General Discussion

General DiscussionTilting Hard! Help!

Tilting Hard! Help! in General Discussion

    So I lost more than 100 mmr in 2 days. A couple of games my teammates were trash and a couple I didn't play well enough. What should I do to stop this? Change position?Hero pool? or Just play unranked for a while?



      I lost 500 in 4 days what u crying about kid.


        Either help or get out.


          i play weekends only and normally i go either +100 or -100 in two days. its pretty normal.
          objectively even if you are not tilting and playing on your real mmr, the chance to have 4 games in a row with equal result is 1/8


            It's just that I'm close to hitting 3k and went back to 2.8 again.


              ^Treat ur games as learning experience. If you're below 5k u still have tons to learn. I don't think it matters if ur 2.8k or 3k. I only see difference at around 3.5k, but even 3.3k & 2.8k is pretty much same stuff. There is also a lower skill difference between 4k & 3k than 4k & 5k or 5k & 6k.

              TL;DR - play to learn & improve. I can understand some people who are frustrated about 4.5k+ bracket, but below that you can win 90% of games if ur skilled.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                Git gud


                  What position do you think would be best to win the game by yourself? I usually play safelane carry and make good decisions but the past few games my mids were absolute trash. A Tiny had sb by 12 min mark and my mid wasnt even level 6. Next game, SF had sb by 14 min mark and snowballed. I tried going Mid next game but we had no supports so I played Lina mid and bought couriers, wards and also had to initiate on top of that since our Centaur and Tiny thought toss combo was better than getting a blink. It's really frustrating when teammates aren't even close to decent, this has been happening just this week. Had a good run before that.


                    I dropped from 4.9k to 4.6k in basically a week while playing with a team who should i win not lose mmr with in the first place. It's a shitty feeling cause i was playing at least descent, but i know i will grind that mmr back and if you're good, you will too.


                      Remember those words "You win some you lose some"


                        The Ace of Spades, the Ace of Spades :D

                          이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                          the realm's delight



                              Git gud.


                                Hmm my teammates seem to be following your guide

                                Livin' Real Good

                                  You think you're tilting hard? I just lost 700 MMR in 5 days, I don't even show up in VHS anymore. I went from just under 3.8 to 3.1 in 6 fucking rage filled days (now 3.3) I could of sworn I was in a hidden bracket due to being mute banned for " flamming." But now i'm winning again, my page was almost all red a few days ago though, stop crying, just don't do what I did, don't play when you're emotional and raging already, i'll never do it again....

                                  Besides, you made a smurf and still ended up in normal skill? What's up with that? I'm not saying i'm good, but you're definitely trash if you calibrate into 2K again, and are exactly where you belong, so don't call your teammates trash. lol

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                    never forget 29 game lose streak


                                      This is my only account. If I made a smurf, I'd be at least 3.5k. I do agree with you about playing when emotional though, it does seem to affect my winrate


                                        +/-100 from your "base" mmr is normal statistically speaking. If you are able to maintain at +100 for a few days, then that is when you know you got better and the +100 should be your new "base" mmr.


                                          quelling blades dont stack u fool


                                            Don't drunk so much.. or don't smoke weed in weeken if u want srsly +mmr.
                                            Rmm system is = for all..
                                            I thinks .. e.g ( play 4match ; 1st match easy ; 2nd match normal. 3rd match hard; 4th match very hard .. bcoz ur enemy like u :;: they winning stack is equal like u )
                                            :_) So u wanna up mmr.. don't play more than 2match in 8hours.

                                            (P.s ...Today i lost 75 mmr in 2 hours,,,bcoz i got high) hehe