General Discussion

General DiscussionAxe, where art thou?

Axe, where art thou? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    Where does axe fit in the current meta? It's been a while Ive seen him. Does he need a slight change? a buff or rework? Thoughts?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      He is useless. He counters none of the popular heroes, only good against Shallow Grave I guess.

      Miku Plays

        i think hes a last pick surprise

        Bad Intentions

          So, he does need a buff or a rework? to keep up with the meta?


            Mid axe Kappa


              A buff to his base armor and regen would be nice. He is still very strong against an all melee line-up....

              Battle hunger should be changed to something along the line of fit his theme better...

              Miku Plays

                battle hunger is now axe leap, axe leaps in to battle ez no blink dagger axe

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  He's still a good broodmama counter at least. That's basically the only times he gets picked nowadays anyways.


                    why? what happened to "wow call 10s CD RP so OP" meta?


                      Axe is one of the lowest winrate heroes in vhs. He is extremely kiteable, too squishy late game, and has mana problems thoughout the game. He relies on a fast blink to have an impact at all, and this falls off once the enemy starts grouping as you still get lit up by stuns and silences.

                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                        It was never a thing, people like to complain about stuff. All the heroes of the last patches are EXTREMELY bad right now, all thanks to the fucking Reddit morons and Icefrog being retarded enough to listen to them.


                          Nerfs to heroes are not necessary a bad thing...I am quite sick of the endless buffs to heroes.

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            Nerfs, not dumpstering. He never nerfs heroes just the right amount, it's either not a nerf at all or just brutally butchering the hero. There is no middle ground sadly. And then, he doesn't even properly buff back the heroes he dumpstered, that's why they stay there forever.

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                            Miku Plays

                              thank you reddit for underestimating lc wooo ty


                                That point is so valid.....however icefrog still do managed to perfectly balance some heroes such as WR/Lina/Zeus/AM.


                                  Axe is boring.

                                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                  inner corpse

                                    he used to be great back in the day. and by that i mean dota 2 versions before gold rain, so like 2 years ago or so, then when you won offlane/safe lane by playing extremely aggressive from jungle u could end the game within 20minutes, now axe is just a filler slot at picking screen due to free gold and bounties everywhere

                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                      A 6-slotted axe with boot/dagger/blademail/octarine core/heart/AC still seems scary to me though....

                                      saving private RTZ

                                        Wr/lina/zeus/AM are easy hero concepts to balance.

                                        Look how long it took to balance somewhat broodmother. Meepo will probably never be balanced completely. Riki aswell, he reworked him, then changed his mind and returned to the old riki with a new shitty ultimate. Storm, he was good, then put in the dumbster.

                                        I think his fails are because he tries too much to please the scrubs, which i guess its because they are 90% percent of the playerbase(see storm example). We can see that because he dumpstered several heroes Reddit demands to and the "make all heroes fighters"(void, DP, Riki etc) mentality because people can't watch farmfests or 4p1 because they need the constant circlejerking phase when they group up and push one lane down


                                          Axe took a huge nerf to what was effectively only a slight buff. He has not been a good hero in about 2 years. My winrate dropped from like 58+% to like 52% cause there is literally no redeeming quality to the hero now.

                                          Still i can own with him but you need a snowballing team who's willing to work with you. If you get a decent start you can win, if you're crippled early you're crippled for the entire game and that's an issue.

                                          boot/dagger/blademail/octarine core/heart/AC ???????? OCTO & HEART?????? KEEPO!

                                          이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            Well, axe is supposedly an early game hero without scaling spells (though his first spell is a mini black hole), that relies on blink so freaking much. Have a bad lane? Thou art rekt man. Your jungle got warded? Thou art both rekt AND useless man. The hero just falls off so badly that there's simply no reason to pick aside from (very situationally) shallow grave. Why would you pick axe when you could pick slardar or centaur? They both scale much better, centaur is actually very good when he stacks up strength, his ultimate is in a way similar to the speed effect of axe's ultimate, but the hero is just hard to bring down lategame, and in doing so you might do more damage to yourself because of his passive, where axe's passive is just completely negligible lategame. And this is a hero that isn't even popular @ competetive at all, and he's still better than axe (his stun animation is fucking shit though, hopefully that'll get buffed a bit). And then you have a hero like slardar whose bash becomes useful when he gets to use it, his ultimate scales his allies' damage (slardar sf/wrunner anyone?), his stun has very low cd and good animation, and sprint gives him mobility even without blink.

                                            So what reason could you possibly have to pick axe, aside from an all melee lineup (and even then) and ocassionally dazzle/huskar cancer?

                                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다


                                                Good. I'm tired of self-important Axe pickers that try to hog all the farm and think they're a carry.

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