General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to farm with a carry like Wraith King..?

How to farm with a carry like Wraith King..? in General Discussion

    Chaos Knight also...

    Lots of carries get a battle fury and then clear jungle and lane really fast. What do I do with a carry such as WK that has low mobility unless he has blink (more walking to creeps) and building a Battle Fury on him is just a complete fail.

    Must you simply focus on lane creeps and defending with tp scroll?
    I feel like these heroes only work in an aggressive lineup where you get farm from kills, otherwise the enemy let's say Anti-Mage or PA will outfarm you with their BFuries quickly...

    I mean you can clear jungle + your safe lane, all I'm saying is other heroes do it much faster...


      1. It takes them about 13 mins to farm battle fury
      2. In that time you build the fighting item to prepare yourself for fights while they bought the farming item
      3. PA vs WK wont do shit against him if he has an MKB
      4. You need to outplay the enemy and if you are being out farmed sometimes it takes gathering your team takign advantage of your enemy rushing a farming item and not exactly being prepared for fights because they skipped team fight items like bkb / helm of dominator possibly ETC
      5. If AM gets battle fury ignore him, get a soul ring so when he drains mana you can still revive,then right click him to death
      6. The heroes who typically buy Battlefury cannot man fight WK. Anti mage, jugg, PA, Ember, they all have to try to kite WK cuz if WK gets in their face they are dead in a few swings. So out play your enemy. With your item build and your decision on who to go on in team fights, which team fights to take, ETC.
      7. Radiance is not bad on WK if you have a lot of farm in early game.
      8. WK doesn't need a lot of items to be useful. He can rape people with some attack speed and survivability.

      That's all I can think of.

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        inner corpse

          u compensate with kills/towers/roshans and map control, realistically theres no other way to keep up with hero which has bf as its core

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          Riguma Borusu

            you farm heroes lol

            But aside from that, the ideal playstyle for WK is to get some early fight items like blademail drums pt and then go for radiance and push and fight.


              agree with Vinylz

              WK need less items. Only 3 items, he'll readly to battle
              1. power tread
              2. damage, depend on situation(Daedlus, MKB, Desolator etc.)
              3. hyper stone

              other items u got later come from gank and kill at the right time


                bro daedalus is a waste of gold on wk. -_- why would u build tht item if he has lot of tht. i inspected ur profile, no offense bro i think tht is tge reason why u are stil in normal skill even playing alot of games..


                  1. RADIANCE


                    treads on doom, maxing new spell first, heart instead of getting armour, looks like he was going skadi next

                    hyperstone is not a good item on it's own. id rather have a blink on a wraith king than a hyperstone. 55 attack speed doesn't help if you get kited. you'd end up doing more damage with blink than hyperstone because you'd be able to stay on top of the enemy.

                    mkb is overrated for damage. you get mkb when you're against evasion/miss chance, otherwise daedelus crit chance increases average dps more than mkb's minibash although daedelus is shit on wraith king since he already has a passive crit, and you can't double crit on a single attack.

                    you'd be much better off getting abyssal blade. with blink, abyssal and then your stun, that's 4s of disable to hit someone. with a hyperstone and daedelus you're gonna do 0 DPS because the enemy team are just going to run away from you.

                    most items that are good on wraith king are things that prevent him being kited such as blink or drum for mobility, or extra disable like basher/absysal, or items that let him deal damage even if he can't get into attack range, such as radiance, blade mail or mjollnir.

                    Von Darkmoor

                      Soul ring for ultimate was a really good tip never thaught of that before.
                      Thank a lot @Vinylz

                      Riguma Borusu

                        "Soul ring for ultimate was a really good tip never thaught of that before. "

                        Won't work if you have zero mana though.

                        bum farto

                          ^ this.

                          If you're not last/fourth picking wraith king there are a number of heroes that will completely fuck up your day with a single pick. Soul ring is bad and never buy it, stupid worthless item.

                          Wand does wonders, people always avoid it, but 17 charges will give you an ultimate. People will spam it with 4 charges but if you used it only when you needed it you would be ok. Again, a moderately full magic wand will be enough to give you an ult.

                          Items like Blademail, also add to your mana pool. Radiance adds to miss chance so helps you remain upright for a little longer in fights.

                          If you're up against an AM or a PL or something like that then don't think about what you can buy to fight him. You never should, and never will be a pound for pound hero like that in a fight. Work with your team to get pushing sooner, and also buy sceptre it makes a pretty big difference to both your durablity as a WK and your teams ability to come out on top of team fights even if a few of you die.



                            bth soul ring and mango sre designed in such a way that you cant get enough mana for your ulrt, if you have 0 initially, so this is not actually useful. in most cases, you either have more than enough mp, or have 0 because of diffusals/mana drains/etc.


                              There are farming carries (like alchemist, luna, terrorblade, medusa etc.) and snowball carries (Ursa, Wraith King, Tiny, Slark etc) who should get a few cheap items then go on the hunt.

                              A simple Quelling blade goes along way on melee carries who aren't good at farming though. You really notice when you sell it.


                                Wraith king look at slahser's way (except for refresher it's a good build). Just boots > radiance > blade mail then go like deso or blink or something. Also carry a mango so you can ulti even if you just used your stun.


                                  Just as I thought, so there actaully is no good way to "farm"...