                            great vs spectre - amplify damage effectively nerfs dispersion.


                              highly underrated, early blink dagger completely destroys the game


                                really helps in ranked matches. Amazing hero

                                  이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                    still ugly


                                      yea, he is good with his really core : blink dagger and armlet. Make him very strong to initiate