General Discussion

General DiscussionAre college/university just a waste of time?

Are college/university just a waste of time? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Wtf an entire year of college only costs you 700$ and you are complaining? I paid that much for textbooks every semester.

    And yes college is worthwhile. You might feel like you aren't learning as much but being accountable, having deadlines, being in a social setting are all good things to learn and adapt to. You might learn more technically online or solo but it's hard to learn critical thinking skills by yourself without group discussion and such.

    Sexo Meister


      Did i say the entire year?

      Enterance fee is $700

      The whole is shit is $6400

      Arek Akashi

        Do PhD

        Dire Wolf

          the way you worded it just for the last year sounded like a whole year's tuition. 6k is still pretty cheap, my college was over 60k whole thing, and it's doubled since I went 10 years ago. But statistically speaking you will make far more than that back over a lifetime of a career. It's still worthwhile for technical fields.

          Sexo Meister


            Yeah i just noticed i wrote last year instead of enterance fee, my bad

            Also im not rich T_T, living ina 3rd world country is painful

            Well thx 4 the advice brah ill keep it in mind:)

            Dire Wolf

              well if you are an engineer you can probably get a work visa to come to the us, we are short on like every technical skill here and pay well

              Sexo Meister


                I thought the us has tons of engineers, what would be the usual salary for a work project?


                  yo I'm pushing 30 and I can say without any shadow of a doubt that getting a computer engineering degree was easily the best thing I ever did. Mind you, I did three internships in college, and you really, really want to do internships.

                  > well if you are an engineer you can probably get a work visa to come to the us, we are short on like every technical skill here and pay well

                  that's a total oversimplification. The number of visas that are given out each year for skilled workers is capped and is exhausted very quickly. Even then, your employee has to pay to get you into the country, and then you are generally obliged to stay at that company for some period of time; if you leave the company, you leave the country. I have friends that can't work in the US because they can't get a visa at all, friends that can't get a company to pay for it, and friends that immigrated to the US and are stuck in bad jobs that they can't leave because they'd get kicked out of the country if they did.

                  Sexo Meister


                    Thx db kek
                    I thought this thread is gonna be a shitfest, damn these are some good point to reconsider my thoughts about quitting college.


                      eh, i quit after 2 years, got a ridiculous job for a company that flopped 11 months after i started and i guess ill go back, still 22 y/o, managed to pay off all debts in those 11 months, but 2.5 more years is still going to hurt. I do Computer Information Systems and experience is WAY more important, but you wont get experience until you've wasted all your money at school. Professors are incompetent at teaching, only there for the research, sad i pay 15k/yr to teach myself everything online.

                      bum farto

                        Try and mix up your college with some free work experience, some secular course work that adds expertise "branches" to your main foundation whatever that may be.

                        Good luck for the future :)