General Discussion

General Discussionso many games with retards

so many games with retards in General Discussion

    I honestly don't understand how I play so many games with retards. Like if I carry I more often than not get retard supports who have no clue what they are doing. If I support I get carries who are terrible and obviously don't listen.

    I would understand losing if the other team legitimately beat me. But more often that not I lose because of having 3 or 4 retards who just have no concept of the game. Its like... is it fun playing a game which makes you look like a retarded fuck with no brain.. LOL.

    And lets be honest the LP system is fucking trash. Like how can I get put into LP for getting mad at my teammates because they don't know how to use their brains. The reasoning for the system putting you into LP is fucking bullshit. If anything valve needs to make a fucking game mode for the retards and from evaluating games the system can establish the retards who are playing. Like games might not be ranked but they do still count towards stats and shit.

    You can take a look at my games.. and you could say that I'm not very good because I died a lot. But ask yourself this.. Why and how did he die so much.. Maybe his teammates were bad and didn't know how to ward or as supports they just sit in lane sapping xp like a useless mofo. I legitimately just want to be playing good quality games with people who have the same level of knowledge of the game. Obviously there are heroes who require the skill level of the player to be very high eg. meepo. But for the most part all this game is, is strategy and having a good understand about what to do. Which is what lacks in a majority of my games on my team.

    I honestly cannot comprehend how there are players online who are like level 60, have 2000 games played and still have no concept of the game. Its fucked up and it really doesn't make sense.

    BTW any good players who want to play US EAST/WEST add me. Would be keen to play in a 5 stack as all my friends who do play dota live on the other side of the world as I am in the US attending college.


      Relax, not everyone wants to play in a competitive point, they just want to play. Let's face it, some people dont delve deeper into the game. No need to post things like this.


        @Dragrus - I totally agree, however...
        I am in the potato bracket and I feel this way all of the time. I don't feel as tho I am "Very High Skill" but I feel as though I could re-calibrate easily at 3K MMR. Sad fact: Gameplay at 1.4K MMR is almost identical to 2K MMR.


          Smurferino smurferino.


          If only I could play on other servers and witness the autism that is dotka :D

          Dune, the Desert Planet

            OP you are fucking shit. Uninstall.

            Dune, the Desert Planet

              Show your main acc OP


                Play with friends stack, problem solved.
                DotA is more fun with friends after all

                  이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                  Livin' Real Good

                    Arturia, broke my heart, you jerk ! Sabre ! Never thought you'd do such a thing !

                    Also, 4K bracket is where it's at, anyone below that, or above it is trash. Then comes the real question, is your MMR high enough?

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                      이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                      Boundless Strike in Gaben...

                        like all games there are some people who are just bad at dota of the reasons why this is more obvious in dota is that its a team game so the entire team feels the brunt of one bad player

                        considering the vast majority of gamers are also kids and teens you get the combination of bad skills + immaturity so when a bad player is having a bad game he'll just go f*ck it and start feeding cours and himself

                        being a bad player he has no idea bout hero selection and hero roles and game play and again this being a team game your entire team will feel it

                        only solution is to play with friends


                          Truth about Dota2 progression:

                          - You are retarded
                          - Your team is retarded
                          - You get better
                          - People who were retarded now offend you moar
                          - People who are better than you think you're the retard
                          - You get better again
                          - Repeat the process until reaching TI level skillz
                          - By the time you reach TI level skillz you realize that everyone is trash and now you have to join EG and rage on stream about pubs

                          Welcome to doto.


                            haha no i'm not retarded. I do have a brain and I know how to use it. Too bad people just have no clue how to play. why would I show my main account as well? that piece of shit account is calibrated at 2.8K and I obviously don't belong there because those scrubs are fucking useless. I fucking deserve 5k at least. Thats the skill level I should be at. considering that it is a 5 player game it takes 5 players to win.

                            I will agree with sumail's comment that this game is not for retards. because retards have no brain.. therefore they are wasting there time. Me.. I'm not retarded therefore not wasting my time.

                            Fuck all the retards on dota.
                            Uninstall fuckers


                              @gg obviously you're a retard because you didn't read my post properly. smh learn to read please


                                Yes you are retarded, only a retard would deny not being retarded.

                                I have PhD in mental retardation. I can tell a retard when I see one.

                                You're retarded bro.


                                  lol smh... I give up on humanity. Too many fucking retards in this world. BTW.. if you understand Dota you would at least have some understanding of how to pick heroes.. know how to ward.. know how to rotate and gank as a support or have a tp available for a counter gank. Obviously I don't play with a lot of people who "understand" Dota because they don't know how to do these things. Whatever.

                                  Ps. Your picture is gay as fuck. loser


                                    > i deserve at least 5k


                                    Dude, you're a fucking smurf who complains about ''retards'' while playing on one of the easiest regions in the entire world.

                                    You can be brain dead and still get 6k+ on US region ez



                                      Also if you think my pic is gay wait till you see my steam profile

                                      Miku Plays

                                        My smurf is 2k and I tell them I'm a retard and I'm gonna ruin the game and before the ancient explodes I all chat stay in 2k scrubs


                                          i like that girl


                                            the question is, STILL HAVE RETARD PLAYER ON VHS? ;D and one more question. give me SOME TIPS ON HOW TO GET VHS LIKE YOURS? IS IT TO HARD AND IMPOSIBLE ON SEA SERVER? I DONT KNOW WHY I STILL on normal skill bracket. even i try and try so hard to improve without feeding. i was like feeling so ez on normal skill bracket and yet still on Normal skill. haha. adore those people that are in high and vhs. ;D


                                              Op you're retarded

                                              Miku Plays

                                                U cant climb because uraretard, focus on yourself first before u tell others how shit works in dota


                                                  well, we can't do anything. A lot of people tend to use the report button as a way to get back at the retard but really, they didnt do anything wrong. we can't use the report button because it's not a sin or bad thing to be newbs. We can't complain because it's just the way they play. We can try to teach them but in the end, it's up to them if they want to play better.

                                                    이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                    Paid actor

                                                      The typical its everyone else's fault. If your teammates suck, so does the enemy team, so u have 4 retards vs 5 of them, make the change. Stop cryin and raging about what u think they did wrong while completly forgettin ur own mistakes, its extremly immature and kinda pathetic.


                                                        You dont even do good in your games, you do just as bad as the retards,

                                               this is a good example of retards and me the only one doing good


                                                          if you constantly play with retards, you are either boosting, or 6k, or a retard yourself. you are not a booster neither 6k? too bad for you.

                                                          SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                            ^ Love it


                                                              The dota 2 community is all retarded son. No matter your K. If you're not top 1000 players on your region, you're definitely retarded son. Only thing is how truly retarded you are.
                                                              You can be mildly retarded (5k), plain ol' retarded (4k), very retarded (3k), insanely retarded (2k), way beyond retarded (1k), a fucking potato plays better then you (<1k).