General Discussion

General DiscussionOwnership of wards bug?

Ownership of wards bug? in General Discussion

    I was playing a game yesterday and our offlane pairing started baby raging and they then started not helping in team fights, support was buying all the wards and not placing them etc. They did something really odd though. I'd buy wards and place them on the courier, but they'd take control of the courier and somehow change ownership of the wards from myself to the offlane support, so I could no longer use them.

    Does anyone know how they could do that? I didn't think it was possible. During the game the report/commend feature wasn't working so maybe something weird was going on yesterday with the servers?

    Thanks for any help.


      u can use wards in any case no matter who they belong to
      the displayed ownder is the one who last had them in his inventory, or if no one did - the one who bought them


        Ah right, thanks :)