General Discussion

General DiscussionBlade mail overpowered ???

Blade mail overpowered ??? in General Discussion

    well I was playng in a match and there was 1 clinkz and there was 1 phoenix and the phoenix had blade mail and every time when he activates blademail clinkz dies I wnana know is the damage dealt back 100% and is it PURE damage should I get blademail every match to be more tanky ? for example should I get blade mail when I'm ursa to be more tanky cuz I like ursa and idk I wnana know witch items to have




        Blade mail counter any glass cannon that doesn't pay atention/can't stop his nuke (Skywrath mage). It's not really OP

        Pos 3

          BKB counter BM


            blade mail doesn't go through bkb


              blade mail its rly good i buy it always and easy win when i have blade mail on carry hero or mider hero or oflaner hero, best item in game = blademail . you can buy easy blade meil while u lose and ez win from combeack

              Riguma Borusu

                blademail is "overpowered" on legion since you can force people to kill themselves on it.

                King of Low Prio

                  If only there was a spherical item to deal with LC


                    Against LC, one of the team member needs to have Eul/Scythe/Heaven's Halbred. On topic: BKB is the answer.


                      reddit kind of thread honestly

                      Riguma Borusu

                        "Against LC, one of the team member needs to have Eul/Scythe/Heaven's Halbred."

                        1) Eul's doesn't go through BKB
                        2) Scythe doesn't go through BKB
                        3) HH doesn't even work in duel
                        4) Only brain damaged LC players don't get BKB

                        "If only there was a spherical item to deal with LC"

                        And then legion buys Heaven's Halberd/abyssal and just pops your sphere before duelling, though, at the point where you build linkens to counter LC, and she gets a HH, she'll hit hard enough that evasion from HH doesn't reduce her damage output that much.

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                        King of Low Prio

                          Yes if LC has +300 dmg and abyssal he is hard to deal with

                          King of Low Prio

                            Normal bracket theory crafting


                              It's actually only Phoenix he's talking about. It's the "bug" where if you get the last hit on pheonix in egg form that has blademail up, you pretty much die. I'm not sure if it's OP.

                              Riguma Borusu

                                "It's actually only Phoenix he's talking about. It's the "bug" where if you get the last hit on pheonix in egg form that has blademail up, you pretty much die. I'm not sure if it's OP."

                                Pretty sure this got fixed @ like 2013 or something.

                                "Yes if LC has +300 dmg and abyssal he is hard to deal with
                                Normal bracket theory crafting"

                                I've played LC @ 4k+ as well on various accounts, and people are pretty much just as brain damaged as normal/high skill players, so don't even try. Normal, High and Very High is all jack shit until at least 5k+ and I don't even think you're 5k. And more so I didn't say anything about 300 bonus damage and building abyssal right off the bat, the reality is, if you're up against morph/weaver/other typical linkens builders, you just prioritize getting a way to break the linkens yourself asap if you can't coordinate with teammates.

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                                King of Low Prio

                                  At 2k when you have the reaction time of a sloth on mollys this is really practical

                                  黑鬼 [我不好]

                                    bro everything's over powered. just nerf it all


                                      it's overpowered on shit brackets, like most actives

                                      situational on most of the games; fairly core if you got hp to sustain and you wanna semi counter a legion commander

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        @Sampson, I'm pretty sure a ton of 4k players are also really shit at reacting to blink duel, I mean I know at least some are, but yeah, it's definitelly harder to blink duel 4ks than 2ks, I had to resort to shadowblade a few times and that was me just using duel and followed up by teammates' nukes.

                                        Also, blademail is really good against AoE nukes when you know the hero has no way to mitigate blademail damage, and you're way tankier/have a form of sustain. But it's a really situational item in general.

                                        King of Low Prio

                                          Is this the new relentless?

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                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              @Sampson: Pretty sure relentless is too religious to use this kind of language, also he's a fucking retard.

                                              @Kitrak: That and people still have shit reaction time/map awareness in general, and the best thing is, it's enough that one out of five players do, you can feed off of them for damage, I don't think any other hero can exploit that ONE bad enemy player as much as LC can, usually people just kinda stop searching for underleveled rubicks and shamans to gank them (of those antimages with treads bfury who are WAY out of position), but if you're legion, it's all the same to you, you still get damage.

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                                              Miku Plays

                                                all this legion thread every single week makes me puke, shes getting too much attention and im scared i might dropped 2k mmr.

                                                lm ao

                                                  deep inside we are all 2ks

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    @Hatsune: She's no longer our waifu, she's the 5th most picked hero unfortunately.

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                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                      Well sampson is kind of right there is no way you duel a manta anti-mage, an ember before he remnants, a morph before he waves/ulti out or at least activating str gain. I mean, duel has a very high cast point and those who cannot escape it are fucking snails or smth

                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        "Well sampson is kind of right there is no way you duel a manta anti-mage, an ember before he remnants, a morph before he waves/ulti out or at least activating str gain. I mean, duel has a very high cast point and those who cannot escape it are fucking snails or smth"

                                                        If you're facing better players, you need to have your team behind you, so that you just shadowblade into the duel, there's no way to react to shadowblade duel aside from having a gem/wards in the location (and ofc, having your whole team behind you smoked), because you're invisible during the cast, and are only revealed when duel starts, but this means you don't get to activate blademail, PTA, or even HH to break linkens, so technically a morphling with a linkens is always going to be able to escape even a shadowblade duel if he can react fast enough. Also, Morphling is one of the worst duel targets because he can morph to str so he hits like a wimp but has a ton of hp, and litle armor, or he can morph to agility and kill you if you don't have blademail/enough damage and attack speed to kill him first, either morph can be countered if the player is bad (you get ot activate all your shit), but neither can be countered if he has any sort of a lead and the player is not brain damaged.


                                                          Definitely relentless 2.0


                                                            deep inside we are all 2ks

                                                            for sure

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                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                ^or are looking at something else at the moment, like that fight occurring @ mid and deciding whether to TP or not.


                                                                  LC isnt broken in pubs wtf her win rate is 45% at +5k, omni is broken in pubs, spectre is broken in pubs, ursa is fking broken in pubs, LC is just a good hero to counter some carries like ember, brood, am etc and thats all.
                                                                  Every time i see a dumb first pick lc i just pick dusa, you cant lose laning phase against lc, you cant lose lategame if she duels you you dont give a fuck about blade mail damage, bkb or be forced to attack like crazy with split shot activated, if she duels your support you already won, if she duels a tanky hero you can save him with stone gaze.
                                                                  And talking about "Blade mail overpowered ???" nop just no, bkb counters bm, satanic counters bm, and there are many carries who dont give a fuck about the item like CK, meepo, dusa, arc warden, WC, naga...

                                                                    이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.

                                                                      so would you pick lc against dusa? nice counter bro
                                                                      all i said is bullshit? or youre so confident with your 46% (standar +5k) win ratio lc?
                                                                      Dont even try to be a prick cuz i prefer to live in a shithole country with a shitty server than be a sheep fucker nigga like you

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        This thread makes me chuckle

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                                                                              이 댓글은 중재자에 의해 삭제되었습니다.
                                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                                Legion is very good at laning. High MS, high Base Damage, Even more MS with Q, dispel stuns etc with W, heal.

                                                                                Thats why i cringe when they go jungle. I mean, if the offlane is already sick/their safelane is weak then ok, you might get more safe farm in the jungle but just blindly picking it sucks

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  I've been 4k for months I tanked once after throwing games and playing while drunk as fuk. I don't care about party mmr which is low as fuk so whatever. I never said LC is a shit hero I said linkens can deal with the LC getting out of control and being OP. You can say riki is OP in pubs when people don't control him

                                                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                                                    Linkens is shit to go against LC if she doesn't have shadowblade, with quickcast and blink going blink HH duel is just as fast as blink duel. Instead, if you don't have a way to escape lc gank without cast time, go for ghost scepter, if you're a tanky core AC Skadi or Shivas Skadi is really good since that slows down LC's attack speed to oblivion and makes you tanky as fuck. BTW Never go heart against LC (unless you're chaos knight and can pummel LC down to ashes anyway), skadi is way way better. Plus, it's likely anybody will pop linkens in a busy fight, even if people have heroes with a ton of AoE/no single target somebody will have a friggen euls, hex, orchid or literally any single target item to pop it.

                                                                                    이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                                                                      As a PA picker, fuck blademail.

                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        Yea that works in 2k where bkb is about as rare as rapier. You act like you can go blink straight into HH and not get destroyed by any decent support

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          I used not to pick MKB because blademail fucks her hard but then I realized the hero's fucking paper if controlled and has no evasion.

                                                                                          @Sampson: I get BKB every game I can, usually straight after blink unless I need something more, don't see what argument you're trying to make. If you mean the hero being duelled? Are we talking about blademail or LC or blademail LC?

                                                                                          Oh you meant in terms of item progression. Well, sure, but if I have a lead your carry will hardly have his linkens by the time I have PT blink which is all I need at that stage if he goes out alone, and if he doesn't and I need to kill him in fights or pushes, obviously I need a BKB, now, if your carry has invested 5k gold into linkens, and only has treads and linkens, he's a fucking non-factor, I will just continue to kill high impact supports that could turn the tide of the fight or other cores that do NOT have linkens.

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                                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                                            I played my girls account from 2k to 3k and your mindset is stuck in that bracket. Is LC a decent hero? Yes but she sure as fuck is better outta jungle and is nowhere near OP

                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              No shit but you don't need a linkens when the LC just gets blink because she isn't a threat til she wins a couple duels. Then u need a bkb or a heavy dmg item(then bkb) or you won't snowball. If you rush a HH you will fall off unless u have a feeder to pick off all game and at that point give that same feeder to any hero and they will stomp

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                                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                                      Lol this neck beard virgin pulling games I play with low mmr friends. If you believe LC is OP your delusional