General Discussion

General Discussionhelpful tip if ur the lowest mmr #3

helpful tip if ur the lowest mmr #3 in General Discussion

    stop pciking pudge ur awfulat it and u tilt everyone before the creeps spawn

    SchlooBerry Sandwich

      Settle down my friend, everyone has bad games, no need to post an angry misspelled rant on DotaBuff :)

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          Holy Roman Empire

            Well at least your in VHS so you dont have a pudge every game.

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                playing core is more peacful than support in normal skill

                because in normal skill people btich u about wards everytime they die


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                  Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                    Oh, a typical mid player bitching about his teamates! Ain't it cute, fellow dotabuff shitposter?


                      Oh, a typical mid player bitching about his teamates! Ain't it cute, fellow dotabuff shitposter?

                      it must be hard to scroll down and see recent games

                      Player 124137522

                        Unless you're the almighty Chi Long Qua, then you can pick Pudge whenever you want. No Kappa.

                        Pudge support is so strong right now, I honestly buy like 30-50 sentries per game with pudge and like 10+ obs wards. He only needs like 3-4 items, and after aghs, you don't even need gem honestly, just buy a shit tonne of sentries and plant them around the whole map and your whole map is a living gem.


                          Thank you Kitrak.

                          lm ao

                            play with hanter

                            Israeli Nigel Farage

                              I am a low mmr and i find that playing mid is the best if you find you're above your skill group, recently started spamming specter seems good people don't know how to handle the hero, back on to the mid thing um its good if you know you can farm well hero's like ta,sf,alch tend to dominate

                              Livin' Real Good

                                Yup, same here, 90% of my Pudge experiences are bad, they always tilt me, last pick is ALMOST ALWAYS a random Pudge pick that we didn't need, almost ALWAYS leaves me saying " Of course you pick Pudge...... " I had an offlane Pudge not too long ago, when does that ever work... they guy complained about getting no farm against a PA, Lion, and Winter.

                                waku waku

                                  i like it when i pick pudge and rape the enemy team in 4k

                                  but that only happens like 10% of the games even if i win 60%

                                  also these assholes won't let me mid, ever


                                    i like pudge.


                                      You should probably play with me Kitrak in order to see what a ''good pudge'' does.

                                      play for fan

                                        @toxic mid player
                                        did u just take my name ?

                                        이 코멘트는 수정되었습니다

                                          hah, nope. been using this for some time. also used on prev accounts.
                                          also had I'M MID FUCK OFF NOOBS some time ago xD

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