General Discussion

General DiscussionAs if Alch mid wasn't strong enough

As if Alch mid wasn't strong enough in General Discussion

    Today I discovered you can stack/farm Radiant Ancients with Acid from the little nook next to the T1 tower.

    You can get a sub-10 minute radiance with that shit :D 9min is my record...

    Sadly you don't get the exp from them because you are too far away but there's no reason why a support can't be leaching it when they aren't stacking other camps/harassing the Dire mid/bottle crowing for you.

    Maybe everyone knew this already (I knew you could farm ancients but not that you could stack them without leaving the lane)

    Riguma Borusu

      I saw this a long time ago and knew it was possible, but I am not sure I've ever seen someone do it in my games, because they are dogshit and I am dogshit.

        이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

          er duh. you drop acid at x:53 and then go back to farming the lane. the ancients start dying at around 4mins.

          the point is you don't have to walk up the ramp to stack them - you just walk back to your tower - takes like 5secs.

          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

            the more creeps alche kills and the less bounty they give by themselfs the more effect his passiv will have in comparison to normal farming. your trick is very gud nevertheless but:
            -i think u need the acid spray in the lane, or ull give away to much space or farm to the enemy midlaner who will massivly push your wave in and gank or just completly outCS u.
            -if a support stacks for u he is probably increasing your GPM more by stacking normal jungle camps (some supps can stack 2 at the same time)
            -during daytime the enemy mid will see it and u can easily steal the stack with a good early support rotation


              u accumulate more gold from stacking the big camp due to greevils greed. thats why u max it
              if u stack ancients u have the possibility to get stun and still get high gpm though.


                You can do it on the way for a top rune also.


                  Your support can still stack the big camp for you and you can still use acid spray once in lane each minute so long as you use it before x:30. It is just an extra 300 gold per minute - you don't lose that by not using acid spray twice per minute in lane.


                    Problem with stacking on the way to the rune is you are melee without refraction so the dragons rek you.

                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                        Ain't that the truth...


                          its fucking stupid to farm ancients lmao

                          you use up your only laning ability for a slow investment that can get a lot more easily contested, its crap

                          you're better off using acid to double stack camps before taking the rune if you actually want to use acid out of the lane early on, double stacking medium camps for example gives you much better returns