General Discussion

General DiscussionCan't play dota till tomorrow for failing to accept games

Can't play dota till tomorrow for failing to accept games in General Discussion

    So 2 times early yesterday i failed to ready up 10 minutes and 25 minutes, than a brand new day and I'm in settings and i get a game without knowing now i cant play till fucking tomorrow like wtf and hour tops

    this shit is worse than LowP


      I mean you abandoning a game is better than not accepting one because you ruined a game, not creating one


        that does seem harsh. all you've done is caused 9 people to wait an extra 30secs. about the only legit reason for playing on a smurf....


          instead of wasting an entire game


            then dont fucking do it, if everyone does that, the average queue time will be way longer than it should because 9 out of 10 times only 9 out of 10 players are ready. kappa

            ok seriously, go to option, audio tab, select "Play sound in Desktop", so you hear the sound when you need to accept a match in case you alt-tab every time you wait for match. if you went to somewhere else and miss the match, gtfo


              Wherever I'm at, the D2 window will alt+tab to the ready screen and force me to accept. Even if I'm browsing chrome or something.


                I have it so it brings it to the foreground i was in game, just in setting and i never heard it or saw it


                  Tbf mushi, I play Dota on a Mac and I only get notifications that the match is ready about 50% of the time. It's only because I keep alt-tabbing back in that I know.



                    > Well played!

                    ok i really don't have any response to that since im not familiar to it, try some computer experts but not me, you might get a solution for that lel

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      I think the solution is that you continue to cry on forum while I demolish some noobs cause I ain't temporarily not allowed to que for matches.


                        @mushi i think the solution would be to not try and play computer games on a mac ;)

                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                        Paid actor

                          Thats how they should make low prio punishment not the failin to get rdy, i mean that 10min ban is ok or even more lets say 30min max...but an entire day?? >.>....even the courier feeding guy gettin 2-3 games low prio after an hour or two is back on the track.


                            Youre all fucking 2K MMR

                            Paid actor

                              ^hi 3k shitbag, is that supposed to be insulting? theres always a bigger fish

                              plz do

                                check ur dota 2 reborn options. u can check that dota2 window opens up once game is rdy to accept - doesnt help though if ur physically afk (or masturbating too hard).

                                nvm i didnt read that this has been said before. mb turn up the volume of ur dota2 sounds

                                이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                  I've played in 3k mmr and its pretty trash tbh