General Discussion

General DiscussionOMG !!! My MMR !!!

OMG !!! My MMR !!! in General Discussion

    I build new account in this holiday.
    And now my exp trophy is 50. But i know i only got 3k or under 3k after tbd bcoz my skill bracket is only on high skill. Why why !!!
    Why i can't got over 3.5k? What should i do now ? Continuous to find rmm this 10matchs tbd ? Give me some advice pls.
    (P.s most of my fri mmr is over 3.5k and they always laugh me coz my main acc mmr is under 3k :(


      play your 10 placement matches to the best of the ability and take what mmr you receive. if you're under 3k then that's your current play level swallow that with pride and improve.


        git gud.

        or tell ur friends to get a fucking life outside of dota, i wouldn't give a fuck if 1 of my friends laughed at me for being 3k.

        Bad Intentions

          Yo OP, listen man, use this as your motivation! Its possible to climb man! go grind dem mmr up!



            jew who wud do ur calibration for money (or even a brazzer's account)


              yo Bad Intentions, what's ur mmr sitting at? and what's ur ping like on AUS servers?

              Livin' Real Good

                1. you're a filthy smurfer, maybe you just don't deserve 3.5K?
                2. Why do you care so much about what your friends think of you? Must suck being a slave to other peoples opinions, just like 90% of the people on this planet.

                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                  git god.

                  Let Jesus into your soul and you will get VeryHighSkill.


                    how about let me into ur account

                    D the Superior
                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                        just saying, your juggernaut play is just horrible lol

                        Bad Intentions

                          Yo ceesa sup mann, im at low 4ks mann lol, AU? Got me like 300ms ping i think, tho ive played there a couple of times when sea was down, add me up so i can spy on ur gamez as well :D


                            get back to tumblr OP

                            Mind Games



                                you idiot. the amount of time you spent setting up a smurf account with level 50 and you could've actually improved at got a legit 3k.

                                why would anyone smurf if it wasn't to get an account at least 2k above where they belong?

                                Welt aus Eis

                                  Your friends are trash


                                    First, you go back to your main account.

                                    Second, watch your replays and compare them to 5k/6k players to see what you are doing wrong.


                                      @ Bad Intentions, can u add me up man? my steam wont let me do it.

                                      I want to watch games to see what ur all-chat smacktalk is like haha..

                                      Bad Intentions

                                        Lmao mann, im rusty in the all chat smack talks at d moment :D u shud add samp as well, he d all chat destroyer :D


                                          you cant get above 3.5k because you dont deserve it, otherwise your main wouldnt be below 3k.

                                          King of Low Prio

                                            muted for one more day I can only spam GG WP

                                            King of Low Prio


                                              Valve forces me to flame my team


                                                if you put as much effort into improving at the game instead of trying to get around the fact that you're not 3.5k material you'd be 3.5k already.


                                                  ^my sincere +1 to this


                                                    @ Bad Intentions


                                                    all chat wars with a NP that has 4000 games and is still 3k :D enjoy


                                                      since I'm bored, I'll explain your shittyness. your most played hero on this smurf is juggernaut and you have a sub 50% winrate with him. how do you expect to calibrate highly when most of your hidden MMR will be caused by a hero that you lose more often than you win with.

                                                      from your jugg stats, you die wayyyyyy too fucking much. your average GPM is okay at 485 considering you're losing 47% of matches. if you were winning 60% of your matches and still only getting 485 GPM that would be shit, because if you're in a winning position you'll have a high GPM most games.

                                                      if you were to simply focus on not dying and as a jugg I assume you are way too aggressive, you'd probably have average 550 GPM right there and 52+% winrate, because not dying means you don't lose time farming which gets you free wins.

                                                      same with bounty hunter. 11 deaths per game on average? not even pieliedie has that many for fucks sake.

                                                      second is your item build. this isn't 2012 anymore, people have realised battlefury into aghs jugg is shit.

                                                      aghs is kinda shitty on juggernaut because of his constant base attack time buffs from like 5 patches ago which makes getting carry items on him much more viable. it makes you very weak when you don't have your ultimate up, and when you do have your ultimate up, you're still strong without aghs because you'll have dps items that work during omnislash.

                                                      battlefury's still worth it sometimes but you're better off building carry items like manta or SNY than getting aghs after it, because battle fury helps with late game (helping you farm) where carry items are going to have more benefit than an item that is only useful once every 70 seconds.

                                                      desolator's kinda shitty imo. it's strongest when gotten early but early on you want stats cos you're weak as fuck and you already have good damage with just abilities. deso also gets weaker as the game goes later and skadi is a good item on jugg too. it's basically all-in on the mid game and if you fuck up then your late game is worse, when a SNY would also help midgame but doesn't make your late game as bad.

                                                      also desolator does not synergise well with battle fury as cleave damage is not affected by armour, so the armour reduction (which is the only reason you get desolator now) is wasted.

                                                      also stop building shadow blade. the surprise factor gets you one free kill but it doesn't help you farm (compared to other items), gives you mana problems on a low int hero, and if you can't keep getting kills with it, you fall behind in farm and lose the game. so it's a high risk item but low-medium reward. seeing as it's your most bought item and you have a 35% winrate with it, it's clearly dragging your winrate down with the hero.

                                                      instead of buying battlefury + aghs and sb/desolator (11-12k), spend that on mask of madness, sange and yasha (or manta) and a basher which is 9-10k.

                                                      when you know the basic stuff like how to last hit and build proper items on jugg then you can focus more on map awareness so that you're not feeding all the damn time. same applies to every hero. when you don't need to think about what item to build or skill to level or last hit timing, that gives you time to do other things e.g look at the map, see who's missing, what items they have, check the scoreboard, do certain enemy heroes have lv 6 et cetera.

                                                      plz do

                                                        ^damn! u mustve been lonely!

                                                        Bad Intentions

                                                          Lol ima read dem all chat stuff looks like some juicy stuff :]

                                                          We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!