General Discussion

General Discussionis Legion worth easy lane

is Legion worth easy lane in General Discussion

    In my humble opinion LC is kind of a waste placed in easy lane because:
    1.He is level dependent
    2.He is too strong for easy lane and doesnt have that great need of farm
    3.He isnt a carry ,he is a hero that can become a carry.
    But I constantly see people on 7k playing LC easy lane and I cant figure out why

    Riguma Borusu

      ^LC actually does need a ton of farm to be truly effective, when teamfights start you'll need a bkb, possibly a tank item, blink, etc... And fights start 15 minutes into the game, meaning you need that shit as soon as possible so that you actually hit and not get CCd for the duration of the fight and possibly feed a duel, so you need to have that bkb at about 20 minutes for sure, which offlane farm priority LC can only get if she's really active and gets a ton of kill or decimates the lane really hard (which is possible, if you're against a weak dual lane). If you're drafting around LC being THE carry in your team you want to prioritize blink bkb armlet/sny/deso/ac whatever you're going for, so that she becomes truly effective. Hero does depend on coming online as soon as possible so that you can start snowballing, if you go solo offlane against a trilane, you're going to get jack shit, you'll be underleveled (and you REALLY want those lvls 11/16 asap) and you won't complete treads, let alone blink.

      이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

        good points I guess they are even more reinforced by your winrate on this particular hero
        but if you got such an easy win on your main hero why are you mostly on normal bracket ?

        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
        MisterLemm |

          problem about LC that u need domination 1v1 ganking and wins in duel if u dont have it ur LC from es lane not a hero at all


            1v9 because he plays mostly unranked games.

            Riguma Borusu

              "good points I guess they are even more reinforced by your winrate on this particular hero
              but if you got such an easy win on your main hero why are you mostly on normal bracket ?"

              I used to play mostly unranked, then I started playing ranked and went from 1.6k to 2.8k in a month, I am waiting for the battlepass craze to stop so I can play ranked again without people picking SK just to stun people for 100 seconds. I can still win majority of ranked games, but I just fucking tilt when people won't play the fucking game and instead do this stupid fucking quest dogshit.

              I can probably grind up my ranked mmr close to my unranked mmr (which is about 3.7-8k) which is still shit tier obviously, but I don't feel like playing ranked right now. The problem with the hero is that at some point you need to pick it into the right draft, I went from 1.6k to 2.8k literally spamming it against tons of banes, invokers, dazzles, tusks, oracles, etc, and still won majority of games, now at about 2.8k picking against multiple counters simply does not work because people aren't completely brain damaged, if you pick LC at 7k you're likely drafting around it and it really needs to be a 4/5th pick because the hero's actually ridiculously easy to counter, or if you're playing CM, just ban dazzle/oracle/bane, though that's banning a lot just to make sure LC doesn't get fucked in duels.

              I started playing DotA on this account, so when I started playing, I was realistically a 800 MMR player after about 30-40 games which is terrible, after I calibrated I got only 1.2k (that was obviously both my ranked and unranked mmr at that time) so that's why most of those games are normal skill either way, even if I started playing on a higher level earlier, I had to grind it up.

              이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                  She isnt a true carry, and she can become a carry? not sure its like slardar she needs some items to do her job and her job isnt kill all enemy team anyways just lockdown and kill a core hero.
                  But i guess you can put her in safe lane if youre doing dual lanes or you have a carry mid like voker or dp and your supports wanna gank mid a lot.

                  이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다
                  Riguma Borusu

                    ^also worth mentioning that just having the hero farm the safelane doesn't mean it's necessarily the hard carry of the team, because at 7k people know to dodge lanes, go aggro trilane with the actual carry, and leave legion alone solo while she's still a stronger laner than most carries, in competitive I've seen people doing legion solo safelane against brood.

                    Carry mid like voker or dp? DP isn't actually a carry and voker wasn't considered one until some people started favoring right click alacrity QW invoker when he got overbuffed to hell.

                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                      Sure voker and dp dont carry games at all LOL those heroes are stronger lategame than half of the safelane carries. You have to understand this a hero doesnt need to be a pure right clicker to be a carry, tinker is a carry and a scary one if gets feed, lesh can build carry and of course voker and dp the same. Saying that those heroes arent carries is stupid i play core naga and a mid invoker will do more autoattack damage with his main hero in a teamfight than me so what naga isnt a carry? i never buy mkb on her to counter evasion so shesnt a carry? qop isnt a carry? storm isnt a carry? Man thats a shitty way of thinking cause those heroes can carry and hard


                        Lc is best to be at mid

                        Miku Plays

                          U go safelane and rekt their offlane make sure u push lane at lvl 3 so u have time to farm two neut camps.

                          saving private RTZ

                            Carry = / = rightclicker

                            Tinker is one of the strongest and versatile carries if he gets there and probably the best 1v1er in the game.
                            Invoker is not a carry? A double tornado-emp-meteor-defeaning blast combo wins fights singlehandedly. DP if she can survive long enough in a fight more or less wins it because supports fucking melt. Bkb won't save them, ghost scepter won't save them, nothing

                            이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                              techies is a carry because he makes sure his brainded spectre alchemist naga hang on till 70th min kappa